Chapter 4

Luffy who was currently relaxing on his cloud chair was the world below him. the clouds fly as fast as 100 KMH and are at an altitude of 6 KM above sea level. at first he struggled to breathe For how many minutes.

But it wasn't long before Luffy got used to the thin oxygen at high altitudes. On his way Luffy saw various small Sky Islands with residents on them, some people waved at Luffy and he waved back to them, while some looked alert when they saw him, so they ran into the house and hid.

Luffy didn't really care and he continued on his way to East Blue. This journey will take 1 day or it could be less than a day if he wants the clouds to go faster. for now, Luffy will enjoy his journey at ease.

"So this is Holy Lands Mary Geoise" Luffy said as he stopped his cloud and floated right above the center of the World government, where no one could see him.

Luffy has been traveling for about 6 hours now and has finally reached the Red Line. because he can fly using his cloud, Luffy doesn't need to go past Fishman Island, he only needs to fly over the Red Line.

Luffy didn't admire the city for long, even though he hated all the jerks who were in Mary Geoise, he couldn't help but think that the city had a very beautiful design.

"Well I'm not here to enjoy the scenery, I need to go somewhere," said Luffy while narrowing his eyes and ordering the clouds to fly faster than before, Luffy is now entering Paradise (Grand Line) with a speed of 180 KMH he took off his straw hat because he didn't want it to fly away in the wind. at this speed, Luffy estimates he will reach East blue in 3 hours.

Time skip: 3 hours later.

Luffy finally arrived at East blue after leaving it for 10 years. he quickly slowed down the cloud which was now 50 KMH he also lowered the height of the cloud until he could pretty clearly see the Land below.

"It's great to be back home. First I'll meet Makino Neechan, then continue my journey to find the crew." said Luffy while continuing his journey to Dawn Island.

After flying for about 1 hour, Luffy finally arrived at an island that he was very familiar with, he then directed the start towards Darmaga before getting off.

When Luffy came down from the cloud he turned to face the cloud and then the cloud started to float up and up, the cloud was getting higher and higher until finally it disappeared joining the clouds above the sky.

Luffy then turned around and saw a crowd of people gathered around him. Then Luffy saw a man whose face Luffy barely remembered.

He is a Woop Slap major, he has a cleft chin, wears oval glasses, has a mustache and beard, and wields a cane in his hands. Luffy smiled at the man and started walking towards the crowd.

"Who are you? Are you a pirate?" asked the Major while pointing his cane at Luffy. Luffy had a tickled expression on his face before he answered.

"Yes I'm a pirate," replied Luffy without hiding his amused expression, "However, you don't need to worry major I don't want to make a scene, I'm just here to see my sister." Luffy said making everyone confused, thinking about who his older sister was.

before they could ask Luffy a question, Luffy started walking towards Makino's bar, despite knowing the crowd had followed him anyway. when he got to the bar, he walked in and sat down on the chair he sat 10 years ago when Shanks was there.

Makino wasn't at the bar when Luffy entered, but Luffy thought that maybe Makino was in the back. a few minutes later, Makino came in and saw a young man sitting in front of his counter, he approached him and asked.

"Good afternoon sir, is there anything I can help you with?" asked Makino. Luffy just gave him his signature big smile before answering.

"Yup, I want a large piece of meat and a glass of sake...makino- Neechan," replied Luffy with a smile. when he said that Luffy heard a shocked voice from behind him and from Makino who now covered her mouth with her hands and tears came out of her eyes, then Makino immediately threw herself at the young man while screaming as hard as she could.

"LLUUUUFFYY!" Makino screamed while hugging Luffy until he fell off his seat, Makino kept hugging him and crying into Luffy's chest.

"Luffy you came back as you promised. I miss you so much!" said Makino who was still crying. Makino finally let go of his hug and helped Luffy to stand up, then Makino went behind and brought a large piece of meat and a bottle of Sake.

Then he sat beside Luffy and asked "Tell me how was your trip with Shanks, where did you go? what did you see? tell me everything!" Makino said in a passionate voice.

Luffy just chuckled at his neechan's behavior, when Luffy wanted to tell his story, the people behind who had followed him to the bar screamed.

"Luffy is back!" they shouted. they then quickly brought out some food and beer Out of nowhere then sat down to listen to Luffy's story.

Luffy just laughed and started to tell his journey. Luffy stayed in Foosha village for 3 days, before he decided to continue his journey.

This time, Luffy was standing on the same pier when he came, and all the villagers were on the pier to give their farewells. Luffy is currently looking up at the sky to summon a cloud that is used to store his belongings.

It didn't take long for everyone to see a fairly large dark cloud begin to descend towards them. The cloud then descended and settled on the pier like a ship that was anchored, Luffy climbed on top of it, then he turned towards the villagers and said.

"Goodbye everyone, I'll be back when I've become the pirate king," said Luffy waving his hand and giving a big smile, along with the clouds that started to move away from the pier.

"Be careful Luffy! I will check the newspaper every day to see what you have done." Makino shouted at Luffy who started to move away. Luffy replied to Makino's words by giving a thumbs up.

Luffy instructs his cloud to fly 2 meters from the sea surface and travels at a relatively slow speed, which is 15 KMH. While sailing a Sea King appeared from the sea and tried to attack Luffy.

But Luffy just gave the sea king a wave of Conqueror haki, and continued on his way. Luffy now reappears in his seat, his face which used to look cheerful now turns serious.

The Luffy that people saw earlier was full of smiles and looked cheerful now gone, now he is Luffy's captain. Luffy then spoke in a tone that would give anyone who heard him goosebumps.

"Time to turn this world upside down." whispered Luffy between the warm gusts of wind.