What you've all been waiting for

The room buzzed with excitement as the host moved on to the next set of questions, now directed at the other couples. The atmosphere was light and playful, with everyone eagerly awaiting the humorous and often revealing answers. The earlier tender moment between Cindy and Alexander had set a warm tone, but now the crowd was ready for some fun.

The host grinned as he turned to Oliver Richards, Cindy's father. "Alright, Mr. Richards, here's a question for you. What is Millicent's favorite movie?"

Oliver blinked, his brow furrowing as he tried to recall the answer. He opened his mouth, closed it, and then opened it again, clearly struggling to remember. "Uh… It's, um… that one with the… you know, the lady who… sings?"

The crowd erupted in laughter, and Millicent rolled her eyes dramatically, crossing her arms as she gave her husband a mock glare. "Oh, Oliver," she huffed, "it's *The Sound of Music*! How could you forget that?"