When he had one of the demons he wasn't holding close up and grabbed his cock, it was starting to pump in the same frenzied rhythm of the thrusts, it felt like the demons were strong holding him in place, even though he struggled halfway through the thrusts. and beats within it in strength and depth.

Their loud thumps and the noise and deep thrusts, their screams muffled by the thunder, their wet bodies, were being thrust hard, he groaned and screamed with each beat, each in and out, in and out, he turned his neck, swallowing water and the demon that was slinging him climbed up on his back, for each scorching pounding thrust with deep slaps.

Several wet sucking noises of sucking and moans, his own cock being pumped in time with the beats, with the rattling thrusts thrusting forcefully by his strong hands and his partner, annoyances increased by the beats in precision with each intrusion and hitting hard his prostate, with his cock hard and thick about to burst.