I know it was you

The red carpet was buzzing with excitement and anticipation, but a palpable sense of confusion began to spread among the fans and reporters.

"Where's Nova?" someone in the crowd asked, a hint of concern in their voice.

"Yeah, isn't Nova Blaze Williams supposed to be here?" another voice chimed in.

The murmurs grew louder, and even the reporters began to exchange puzzled glances. The stars who had already walked the red carpet looked around, equally confused.

Sandra Milano stood at the edge of the red carpet, her expression smug. She was reveling in the whispers and confusion. As far as she was concerned, her plan had worked perfectly. Nova was nowhere to be seen, and Sandra was basking in the spotlight.

"Do you think she's okay?" Brooke Morgan whispered to Katy Chen, who was standing beside her.

Katy shrugged, her brows furrowed. "I don't know. It's not like her to miss something this important."