He is hurt, you need to find him!

Cindy awoke to the soft rustling of curtains, the gentle sound of the wind brushing against the old stone walls of the Sterling's ancestral home. The room was dimly lit by the early morning light filtering through the sheer curtains, casting a soft glow that felt strangely serene. But serenity was the last thing Cindy felt. Her heart pounded against her chest as she took in her surroundings, the unfamiliar room triggering a sense of unease. She quickly sat up, her movements frantic as she tried to piece together how she had ended up here.

She remembered the mall, the chaos, the crowd gathered around the broken elevator. She remembered the deafening crash that had sent her world spinning into darkness. And she remembered Alexander—her Alexander—trapped inside that damned elevator. Her breath caught in her throat as she called out, her voice cracking with urgency, "Alexander?"