Amanda with her broken heart went personally to her husband's company, she went up to his office, when she arrived she was received by Luiggi's assistant who opened the door of the office entering with her and saying.

"How may I serve you Mrs. Lombardi?"

Amanda had a very serious face and just spoke.

"My husband is away on a trip and I have come to ask you to keep my visit quiet please, as we are women and I think you understand what I want to tell you."

The assistant understood very well since she was a woman of mature age and answered.

"Madam, you have never been here before, come here". He took her to a bookcase, moved one of the books and there was a safe and said.

"Here is the combination, your husband entrusted it to me because he has known me since his parents founded the company, but you are his wife and you have the right to check it, I have never dared to open it, I will be outside for whatever you need, Mrs. Lombardi".

"Thank you, thank you very much."