
"Well, thank you all for your honest answers! I'm sure the audience is even more excited for what's to come." Xu Lin turned towards the camera, her voice brimming with excitement. "And now, without further ado, let's take some questions from our fans, both here in the audience and from those watching live at home!"

A ripple of excitement spread through the crowd. People leaned forward in their seats, and couples exchanged nervous yet eager smiles. Xu Lin glanced down at her note cards. "Alright, let's kick things off with a question from our live audience. Number 87, you're up!"

A young woman, blushing with excitement, stood up as the microphone was passed to her. Her voice trembled with giddiness. "Hi! This question is for Anna and Mo Xing!" she squealed, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers.

Anna gave a warm smile, waving at the fan, while Mo Xing nodded calmly, his ever-cool demeanor intact.