2. I didn't say I need it

2. I didn't say I need it

THEY all regretted and doubt at what they did.. They prepared it all just to surprise her. It is their last year in their class journey as a batch, and it is important that they at least celebrate each other's birthdays before they bid farewell to each other. And before, they made a rule for the traditional routine for this last batch meeting.

"Let's get started," they returned to their seats and the cake they prepared was just put back in the box. It seems that their effort was not even noticed. Nor even spared.

In the middle of their discussion, Zebelle raised her hand. The former class president. The teacher noticed her so she immediately made her stand up.

" Zebelle, what can you say about our discussion?“ The teacher asked with a smile on her face.

" Don't make a move to get you tired if the person you want to please doesn't make any sense either, that's my example ma'am" then she sat down.

'lesson 1: don't repeat it' said Illeon in her mind. She grinned at what she heard. For her, doing things against the will of the person who he or she devoted to give is crossing the boundaries between them, and it is not a good thing.

"I think you are offended by what you said Zebelle. But we all know that not everything we do will be good for the person we want to make happy. We need to learn the other side of it." Harley stood up gasping as their teacher spoke.

"Other side? Did she even think how do we feel after she ignored us?, not just us, our efforts" dramatized it. Harley is the second Prince of their classroom officer.

'lesson 2: learn to think first before you make— so you don't hold grudges when nothing happens. She silently listen to their remarks and shook her head.

'lesson 3: learn to be humble- because you don't know what he means just by his actions if you don't understand him'

"Efforts will care about the results. Whatever the consequences of it doesn't matter how you put an effort on it, " It was Illeon who stood up and spoke which was also criticized by Jay-Ar.

"Efforts accompanied by love, Miss Illeon. This shows how much you care for the one who made you feel to put an effort."

'lesson 4: learn to choose who the person can accept your love. She blinked twice when he heard her testimonies. She can sense he only sad his bluff image.

'Lesson 5: learn to acknowledge what they can give whatever the matters.' Not all efforts is made by love, some were made by valuing the true nature of their beliefs. It might be unacceptable or suited in the puzzle.

Illeon shook her head at him. "efforts? Love? Seriously? They were both different. If you really put an effort on it, do you really need to love and rely your life in that kind of effort?, " Because she already witness how the EFFORT TAKES THE EFFECTS OF KILLING ONE'S LIFE. And ruining the value of one person that linked her life in harming the people around her.

"Effort and love are different but both are meaningless to field of life." 'because no matter what I did before, it still doesn't matter if it was really destined to happen, nothing will ever changed.

"Do you really believe what we did earlier was nothing?" It was Laze who spoke.


"What did we do for nothing?" Cynthya is a great war freak and she was really dissapointed by what happened and Illeon's response today.

"So, you mean what you did earlier was a full hearted effort?, let me ask, do you guys love me that made you putting effort in this usual day? ,"There was no smile or change in facial expression, but there was a hint of sarcasm.

"What do you think of what we did?" Lalaine who spoke calmly.



"Everyone is running from drama. Let me explain to you, there are effort that is for malicious intention, so it is not really good talking about effort without knowing the real value of effort of you caused to happen. If you may excuse, let me drop these negotiations because we have a lot of class to attend to." She sat down in her seat which annoyed the others and someone else was gossiping next to her.

[Past two years]

Angustia Demesne Kingdom

"we may age of 12, but we can now enter a marriage life" at the early age, they have to get married early. This is a tradition of their kingdom and their world. Because when a young woman reaches the age of eighteen who has not yet been married or is about to be in a relationship, some people may take her life. And it might kill her.

"but how can we get married when no one is courting us?" Heart asked them innocently. Kim smiled at her.

"No worries heart, if I'm the first to get married don't worry, Brenda and I will find a man for you. Just chill and relax" said Kim with a beautiful smile on them.

Heart smiled at what her friend said, which was also agreed with by Brenda's smile.

"Heart, Brenda, Kim! You're just there" said Cleoff in a hurry. The son of the prime minister of their kingdom who happily approached them.


"She is really rude and mean, " Since the end of their class, Jay-ar decided to hang out at their friends' secret place. The roof top.

"Just take it out bro" Harley frowned as his friend Jay-Ar said that

"Jay-Ar? Are you not even affected by what happened?" He sat at the table and leaned against the wall. He opened his soda can and answered." I was affected earlier too, Harley. But-"..

"But what?!" There is still annoyance in his voice..

"She also has a point"

Harley laughed happily at what Jay-Ar said." Point? Are you crazy?"

"Listen to what I have to say first... We didn't even ask her about our plan."

"You're crazy. Is there a surprise to celebrate?" Harley couldn't believe what she heard. Is there a surprise to be announced to the suppressor? "It's up to you," Harley took Jay-Ar's open soda can and drank it.

"Hey, that's mine" he just turned his back and waved his hand then decided to leave and leave him. "No worries bro. Even if we both have an indirect kiss, I won't fall in love with you, over my dead sexy body"

"Freeze you in hell!"

Jay-Ar was just blown away when Harley really left him alone. Fortunately, he still have extra soda. He didn't even drink it after he opened it, he just stared at it.

"What could be the reason behind her personality?"

But his meditation was interrupted when he felt a small something land on his shoulder. He grabbed it and just like that he was shocked by this lizard.

And his eyes widened even more. "I finally found you, dad"

Creepy! I think I've been enchanted.

He was immediately engulfed in darkness with a strong surprise at the talking lizard.