Pick someone and have a chat

The dice rolled across the floor, clattering with anticipation as every eye followed its path. It finally landed in front of Gianna Logan. A murmur went through the crowd as all attention shifted to her. Gianna's expression remained calm, but there was a flicker of something darker in her eyes as she glanced around the circle.

"Truth or Dare?" the host asked, grinning widely as he leaned in toward Gianna.

Gianna didn't hesitate. "Dare."

The host's smile broadened. "I dare you to pick one person and take them outside for a private chat."

The room buzzed with curiosity, everyone wondering who Gianna would choose. Cindy felt a prickle of unease but tried to brush it off. She had no intention of letting Gianna rattle her, not tonight.

Gianna's gaze swept across the circle, her eyes narrowing as she considered her options. And then, with a slow, deliberate movement, she turned her head toward Cindy. "I choose Cindy."