12 - Close call

Not even 10 minutes passed before Master Victor burst into the doors of the station i was being held at. He froze in shock the moment he saw my injured state then the shock became anger.

"What the hell happened?? why is my summon beaten to a fucking pulp?" he yells. I was not only surprised at how quickly he had come but also that his torn, ragged, dark purple clothes had been repaired 'when did he have time to get it fixed?' i wondered.

"Sir please calm down or we will have to restrain you" Bethany warns "i understand you are upset-"

"Calm down? are you serious right now? would you be calm if your pet looked like that?" he demanded cutting her off and surprising me, 'did he just compare me to a pet? am i actually a dog? everyone here keeps treating me like some animal' i think 'if the situation wasn't so urgent this might even be funny'.

"He's missing limbs for fucks sake, what sort of bullshit is this" Master Victor rants coming up to the cell bars then in a quieter tone "will you be alright? have you eaten yet?". I smiled slightly, he sounded rough and mean but it looks like he actually cares about me a little.

"I'll be fine. But I wasn't able to eat so i don't have a lot of time" i respond "I'm sorry for causing trouble, i tried to cooperate."

Without responding to me Master victor turned to glare at Bethany and the other man Jeff. "Explain"

"A law was recently passed that fully bans summons from roaming freely without their master or a permit. There was suspicion that your summon might have a false ID so it was detained. By someone else's order it was interrogated under that suspicion" she says, jeff softly snickers dodging the blame.

"Is that true?" Master Victor asks turning to me

"Yes Master" i respond

without missing a beat Master Victor asks Bethany "Who's the person that gave the interrogation order?"

"For the safety of our staff i can't legally tell you-"

"Aaron. Who was it?" he asks again cutting Bethany off

"Sir Jeff at the desk right there" i reply nodding in his direction, i refrained from glaring at him.

Jeff scoffs in offence "That's bullshit, your summon is lying"

"Aaron, i forbid you from lying to me. Now tell me, who gave the order?" Master Victor demands a vein in his neck bulging from anger

"Sir Jeff did" i repeat. Jeff couldn't say anything in response now that i had been given an order right in front of them.

"I'm going to want compensation Sir Jeff" Master Victor states menacingly then strides forward to snatch my ID from Bethany. "And you, why didn't you check the system, this ID shows i registered him so he should show up in my file" he asks disgusted. She walks to the cell and unlocks it for him looking guilty

"I did check but if it was only just registered it can take up to 24 hours before showing" she explains while unlocking my cuffs, the harness had already been fully removed during my interrogation.

"i should never have let you hunt on your own" Master Victor mumbles while grabbing my arm gently to pull me out of the station. Most of my slashes had been halfway healed, my tail had re-knitted some of its flayed flesh back together and my bruises were gone but the rest of my body was still just as damaged, causing me to flinch in pain every step i took. I felt clumsy walking on feet that had missing toes since i was digitigrade.

"Why didn't you fight back?" Master Victor asks as we leave the building.

"I thought that would be causing more trouble for you so i cooperated instead" i reply ignoring the horrified looks of the very few people on the streets as we walked

"listen to me" he says turning to look up at me with a sigh "you should fight for yourself when you're being treated wrongly"

"Master, i can't die anyway, there's no problem if i get tortured" I say a little confused, how can i fight for myself if i'm not supposed to cause trouble?

"Who cares if you can't die, doesn't it hurt?" he says turning back around. I was taken aback for a minute, i was used to being used like a tool by my previous links that had chosen the slave dynamic, if he wanted to treat me kindly why did he choose that dynamic?

"Of course it hurts" i reply 'but it's still just humans behaving like humans' i think to myself 'however, that jeff...i won't be forgiving him' i resolve myself licking my lips at the thought of taking a bite from him later.

"Then you should defend yourself if you don't want to get hurt you idiot" Master Victor retorts pulling me back to the conversation. I smile a little, amused, he's difficult to understand.

We walk for a few more minutes, my master guides me to a quiet dark backstreet and stops to turn to me.

"I can't have you biting random people, they need to actually be a shitty person for me to allow it" he mumbles somewhat frustrated as he pulls his sleeves up and materialized his blade. He slices his skin cutting it deeply to let blood flow freely then offers it to me. 'Isn't sir jeff worthy of getting bitten then?' i wonder as I kneel remembering all his comments about my height then take his arm in my hand and stub then begin to drink from his wound. The taste kickstarted a partial feeding frenzy causing me to bite down piercing his flesh with my remaining fang in a moment of delirium.

Instantly my hair was pulled forcing me to let go of his arm "I didn't say you could bite" he growls

"ah" i couldn't respond right away as my mind was still spinning in a haze "Sorry Master" i managed to muster after a second, reining in my urge to protest against his hold. He let go after another second allowing me to go back to sucking mouthfuls of blood from his cut. I drank greedily careful not to bite again for a few more minutes before i was pulled away from his wound by my hair again. I was panting having barely taken a breath while i drank.

"That should be enough for now, will you heal completely with that?" Master Victor asks.

"Yes, i should be fully regenerated within a few hours" i reply licking at the blood on my lips and eying the still dripping wound. I wanted more, but i knew i had no right to ask as i had clearly been told i wasn't allowed more, his actions told me so.

"Good because i want to go raid a dungeon" he says. There was a moment of silence "i told you before not to harm me, how come you could bite me just now?" he asks dragging my attention away from his still bleeding cut.




-Fullness - 24/100 (linked) -consuming human blood will increase the fullness

-HP- 41/100 -if the hp drops to 0, Aaron will become unconscious until all fatal wounds are healed with 'regeneration'. Once all wounds are healed, corruption will increase to 7/7

-Corruption - 5/7 -corruption will reset to 0/7 upon reaching 100/100 'fullness'. corruption will increase by 1 for every day Aaron is not at 100/100 fullness