Impromptu inspection

His manager heard that and also scoffed, "I am your father's brother!"

Benjamin felt guilty and said in a small voice, "Uncle, I have already chosen another group to work with, and that is not going to change. You can ask Miss Joanna to pick another artist. I heard there are a few dying to work with her, so she won't really feel the loss of me not being her client."

After that, he abruptly cut off the call and powered off his phone.

He turned to look at Cindy Richards, who was staring at him pitifully, "Will working with us cause you trouble?"

Benjamin shook his head, "I will be scolded a little, but that's all. Wait, are you worried about me?"

Cindy laughed, "As if! I am just worried someone might come at me for denying them the golden chance of working with the great Benjamin!"

Benjamin laughed, "I am much bigger than that, so don't worry, and if anything happens, I will protect you anyway!"

Cindy laughed when she heard that and then went back to her work as if nothing had happened.

Seeing her reaction, Benjamin took the flowers and put them down before scoffing, "Why are you reacting like that? Don't you believe I could protect you?"

Cindy turned slowly, "I know you can… I know you will…"

There was a lot of disbelief in her tone as if she could not really believe that Benjamin could protect her.

Benjamin almost cried, "Hey! Hey! You cannot laugh like that! I can protect you, alright?"

Cindy laughed and said nothing.

Back at the CEO's office, Alexander Sterling was getting a bit restless as he had not heard from Cindy Richards regarding the flowers that he had sent. He looked at Daniel Owens, "Are you sure she received them?"

Daniel Owens was designated the task of being Alexander's love advisor, and it was his idea to get Cindy the flowers, but little did they know that the flowers were in another's hands and not Cindy's.

Daniel smiled, "Of course! Even the note was detailed just like you asked, so don't worry, sir, she had received them, and I am very sure she loves them very much!"

Alexander sighed, "Do you have a girlfriend, Assistant Daniel?"

Daniel stopped smiling, "Why does that have anything to do with this, sir?"

Alexander scoffed, "Seeing how you've answered, you must be a single dog, so how could I have taken advice from someone who has not had the taste of love?"

Daniel looked wronged, "Sir, they say people who have not experienced love are the best teachers!"

Alexander looked at him aloofly, "Shouldn't the people with experience be the best teachers?"

He was really regretting asking for advice from Daniel Owens.

Daniel felt very wronged! His boss was the one who had asked for his advice, yet he was also the one reprimanding him!

What sort of black magic was this?

Alexander could not wait for an answer any longer. He quickly got up and picked up his coat. Daniel was surprised, "Sir, where are you going?"

Alexander turned around, "A tour of the departments!" he then walked out without waiting for Daniel's reply.

Daniel heard that and cried, "But sir, we have not notified them yet!"

Normally, Alexander would do a departmental tour at the end of the month. He would sit down with all the leaders and ask them questions regarding performance and other work-related stuff, but not once had it ever been this impromptu.

Alexander's steps were large, and by the time Daniel caught up with him, he was already halfway through the marketing department. Daniel, slightly out of breath, quickened his pace to match Alexander's brisk strides.

People in love could be weird at times, and Daniel knew that there was no purpose to this impromptu tour other than the need for Alexander to check on his wife!

As soon as Mo Xing showed up at the marketing department, Daniel could see the nervousness in the people's eyes. He sent a silent apology toward the marketing head and quickly looked the other way.

Daniel thought that Alexander was going to stay here for a long time, but as soon as Alexander got in, he also used the same speed to get out!

Daniel was surprised, "Sir, aren't you going to inspect?"

Alexander fixed his tie, "I am done inspecting; the design department is next!"

The marketing department people were left flabbergasted. The boss had come and then left as soon as he came?

What was the meaning of this?

They all looked nervous for some reason, and even those who had not been doing their jobs quickly went back to work!

Daniel looked at Alexander, "Are you not just anxious to see your wife, and you don't even have a valid reason to do so?"

Alexander paused in his steps. He turned to look at Daniel, eyes unreadable, "Assistant Daniel, now that I think about it, you don't have a girlfriend, so there is no one to spend money on, so how about I cut off your end-month bonus?"

Daniel was horrified, "Sir, I am truly sorry!"

Alexander only laughed slowly and left him crying in the hallway!

Alexander quickly walked toward the design department office. His heart was beating fast for some reason, and there was a trace of nervousness on his impeccable face. He did not know why he was acting this way, but Cindy was here, so there was no way he would be acting as he normally did.

Cindy made him abnormal!

When he got to the office, he saw that everyone was working hard on their desks, and all the calm was shattered when Sharon Toll walked toward him in surprise, "Sir, what brings you here?"

As soon as Sharon said that, everyone looked up, and when they saw Alexander, the same trace of nervousness from the people in marketing could also be seen in their faces.

Alexander really wondered if he was that scary!

Daniel had already caught up, and he looked at Sharon, "The boss is here for an inspection!"