Chapter twenty one

Levi's POV

I stared up at the hospital building letting out a hard long sigh.

This has to be the hospital at least, I pray and I hope it is. I've been to nineteen hospitals already and I'm kinda running out of excuses to use and get the information I need.

I adjusted my hood over my head, making sure it covers my face properly, the last thing I need right now is for one of my brother's men recognizing me. That can't happen.

I stuffed my hands into the front pocket of my hoodie and walked into the building.

" Excuse me ". I said to the lady behind the reception table. She looked up from her whatever she was doing on her system at me.

" Yes, how can I help you? ".

" Actually I- ".

" Levi ".

I froze on the spot at the sound of my name, the voice sounding unfamiliar yet oddly familiar. Does that even make sense? Did one of Thacher's men actually manage to recognize me. I sighed and turned to the direction of the voice.

My eyes widened in shock. " Leon ".