Gecko Island

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami are currently traveling on Luffy's cloud towards the Gecko Islands after cashing in on Buggy and his crew's Bounty. Luffy then split the money between the three of them, with Zoro getting 8 million for defeating Cabaji, Nami getting 8 million for defeating a man Luffy just met named Mohji the Beast Tamer, and Luffy getting 15 million for defeating Buggy.

Luffy let Nami keep half of the treasure she found on Buggy's ship while Luffy forced her to leave the remaining half for the townspeople.

Luffy and company are now about 10 km from the North Coast of gecko island and flying at around 64 km/h. As soon as the island came into view, Zoro turned towards Luffy, who sat in his chair and spoke.

"Remind me again why we are going to this island," Zoro said attracting Nami and Luffy's attention. Luffy looked at her and sighed before answering.

"Like I said before, we're going to the island in hopes of recruiting a sniper," said Luffy. Nami then looked at him with raised eyebrows before she spoke.

"Hopefully?" she asked. Luffy then nodded his head before speaking.

"I don't know if he wants to join. Aghh I just wish he was a sniper like his father and wanted to be a pirate" Luffy said before he took out a glass and poured some whiskey into it.

took a small sip before starting to speak again. "And we will also try to get a ship on the island" Luffy said causing Zoro to nod his head and believe his captain while Nami had a disappointed look on her face. He then looked at Luffy and spoke.

"Why do we need ships?" Nami asked while placing her hand on the surface of the cloud "I mean this cloud is much better" she said. Luffy looked at her with an emotionless expression on his face before he spoke in a monotone voice.

"You feel much better because you weren't the one using energy to blow these clouds away," said Luffy. Nami didn't say anything else after that, she just turned around and faced forward.

After traveling for several minutes before they finally arrived at the edge of Gecko Island. As they stepped onto the beach, Luffy sensed four people hiding on the cliff above them.

"Be careful, we're being watched," said Luffy, attracting the attention of the others. Zoro placed his hand on his sword while Nami placed her hand at her side getting ready to pull out the staff she had folded and strapped to the inside of her thigh.

Luffy who suddenly felt an attack appear immediately pushed Nami and Zoro to allow the attack to penetrate his body. Luffy then looked up to see a teenager standing on a slope with his arms crossed.

"I am Usopp, leader of the undefeated pirate nation that rules this island. You stand before a living legend, the most respected pirate who ever lived. I am the great Captain Usopp!" the teenage boy said causing Zoro and Nami to sweat during his introduction while Luffy smiled at his antics.

Usopp is a thin, tan-skinned teenager with medium-length black hair, protruding lips, and a long nose. He wears an olive green checkered bandanna, a blue and white striped armband on his left arm, brown overalls with a white sash and no shirt underneath. He also carried a yellow bag.

"If you guys dare try to attack this island, my subordinates, 8 million super pirates will crush you like insects!" Usopp said. As he said that a bunch of pirate flags tied to sticks started rising from the bushes on the cliffs surrounding the beach.

Luffy raised his eyebrows before he spoke.

"Didn't you mean three young children?" he asked. When Luffy asked that question, Usopp's legs started shaking and sweat was running down his face. From the bushes where the pirate flag was hoisted, three small children ran out screaming in terror. Usopp turned to the running children and shouted.

"Hey! Where are you guys going!?" he asked/shouted. Luffy couldn't help but laugh.

"You have a great crew, Captain Usopp," said Luffy mockingly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nami bend over and pick something up before she spoke.

"Pirates use slingshots huh? Now I've seen it all" he said. Usopp was angry when Nami made fun of him using the slingshot. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a green slingshot before aiming it at Luffy.

"Shut up, or I'll shut it for you. I'm a man of honor and I don't accept it. This is your last warning or you will understand why they call me the great Ussop and not Usopp the threat," Usopp said as he pulled back the slingshot and aimed at Luffy's head.

"You saw how good I am with this thing. So you know I can keep up with anyone with a gun," he said. Luffy stared at him as he placed his hand on his hat and tilted his head slightly causing the hat to cast a shadow around his eyes before he spoke in a cold tone.

"Now that you've pointed your weapon, do you dare to use it?" Luffy asked causing Usopp to sweat a little. "Guns aren't for threats, they are for action. Are you willing to risk your life for that? Because..." Luffy paused before pulling out his own gun and aiming it at Usopp before continuing,

"...I'm ready for that" Luffy finished his line causing Usopp to shake. However, even though he was completely terrified, he didn't drop his slingshot, he still aimed it at Luffy.

Luffy smirked before sending a small amount of electricity into the gun so he wouldn't kill Usopp and pulled the trigger. Faster than everyone's eyes, a flash of light left the gun and traveled through the air before flying straight into the center of Usopp's slingshot and colliding with the pellets he had loaded there, instantly destroying them.

Everyone could only stare at the shattered pellets with their jaws on the floor. Usopp knelt down and looked at Luffy in awe.

Luffy chuckled before speaking once more "Nice shot huh?" he asked making Usopp nod. "Yes your father taught me how to do it" Luffy said causing Usopp's eyes to widen before he fell off the cliff causing Luffy and everyone to sweat.

"You know my father?" Usopp asked as he got up and dusted himself off. Luffy put his gun back in his holster before speaking.

"Why don't we go to a place to eat and we can talk there" said Luffy. Usopp nodded before leading Luffy and his crew towards a restaurant/bar called Meshi.

When they reached the bar, everyone ordered food and sat down to eat, while the others listened as Luffy told Usopp the story of his sailing with his father.

It's understandable that Usopp is proud of his father, because his father was a sniper on the Yonko's ship. Luffy looked at Usopp and could see that he was proud of his father being a pirate.

After they finished eating, Luffy was planning to ask Usopp about where to buy a ship, but before he could speak, Usopp stood up puffing out his chest before he started to speak.

"I've decided!" Usopp said in a high tone, "One day I too will go on sea adventures like my father and become a brave warrior!" Usopp said with a determined look on his face. Luffy laughed before speaking to him.

"Well what a coincidence, I'm looking for snipers for my crew. Actually, that's one of the reasons I came to this island," said Luffy, attracting Usopp's attention. "Your father said you would be a good addition to my crew if you wanted to become a pirate. So what do you think? Do you want to join my crew and rock this whole world?" Luffy asked with a grin on his face.

Usopp seemed scared and nervous at the thought of joining a pirate crew. He fidgeted for a while before finally answering Luffy.

"Umm, can I think about it for a second?" Usopp asked calmly. Luffy just nodded in answer. Ussop was about to leave but Luffy's voice stopped him.

"Hey Usopp" Luffy said getting his attention "Do you know where we can buy a boat?" he asked. Usopp put his index finger to his chin and thought for a moment before he answered Luffy.

"However, there is no shipyard on this island, if you want to buy a boat your best option is to check out the mansion on top of the hill" he said as he pointed out the window at the only mansion on top of the hill. When Nami heard about the big house, her eyes immediately turned into a Buy sign at the thought of the money that was in the big house. He looked at Usopp and asked him.

"Who lives in that mansion?" she asked. Usopp smiled brightly at him before answering.

"An orphan girl named Kaya, her parents died three years ago and she has been depressed since then" Usopp said making Nami look down sadly "I've been visiting her every day trying to cheer her up since her parents died, and I'm currently It's looking to head there now, so if you want you can come along, and I'll introduce you," said Usopp. Luffy smiled and answered.

"Sounds good Usopp" said Luffy as he and his crew stood up and followed Usopp out of the restaurant.