Are you handsome?

Pamela Scott felt scared when she saw Sophia walking towards her. She wanted to move back but Sophia's gaze was somehow rooting her on the same spot.

She was already angered by the other yet the words she said later made her raise her brows, "Who did you call ugly?"

Ryan was also mad that Sophia dared call him ugly in front of everyone. He angrily pointed a finger towards Sophia, "Sophia you…say it again….who did you call ugly?"

Sophia looked at him, "Are you handsome?"

Ryan was taken aback by that question at first. he could not believe that Sophia would say such a thing!

The other girls with Pamela scoffed, "Are you calling him ugly now that he refused to accept you? How laughable!"

Sophia turned to her, "Then look at him," she pointed towards Ryan, "You truly believe he is handsome?"

The girl choked on her words. She could neither confirm nor deny it and it was because Ryan was truly not as handsome as everyone thought!