Chapter 2

Shanks and the few crew members who were still haven't knocked out had their eyes immediately widen, while the leader of the Mountain Bandits was shaking his legs crazily.

"W-what did you do, brat!?" the bandit leader shouted while asking Luffy. Luffy himself looks shocked and confused about what just happened.

"No mistake, it's conqueror Haki," thought Benn Beckman, who then made eye contact with his captain, who also nodded his head at him.

Before anyone could react, the leader of the Mountain Bandits pulled out his sword and slashed it at Luffy while screaming at the top of his lungs.

"I'll kill you, brat!" he shouted as the sword started falling towards Luffy. Shanks, who was still on the floor, couldn't react fast enough, even if he tried to block it; he was left speechless by what happened next.

The sword managed to cut Luffy's body from his shoulder to his chest, but then stopped when an electric spark shot out of Luffy's body and then electrocuted the bandit leader.

The sword slipped from Luffy's chest as the bandit leader fell to the floor. Everyone in the bar looked at Luffy as the cuts that had appeared from his shoulders to his chest slowly began to close on their own as electricity appeared in every gap of the wound.

No one said anything; they all just looked at the little 7-year-old boy. Everyone stopped looking at Luffy when they heard Shanks' voice.

"Luffy! "Did you eat the fruit in the chest?" asked Shanks, who was answered with a nod by Luffy. Shanks tried to hold Luffy by the shoulders, but his hands went right through Luffy's body, and he was electrocuted badly.

Shanks quickly pulled his hand back. He then looked at Luffy and said. "Luffy, you just ate the goro-goro no mi, a devil fruit." "Eating one of them will take away your ability to swim for life, but what you just ate was a logia-type Devil Fruit, which means you can turn your body into lightning and become Lightning itself!" shouted Shanks.

In Luffy's eyes, however, stars appeared because he heard that he could turn into lightning.

"Does this mean I can come with you now?" asked Luffy hopefully. Shanks went to his seat, followed by his first mate, who then signaled Makino to come closer to them; they whispered so Luffy couldn't hear what they were talking about.

"Captain, he just ate a logia-type Devil Fruit, and it's quite a powerful type." Benn Beckman said, "Plus, with conqueror Haki, if he doesn't learn how to control his strength, he can hurt other people." Ben Beckman blurted out what was on his mind, while Shanks looked serious and Makino looked worried.

"Is he going to be okay?" asked Makino, who was worried. Shanks looked at her and smiled, then he said.

"Yeah, he's fine, don't worry." The three of them stopped whispering when they heard a scream from Luffy.

"Hey! "Stop whispering, I can't hear what you guys are talking about!" shouted Luffy, which made them to turn their gaze at him. Luffy then looked at Shanks and asked, "So, can I come with you Shanks?" Luffy asked again, making Shanks look at him and ask. 

"I will decide if you answer my two questions. Okay?" said shanks, which Luffy then answered by nodding his head.

"First question, do you know what you used to stun these bandits?" Shanks asked, making everyone in the bar silent and waiting for Luffy's answer.

"No, I don't know what I'm doing." It usually only happens when Grandpa is training me." Luffy said, whereupon Shanks just nodded his head with his eyes closed, which then immediately opened in shock.

"You mean you've used it before today?" He asked in a surprised tone. and Luffy just nodded.

"Yeah, when I fought some monkeys that my grandpa found to help me practice," said Luffy casually as if it were nothing, while the others looked at him with wide eyes except for Makino.

"Who trains a 7-year-old boy to fight monkeys as part of training?" All the pirates there think like this. Shanks then looked at Makino and asked her.

"Who is Luffy's grandfather?" Shanks asked, and Makino answered with mischievous smile.

"Monkey D Garp," said Makino, which made all the pirates in the bar freeze and look at Makino with wide open eyes.

"You mean Garp "the fist" is his grandfather?!" Lucky Roo shouted, making Makino laugh out loud, which was followed by a nod of her head. Shanks turned his gaze to Luffy, who was currently picking his nose, making everyone sweatdrop.

"Okay, Luffy, second question." said Shanks, who got attention from Luffy. "What is your dream?" asked Shanks, to which Luffy answered with a big smile on his face, and he started to stand up on his seat and start screaming at the top of his lungs.

"My dream is to become the King of the Pirates!" he shouted.

"And why do you want to be the pirate king?" he asked.

"Because the pirate king is the most free man in this world!" said Luffy who surprised everyone, "Just wait for me to become the greatest adventurer and find One Piece and then become the king of the pirates!" Luffy answered with determination in his voice, making everyone in the bar smile, and Shanks saw the silhouette of his old Captain Gol D Roger behind Luffy. 

"Alright, Luffy," said Shanks, which brought Luffy's attention back to him. "Welcome to the Crew!" said Shanks, which made all the other crew members scream with joy and Luffy started crying because of his joy.

It's been a week since Shanks agreed to take Luffy with him, and by this time the entire village was at the harbor saying goodbye to Luffy and the pirates.

Previously, Mayor Woop Slap did not agree to let Luffy go with pirates, but after Ben and Shanks explained how dangerous it would be if Luffy didn't learn how to control his strength, Major finally understood and agreed, but he wanted Makino to tell this matter to Garp when he returned to this village.

Luffy, who is currently aboard "The Red Force," is waving his hand at the villagers while shouting.

"Bye Makino! I'll be back before I find my own crew." He shouted as the ship gradually drifted away from the island. When the island was out of sight, Shanks gave orders to his entire crew.

"Well, we don't need to replenish of supplys; we have enough supplies to last us our way to the Grand Line."

"Aye, Captains!" answered everyone. Shanks then looked at Luffy, who was looking around with a big grin on his face, making Shanks chuckle.

"Luffy!" shouted Shanks, who caught Luffy's attention. "follow me," he said while walking towards what looked like the crew's bedroom. "This is where you will be sleeping," Shanks said, pointing to a room with a bed, a desk, and a cupboard inside.

It's not a big room, but it's big enough for one adult. Luffy looked around and noticed his things were already there. He stepped inside and smiled. 

"I like it," Luffy said, causing Shanks to smile.

"Okay, Luffy, let me tell you how things will play out once we enter the Grand Line," Shanks said, getting Luffy's attention. Luffy also noticed that Benn, Roo, and Yasopp were standing near the door.

"The first thing that will happen is that Lucky Roo will teach you how to control your devil fruit, then every morning Benn will teach you navigation and history, plus battle strategy and anything else to do with it." It takes about three hours per day.

The remaining time in the day was spent with me teaching you Haki or with Yasopp teaching you how to shoot. Whatever remaining time you have, you will use it to practice mastering your devil fruit power, or you can do it after mastering Haki or once you can shoot with precision. "Understood?" asked Shanks, to which Luffy nodded and then spoke.

"Yep, now I have one question." Luffy said.

Shanks nodded, indicating that Luffy should continue his question, "Do you have any meat?" He said this, causing all four of them to fall to the floor.

After Shanks explained everything to Luffy again to make sure that he understood, he started explaining to Luffy what Haki was and how it might be useful in battle. 

If you say that Luffy was interested when he heard an explanation from Shanks, that would be wrong. Because Luffy kept begging Shanks repeatedly to start his training immediately, until Shanks finally gave up and started teaching him "Observation Haki."

It had been three days since the crew left Dawn Island, and the entrance to the Grand Line was in sight. Luffy gets excited, imagining what it's like to sail up a mountain. As the ship started going up the mountain and the peak became visible, Luffy ran to the front of the ship and started climbing to stand on top of the statue in front of the ship.

Everyone who saw this started to freak out when Luffy finally stood on top of the statue. As the ship reached the top and started to descend into the Grand Line, Luffy stretched out his hand and shouted at the sky.

"I WILL BECOME THE KING OF PIRATES!" Luffy shouted, causing everyone on board to smile out of determination at the seven-year-old.

  1. Just Testing Something
  2. Yeah Literally 🍿
  3. Ha ha classic Luffy