Loocksmenrun were created when extreme terror was experienced by a creature in an area heavily influenced by the Feywild , in the midst of wars, in which if more than one meenlock appeared in a single instance, a lair would forge a galactic station in Sea Dimensionalia : a series of winding labyrinthine tunnels, with a single hole coming out, whose powers are illusions and derived from fear.

Loocksmenrun did not possess a conventional method of reproduction, instead, in order to create more Loocksmenrun , the existing ones must perform a metamorphosis into an existing humanoid , in which by telepathically torturing an unconscious victim through disturbing visuals.

In which they were beyond the horrible noises for a number of hours, Loocksmenrun could create fully grown Loocksmenrun , which would continue the cycle of torment, in the midst of this, they were used in formulating new illusion substances.