She is my friend, not my mistress!

Honestly speaking, Margaret was quite a beautiful woman and it was very easy to know why Mark had fallen in love with her.

Her features were very striking, her beauty undeniable, captivating all who crossed her path with her striking features and glamorous allure. Margaret possessed an ethereal beauty reminiscent of a 90s movie star, her hair styled in classic Marilyn Monroe curls that framed her face like a halo.

But beneath her flawless exterior lurked a darkness that belied her stunning appearance. Cindy couldn't help but wonder how someone so beautiful could be capable of such deceit and treachery.

Margaret's beauty was like a double-edged sword, enchanting those who beheld her while concealing the depths of her malice. It was a facade that hid the true nature of the woman beneath, a mask that veiled her sinister intentions.