5 - A curious master

"Also, why are you still kneeling?"

"I haven't yet been told to stop kneeling" I reply with a smile.

"You can stop" he says, so i stand slowly. "Hmm, can you use coexistence yet?" he asks after a pause 'did he look at my abilities tab?'

"Unfortunately, i need my fullness status to be at least 50/100 to use it. I'm only at 43 Master"

"Was my blood not enough?" he asks annoyed

"It's because i was starving Master. When i arrived here i was at 10/100 but spent hours looking for intelligent life forms, by the time i got to feed on the Orc i was at 2 fullness. I couldn't get much from the corpse so even after feeding it only increased to 16, and after only a couple mouthfuls of your glorious blood Master it went up to 43. Your blood is truly invigorating" I praise thinking about it's sweetness.

"Shut up, don't talk about me like some snack" he demands. 'ah, i insulted him' i realize

"I'm sorry Master, i had no intention of insulting you" I say immediately looking at the ground in apology, i had forgotten how easy humans could get offended.

After a few seconds he huffs "Well whatever. I can't really blame you"

I look up relieved to be forgiven.

"Well, i can't take you back to earth looking like that" He says thinking about his options "You go find a monster to eat it's blood, i'll leave the dungeon and summon you later" he finally says

"Wait Master" i plead as my legs begin to walk "unless it is human blood, my fullness will not increase" i say quickly

"What?!" he demands outraged "Stop. Explain". I instantly stop as commanded 'this is so obnoxious, why didn't he read about this in the link info?' i think to myself.

"Once a link is established my fullness can only be increased by the blood of the same species i link with. I can still consume other blood to prolong the fullness status to a degree, but it will not increase the status"

"Why didn't you tell me this before??"

"I'm sorry Master, i assumed you would read the link information before deciding" I reply. 'who just signs a contract without reading the terms??' i think bewildered.

"Alright whatever" Master Victor groans clearly annoyed, he shoves the arm i bit up towards me "Have some more then" he demands, the blood had dried and the wound was not bleeding. I don't move to take his arm and just look at him confused 'did you already forget what you first ordered me?' i wonder

"Master, you ordered me not to harm you" i say

"Right, i did. Then-" he lifts his sword and cuts a shallow wound that barely began to bleed "Lick".

I hunch down, take his arm in my hands and begin to lick at the blood droplets leaking. It wasn't a lot but it was enough to raise my fullness to 51. Yet again my hair was grabbed and my face was pulled away from his arm.

"That's enough, you reached 51, now use it"

"Yes Master" i reply automatically beginning to morph as ordered.




I stumbled a little, my balance needing to be adjusted with the new form

"Even your height changed" Master Victor mumbles. As a human i stood at about 5'7

"It's likely because humans are plantigrade, Master" i reply

"What? what is that?"

"Humans walk on their heel, in my true form i walk on my toes" I explain

"Right" was all he said before starting to walk east. I followed silently behind him curious as to where we were going. He seemed a bit distracted as we walked, looking off into space. I assumed he was looking at his system.

"Your power limiter, how is that adjusted? It's not giving me the information" he asks suddenly 'oh so he was looking at his system' i think

"The percentage shown is the percentage of my true power i can use on this world. If the world is very powerful then the percentage is higher. Usually it's locked permanently on each world but after i linked with you Master, it looks like i can increase my power through xp" i reply

"so right now you are basically level 1" he mumbles. I nod with a smile.

"How does your translation features work? that's also not showing me" he asks

"With 'target translation' anybody that speaks to me, or anyone i listen to, their language will be translated for me. With 'user translation' if i speak to someone then the system will translate my words to the targeted language" I explain

"Your words will be translated to the targeted language..." Master Victor mumbles thinking about it for a second "right, so if you speak to me it translates to English. People listening would hear only English. Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, that is right Master"

"Handy. Why doesn't the information show up? is that normal?"

"Yes, it is normal. It doesn't show up because it's the features of the system, not my personal traits so it will only show the name of the feature"

"Hmm i see. So that's how it works" he mumbles, "do most magical creatures eat blood? i only know about monsters from dungeons"

"No, actually most magical creatures eat meat and plants just like any other organism. That's what i was referring to as a 'lesser magical creature' earlier" i explain.

He frowns in thought "so does that mean you'd be something like a 'greater magical creature' then?" he asks

"I guess you could see it like that. I haven't met another 'greater' magical creature since we are incredibly rare. The two differences between greater and lesser beings is: 1- for greater beings the soul bind has requirements before we can be bound from receiving a name and 2- 'greater' beings like myself are directly created by gods while the lessers are created by the residual buildup of magic essence" i reply

"I wonder why your creator made you eat blood instead of other foods" Master Victor thinks out loud

"I did think about that for a while after being created and i believe the answer is because my creator values life. The world i was born on is peaceful and without any highly intelligent or advanced races. By making me eat blood, there is no need for me to kill animals or plants to sustain myself. I am not a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore, a bit of blood is enough for me. Don't you think that design is kinder than nature?" i ask smiling, i truly believe my creator designed me to be merciful.

"hmm. I guess i can see how that might be the reason" he mumbles "does that mean you are against killing?" he asks

"Not at all" i say with a slight laugh "i was created with free will Master. I can and will kill if i want or need too"


NAME - Aaron


-Fullness - 46/100 (linked)

-consuming human blood will increase the fullness

-HP- 100/100

-if the hp drops to 0, Aaron will become unconscious until all fatal wounds are healed with 'regeneration'. Once all wounds are healed, corruption will increase to 7/7

-Corruption - 4/7

-corruption will reset to 0/7 upon reaching 100/100 'fullness'. corruption will increase by 1 for every day Aaron is not at 100/100 fullness



-coexistence (linked)

-Aaron can transform into a human permanently until the transformation is canceled or until 'fullness' drops to 5/100. Must have at least 50% fullness to transform into a human. 5 fullness will be used

-partial morph (linked)

-while transformed into a human Aaron can reveal parts of it's true form at will. Re-morphing those parts into a humans' will use 1 fullness per major morph.

-blood consumption (linked)

-Aaron can only consume blood. Human blood will increase the 'fullness', other types of blood will prolong the 'fullness' from reaching 0 for a maximum of 7 days.



-All wounds small or large will heal. If Aaron consumes human blood, the healing speed will increase by 150% for 1 hour.


-All biological traits are amplified supernaturally.


-When corruption reaches 7/7 Aaron will go berserk. Can only be deactivated upon reaching 100/100 fullness. While berserk Aaron will not listen to any commands.



XP - 0/100




-target translation


-user translation
