Almost two hours had passed, and the other students were also near the wall of the Academy, but at a safe distance from the two Dragons, not daring to approach too much. The only one that tried had to run as fast as he could when Hinotsume threw a small Fire Ball to where he was, just to scare him. He could tolerate Nozomu and his friends, but more meat sacs nearby? That was too much for the easily annoyed Fire Dragon.
The noise of riders on horses or carriages arriving at the front of the Academy indicated that the parents of the new students were arriving, so everyone went to meet them. Except for Nozomu and Draiky, who stayed with the two sleeping Dragons.
The students returned with their parents, at least the ones that came to see the Dragons.
The nearby conversations awoke Hinotsume, and he mumbled as he was looking at the surprised visitors with his eyelids half-open. “Great... More meat sacs... This is going to be annoying…”