Chapter 10 – The Guild of Adventurers

The Guard spoke with a frown, “I will be seeing him in the pit if he annoys someone!”

Before the surprised stares of the City Guards, Nozomu tilted his head and spoke, “You know, that is not a very polite way to address a new citizen. I might start to think that you have something against me, when I didn’t do anything yet, I am just riding here. Or perhaps you have a thing for young boys, and that would be a very serious crime if you abused your power as a City Guard to force me to do something.”

The Guard turned bright red in anger and answered, “You are the one that causes all sorts of mess every time you come here, don’t you think I have forgotten! I am also very curious about how you manage to be riding such a rare Magical Being! Did you rob it, by any chance?”

Sensing the anger of the Guard, Rampage reacted immediately. He suddenly ran forward and stopped with his pointy horn at a few millimetres of the scared surprised Guard’s face.

Nozomu spoke with a grin, “You know, you shouldn’t be so aggressive near my Unicorn. He has a really bad temper, and he could think you are about to attack and he might kill you. I advise you to be very careful with your next words, I am still learning how to control him, and most of the time I am unable to.”

The Guard gulped and stuttered while staring at the dreadful horn, “Y-you can’t enter the City with such a dangerous Unicorn.”

Hearing that, Rampage approached the horn a little more, making the Guard take a step back, trembling all over.

Nozomu faced the other Guard and said, “Is this the normal procedure? A City Guards harasses a citizen and then denies entry when he is faced with the repercussions of his acts? I am not an expert on the laws or the Guards procedures, that is why I am asking. This could all be because I did or said something because of my ignorance, and if that was the case, I truly apologize. Nevertheless, your friend here should be more careful when facing a powerful and proud Unicorn such as mine.”

The other Guard answered while signalling his colleague to be still, “I guess my friend was just being overzealous with his duties, but he is right, you can’t enter if you can’t control that Unicorn.”

Nozomu tapped Rampage neck and said, “Can you let him go? I think you scared him enough and I bet he will be more careful near you, next time.”

The white Unicorn took one step back and snorted, still frowning at the trembling Guard.

Nozomu looked at the Guards and asked, “I can ask him politely to do what I want because treating such an intelligent Magical Being as a mere beast is not proper. Anyone that does that could very well find himself on the wrong side of his horn like your friend over there did.”

The trembling Guard remained in silence, and his colleague held his arm and took him to the left side of the gates, as he was saying, “As long as you and he behave properly while inside the City, I don’t see any reason for denying your entry. But you will have a lot of problems if he attacks someone.”

“I understand, but neither he nor I can be accounted for if he has to defend himself against someone. I suppose that is the normal procedure, a citizen or his ride has the right to defend themselves in face of danger? If I remember correctly what I read last night.”

The Guard nodded, “It is, but you are also expected to call the Guards for help while you defend yourself. Upon interrogations, we will decide on how to act according to the crime.”

“Duly noted, thank you for your explanation and understanding. Do you have any more questions, or can we enter?”

“Just one more. Where did you find that Unicorn? What about the red one? Because Unicorns are not seen around here, and we never saw anyone riding one!”

Nozomu shrugged, “I am not sure how we managed because Taisetsuna and I were attacked by them two days ago when we were training near the forest at the back of our Orphanage. This white one charged against us, and the red one followed his lead. We were miraculously able to defend ourselves against them, and we even knocked them out. They were tied to a tree for some time, and we talked with them and they realized they were the ones that overreacted. We became friends, and now they don’t mind being with us.”

The Guard gulped while looking at the frowning white Unicorn, “You were both very lucky! I heard stories about entire Parties of Adventurers being killed when trying to capture a single Unicorn, and you guys managed to capture two! If you sell them, you will gain a ton of money!”

Both Unicorns snorted, and Nozomu spoke before the angry Taisetsuna had time to open her mouth, “We would never do that, they are our friends. Do you normally sell your friends? You don’t, right? Good friends are not easy to find, and powerful Unicorns for friends? We would be fools if we even thought about selling them!”

The Guard made a slight smile and nodded in approval, “You are right, it is indeed a gift of God, to have a Unicorn for a friend. You know, last time you were here you were more annoying than a hungry Goblin, and now you can talk politely, apologize, and say some very wise things. You have grown, Nozomu.”

“Well, thank you. I am sorry if I was such a brat before, but I am trying to change that bad side of me. It is a little difficult sometimes, but I am trying. One can’t ask more from another person, right?”

The Guard made a big smile and pointed at the gates with his open palm, “Go ahead, and I hope we can talk some more on another day, it was a pleasure speaking and hearing you.”

Nozomu answered while taping the neck of his Unicorn, getting another snort, “The pleasure was all mine. And you, stop snorting! Alright, do you mind walking for me, you proud Unicorn? Geez!”

The Unicorn snorted again and Nozomu rolled his eyes, “Alright, I am sorry for tapping your neck as if you were a mere horse! Can we get going now?”

The Unicorn began walking while keeping his head high, and the Guard smiled, enjoying the view of an extremely rare white Unicorn entering the City with his horn glowing with Magic, while his colleague was cleaning the cold sweat from his forehead.

Taisetsuna followed them and the Priest trotted to the front and shook his head at Nozomu, “You need to have a talk with your Unicorn, Nozo. He can’t react like that every time someone annoys you or him.”

“I think he sensed the anger of the Guard and saw the way he was squeezing his spear as if he were about to attack. This pretty Unicorn is extremely intelligent, even more than I thought.”

Hearing Nozomu bragging about him so much, made Rampage look back and nod as he neighed as if he was thanking him.

Nozomu caressed the Unicorn’s neck and said, “No need to thank me, Rampage, I meant it. But you need to be more careful, I don’t want people to think that you are mean and violent. We are supposed to live here from now on, you know? So, try to behave like a calm and pretty Unicorn, okay?”

That granted him another snort, and Nozomu laughed. His laugh slowly stopped, as Nozomu feasted his eyes on the buildings around. Tall and ancient buildings made with rock and wood. Shops of several artefacts, weapons, and daily life goods. Stands of food against a wall, between the doors of two shops. Groups of soldiers marching along the main street, heading to their post on the wall. City Guards walking in groups of two or three, looking around attentively to dissuade any attempt of misbehaviour or crime.

Both Unicorns gathered a lot of attention, and when they finally reached the Guild of Adventurers located in the centre of the City near the Inn and the stable, a crowd was following them, whispering and talking about the Unicorns.

The Priest stopped his horse in front of the stable, and a young Dog-kind boy came running from the inside, to grab the reins.

His eyes widened as he saw the Unicorns, and he stuttered, “P-Priest! U-Unicorns! You have Unicorns! How?”

“They are not mine, they are Nozo and Suna’s. Take them inside with my horse, and give them some water and Magic, will you?”

“Sure! Follow me, you cute things! This is so cool! I never saw Unicorns, I only heard of them! They are tamed?”

Nozomu nodded, “I think you can say that because they know how to behave. Try not to anger them and everything will be alright.”

The young Dog-kind slowly caressed the sides of the Unicorns as they walked to the stable with a glow in his eyes.

He rushed to follow them while holding the reins of the horse and Nozomu asked while signalling with his head to the crowd behind them, “Do you think there will be any problem if they are inside the stable with all these people around? What do they want, anyway?”

The Priest whispered while waving at the crowd and going to the entrance of the Guild, “I think they are only curious. Don’t worry, I see City Guards there as well, and they will make sure the Unicorns are not disturbed. But be prepared for a lot of questions on the following days because of them. Maintain your story and don’t change anything in it.”

The Priest opened the door, and Nozomu blinked to get used to the low light, compared to the bright sun outside. He felt Taisetsuna squeezing his arm, and he looked around when he got used to the faint light, given by the few windows and by the lit candles on every table. A lot of scattered voices filled the air that slowly went silent when the mere ten or twelve Adventurers spread on the several tables noticed the entrance of three unexpected visitors.

Nozomu got nervous with the sight. Strong and frowning men with one or two scary women in the mix, dressed in dark or light brown leather clothes, chest plates, and with swords or bows near them.

The Priest went straight ahead to the reception desk at the back, and Nozomu saw a woman with dark, long brown hair and small horns on both sides of her head, and a deep cleavage on her light yellow blouse, leaving for everyone to see that she had three boobs.

Nozomu gulped and his eyes went down to the cleavage as he approached, and the woman leaned over the long desk and said with a kinky smile, “My face is up here, boy. I don’t mind you staring because I am used to that, but you might get distracted and don’t hear me speaking because you are looking at my chest.”

Nozomu quickly looked up and answered, “I-I am really sorry. I am not used to Bovine-kind women. Despite your tempting chest, your face is indeed more worthy to be looked at.”

“Now, that is more like it! Being courteous and complimenting that much will for sure grant you the favours of a few women, be it Bovine-kind or any other kind. The young Nozomu is now a man, right Priest? And the beautiful Taisetsuna turned out to be a fine young woman! It has been a while since the last time I saw you both. It seems I am going to see you two a lot from now on, so feel free to come to me for anything.”

She then leaned over the table again and caressed Nozomu’s right cheek, “Your eyes are different, Nozomu. You look more… I don’t know, more mature? Yes, that is it. You have a seriousness that makes you look as if you were a completely different person. Did something happen to you?”