Commander Harrison and Oliver were talking to Amanda reassuring her that she should go to testify in Luiggi's trial to clear her of all suspicion, she only listened to them sobbing because the memories of that smelly dungeon and everything that happened there still hurt her, because she discovered everything that was hidden before her eyes.

Harrison was the first to get up to say goodbye and only clarified that later he would talk to her about other matters and left, Oliver stayed with her talking about how she should forgive Luiggi not to live with a grudge that would hurt her in the long run, but Amanda said angrily.

"Oliver but I... I was always who gave in more than any woman could, I knew about his obsession with Judith and I supported him, but I never imagined he was able to abuse her, by God what baseness is that, he behaved like a monster and the rest I found out about him, a sadistic killer, hurting those poor women like that treating them as if they were trash."