Upon receiving the impact of the grenades to be thrown, then destroying some items in the trophy room it was in pieces at that time they screamed fell, Yatagarau who when they saw it was wearing an oxygen mask, then they fell when they realized that then he threw a barracuda poison bomb with smoke magic, the air filling up around him making it difficult to breathe, falling gasping trying to breathe.
He watched the reaction of the god of war, his obstinacy he saw that the man was more resistant, but he could not hold out any longer, trying to get up kneeling, he saw Medea kneeling, in which she tried to get up, then he flew flew faster faster faster in circles so he created a whirlpool in that way he dispersed the smoke at that time he smiled crookedly seeing the scowl of Yatagarau.
Pieces of rubble, rocks various other pieces of the trophy museum flew around broken, falling like a rain around, at that moment, Circe threw the least expected part of the dinosaur towards her meanwhile, it dodged as if jumping from a obstacle course he dodged his car that was being thrown towards him by Hares Medea both preparing to fight, so he triggered a defense dropping everything into darkness.
- Damn invading aliens Goddess of stupid magic. - He roared in the middle of the movement.
When they were all hit by fire an immense electrical discharge so powerful that they didn't just leave stunned trapped to the ground by spears that appeared around made them scream, to have spasms, so they fell gasping to the ground...
- His sapphire blue eyes turned dark misty as embers he said getting up addressing them dangerously speaking with hissing words.
- My only problem. - He laughed got closer to each of them thus immobilized trapped with electrical discharge, seeing that they were ready to fight.
- I hate this situation... - In which he made a cruel expression an even crueler smile - these three are exactly problems.
Pointing to each of them then to Hares then Medea.
- The invading deity in particular, I will not allow any of them to return to this cave ever again, except for a revenge, if you want to intervene so badly my problems end there. – He said with a look.
- If you don't want to fight, you can just get them out of my sight. - Said.
When he turned down the defenses.
- I don't want you to touch me ever again. - He growled towards each of them, do not approach me, none of you.
- I never... - whispered painfully anguished each one of them. - I will never... More I will approach you.
- Said Hares who took Circe in his lap Hares without turning or looking in his direction with a faint blur he walked away
The rope had splayed unrolled to the floor so they didn't say anything else.
The raven man didn't say anything he didn't speak at any time he went to the rope took it without a scratch nothing not even a deep cut he didn't say he went towards the spear that in picking up Medea, which he thought was incredibly heavy, but he took it without difficulty took them to the armory where he kept them, he didn't say anything, didn't speak to any of them just ignored them...
That was the worst night that Medea's affiliates, Hares Circe spent long dark, a starless night a speck hot fog, in which they left there thinking about a next rematch, in which he dressed in the armor of the crow ran away from them by getting into the Batmobile followed the cave passage into the waterfall...
It was a busy day by all Paul Valley stards the criminals didn't know what to expect nothing would have prepared them for that long dark starless stuffy night, so he parked his car in an alley at the entrance to town activated his alarms. alarms security protocol... so he went through the night using his ropes jumping over ledges jumping over balconies buildings...
First a bank robbery he crashed through the window in the middle of a gunfight robbing the place just after half past midnight, his eyes behind the white furious lens an intense blue glow, as he caught the first criminal he had aimed for. the gun towards him he snatched it from his hs broke it twisting in half along his arm in two places punched it in his face belly.
For then, part accessible until unconsciousness or pouting, then threw a gadget towards two others thus pushing hitting their heads in their direction, in which he beat each criminal who was inside the bank pushed them cheering. their weapons throwing them hanging from a lamp still.
That it wasn't enough he ran, being that he was going through another broken window he jumped in the middle of the street so he let go of his rope towards a windowsill he jumped through a windowsill thus disappeared into the night...
It ran through the night through the same entrance of several containers so a shipment of narcotics beating the criminals still it wasn't enough...
Until unconsciousness a thief a robber another criminal who stalked a young girl with long hair passing through an alley before approaching her was caught by the collar, then pulled into a niche beaten to unconsciousness, a val anyone alleged molester, a lurking pedophile, in which several children on the way out of a playground the same one who had investigated the previous week a molester in a cafeteria...
Some other unsuspecting crooks another robber who was walking on the street, with a tagger... All had the same fate, that wasn't enough, in the middle of all this he found the crocodile not even he escaped at the end of three in the morning he was looking at a pile of battered criminals, all of whom were unconscious...
It wasn't enough so using ropes alleys other streets he went through robbers wounded them leaving them on the brink of unconsciousness others didn't have that chance, some would never move or walk again, their legs would never come back. move, others who would not return to the streets very soon, others whose legs had broken.
Even if for various reasons they won't walk again neither will the streets because they would never walk again, in which the rafters on the other side of the city docks where there were drug dealers who were forced to swallow their own drugs, scattered crying begging for mercy falling whimpering.
Being the harbor where there were smugglers, nightclubs various brothels, various locations back to a narrow alley he was surprised by Red Robin, Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood finally Batgirl, in which he turned without saying a word when felt a dart thus fell into unconsciousness...
He was taken by Nightwing towards the car put him in the passenger seat driving back to the cave, he took him towards the infirmary bed treated first aid, which was where he had torn his hs apart, blows like this had open stitches that had been sewn for days so he mended it.
When he was cleaned baged over his torn hs from beating up criminals afterwards, Dick took him on his shoulder climbed the cave stairs towards the mansion.
In the midst of being put to bed he woke up watched his son so for several minutes they exchanged glances.
The tension was immense suffocating so neither of them said much so he didn't say anything, even Alfred didn't seem to know what to say.
He heard Dick say before moving away from the bed.
- None of what they said is true, you are not just a man, you are a great hero...
So when he distanced himself from his former tutor...
The only thing he said half an hour later, he had a visit to change the bages on his lacerated wrists scattered bruises, was Alfred walking into his suite, in his pompous butler manner gone a tray of bages an early-morning snack...
This was while eating a salad he was looking towards the butler then he heard.
- Sir, you have an appointment in Metropolis, it will be a benefit with a business alliance with a new entrepreneur allied to Luthor a new German entrepreneur.
So tomorrow will be a fundraising fundraiser for the financial ventures infrastructure of Paul Valley Metropolis, on that day of tomorrow, in which there will be a board meeting to raise funds for the Hopkins foundation a new alliance of a law firm that will be allied with the Hopkins company, that's how they talked
As he spent the night ruminating in his bed his natural hatred of invading aliens goddamn old gods, immensely considering an alliance with Lex Luthor he tossed about in bed, whereupon he soon descended the cave again in just his robe looking at the monitors to his delight he saw nothing worthy of his pupils' attention.
Being that only a Witch who infuriated him with calls every half hour was the worst thing that could happen, with the facts that only Circe Hares knew Yatagarau 's secret identity was a safe case it only ameliorated his fury no member of the league came close. him except for Hares who looked like a constant shadow on the monitor.
In that boring irritating night, with the deity looking at him in frequent moments he groaned each time he received false alerts on his monitor, but even that would not force him to leave the mansion, where he looked towards the horizon in the skies. of the universe in the immense outer space.
Meanwhile on Earth.
So that's how they talked
As he spent the night ruminating in his bed his natural hatred of invading aliens monsters gods invading the world of humans damned villains, immensely considering an alliance with Lex Luthor he tossed in bed soon descended the cave, in which again only in his robe looking at the monitors to his delight he didn't see anything worthy of attention other than the destruction that had been caused by the fight.
Being that his pupils just a Witch who infuriated him with calls every half hour the worst thing that could happen, which took five days to sort out all the repairs, fix, fix replace everything that had been lost that in turn was replaced, in which the cave was new after that.