
Back when Cindy Richards was still attending high school, she would often get into trouble a lot. She was the perfect example of a bad student. Her grades were not that good either and even the teachers dreaded coming close to her.

Her father was one of the school investors so she got away with a lot of things. Carmen Richards one day came and told her to change her ways and after much deliberation, she actually did but now all those people she had wronged started bullying her. She could look away the first and second days but on the third day however, she could not look away any further.

She sent one kid flying away with a single kick while the other was sent away with a slap so hard she was sure the person saw stars. It was not that she was that bad, it was just that her school was full of very rich students who looked down on their poor counterparts so she often stood up for the others. The rich kids labeled her a traitor but they could not do much either because Cindy's father was really a big shot. He had taught her from a very young age to stand up for herself and when she saw someone in trouble she should not look the other way. Joanna Bloom was crossing a lot of lines with her lately and her patience was running thin. She was very sure she was going to snap soon.

She left work early because she was still avoiding Alexander Sterling. He called her when it was home time so that they could go together but not today. Every time she saw Alexander's face, she was reminded of that day. Alexander on the other hand had been in such a good mood that even Daniel Owens was surprised. His boss had never smiled so much like this. All the times he had seen Alexander smile could be counted with a single hand yet Alexander had the smile ever since he came in to work in the morning. Daniel Owens was curious so he asked, "Boss, did something good happen?" Alexander thought about those plump lips on his own and almost lost his mind. He had been thinking about how her lips would taste for a very long time and it finally happened. The softness, the sweetness and the way her hands wrapped around his neck and how flushed her face had been stuck in his mind and it was as if he was transported back every time he saw her but she had been avoiding him. He could tell because Cindy liked to sleep in yet she had woken up even before him and ran away like a scared cat. At the company, he had also not seen a glimpse of her shadow anywhere. If she was not avoiding him then how would he explain this? He looked at Daniel and avoided his question by asking another one "Has everyone left?" Daniel knew he was not asking about anyone else other than his wife so he answered tactfully, "She left a while ago." Alexander nodded, "Then let us leave as well." Alexander always stayed late at the office but ever since he got married to Cindy, he felt the need to go back early. Seeing Cindy's face at the end of a very hard day always uplifted his mood and he was looking forward to it. Daniel drove him home but when he got there, Cindy was nowhere to be seen. He looked at his boss, "Maybe she went out with some friends?" Alexander's face did not look too good, "You are dismissed for the day!" Daniel quickly ran away before the demon swallowed him up! Alexander looked around the house one more time but she still was not there. He decided to give her a call but just like always, she did not pick up. He was starting to believe that she had his number just for show. Cindy on the other hand was currently dancing inside a very popular nightclub. When she got off of work, she received a call from Olivia Ashford who invited her to go dance. Olivia Ashford was very used to the party lifestyle and even when they were still in Australia, she would party more than she went to class yet when the exams came, she would still emerge at the top. Sometimes Cindy really was jealous of her. Olivia Ashford screamed as soon as she saw her, "My belle is here!" Cindy quickly ran towards her and engulfed her in a tight hug, "And I have also missed my low-budget Einstein!" Olivia Ashford laughed and nudged her in the stomach which made Cindy bend down in laughter. Olivia Ashford was wearing blue shorts and her long legs were visible. She was also wearing colourful boots and a black crop top which highlighted her slender waist. She also worked out regularly so her abs were also visible. She was so pretty that everyone turned to look at her. Cindy laughed, "You did not tell me you were here for harem selection!" Olivia Ashford laughed, "When I choose my harem I must invite you to be a special spectator!" Sometimes Cindy really wondered how the two of them became friends. They were too different! Olivia Ashford ordered drinks for them and they quickly downed the alcohol. Cindy felt her insides burning and almost toppled over but she held herself in. She had not eaten anything since morning and drinking like this was bound to affect her later.

Olivia Ashford could hold her liquor down very well and after a few shots, she was charged up and ready for the dance floor. She pulled Cindy with her, "Let us let loose! Whoohoo" The music was very catchy and Cindy also joined her. She wanted to forget a lot of things and this was just the right way to do it.

She was very good at dancing and very soon, the whole dance floor had opened up to create a space for her. In the VIP section, one pair of eyes looked down and at once, they could not look back…