Tresuria nodded, and with a slow movement of her hands, the vines opened a passage, and they went to the corridor that led to the big open clearing.
She walked carefully to the curve, with Chujitsuna Hito right behind her. With a last glance back to check if the now serious Snake-kind girl had her arrows ready, Tresuria poked her head into the clearing. She carefully aimed her green flower at one Goblin that was on the path on the plateau. The small seed hit him on the leg, and he almost fell.
The other Goblins behind him grunted, annoyed by the sudden stop, and while he was rubbing his leg and wondering what that weird pain was, Chujitsuna pointed an arrow at the piece of bloody meat he was carrying over his head.
Five arrows hit the meat that five Goblins were carrying on that path, and Chujitsuna backed away without making a sound. Tresuria took a step back and nodded at Taisetsuna.