"Teach Me What"

Vivi then jumped onto Karoo's back before the three of them ran toward Nami and Nojiko. When they fled, Ms. Valentine spoke.

"Kyahahaha! I don't know who told you guys you could go," she said before she jumped very high in the air and hovered over the group that was trying to run. Just as she was right above Vivi and the others, getting ready to fall on top of them, Luffy suddenly appeared in front of her.

"And I don't remember telling you to move," said Luffy in a cold voice that booted her eyes wide before she was back on the ground with incredible speed.

However, when Ms. Valentine landed on the ground, it didn't seem like she had suffered much from the fall, only from Luffy's kick. Luffy is curious; he knows this agent has devil fruit power, but Luffy wants to know what devil fruit it is.

"Very interesting," said Luffy as he landed back on the ground and started walking toward the duo. "I thought you landed a lot harder than that," he said, looking at Ms. Valentine, who is now holding her side, which is hurting from Luffy's kick.

"I eat Kilo-Kilo Fruit; I can change my weight as I like," she said, causing Luffy to finally understand.

"Ahh, I see, so when I just kicked you, your weight was 0 or something that allows you to minimize your weight so you don't get badly injured from the fall," said Luffy as he continued walking towards the duo. "A devil's fruit like that can be quite useful," Luffy observed while looking at the girl.

"Enough with your pleasantries!" Mr. 5 shouted, causing Luffy to look at him. "I think it's time we got down to business. I meant to pay you back for what you did at Whisky Peak," he snarled.

"And I'll pay you back for what you did to Dorry, because if I'm not mistaken, you ate the Bom-Bom no mi fruit, so you must be the one who planted the bomb," said Luffy in a cold voice.

"That's right, now prepare to face my bomb-bomb fruit!" Mr. 5 shouted as he charged toward Luffy. Luffy just stared at her with emotionless, cold eyes before he spoke in a low voice.

"Idiots like you, who only rely on their devil fruit, can never beat me," he said before he dodged Mr. 5 in the face and then slammed his haki-covered knee into his stomach.

Mr. 5 then bent down on the ground, coughing up blood, before he even had a chance to recover himself. Luffy spun on his left foot and gave a spinning heel kick straight to Mr. 5's face, sending him flying backward toward Ms. Valentines.

"Mr. 5!" shouted Ms. Valentine when she saw his partner lying face down on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth. After a few minutes, Mr. 5 began to rise again.

As he stood up, he looked at Luffy, reached into his pocket, and pulled out a gun. Luffy wasn't afraid of the gun; he just stared at it with the same emotionless expression on his face.

Mr. 5 then opened his reloading cradle and blew air before he closed it and pointed the gun at Luffy, much to Luffy's confusion.

"DEAD!" Mr. 5 screamed as he shot six times at Luffy. Luffy could feel something coming towards him but couldn't see it. Even though he could feel it, he still didn't dodge; he let all six shots hit him.

When the six shots hit Luffy in the chest, the attack exploded on contact, which hid Luffy from the agent duo's view in thick black smoke.

"Kyahahaha! That should teach him!" Ms. Valentine said this with satisfaction.

"Teach me what," came Luffy's voice from within the cloud of smoke. As the smoke cleared, they all saw Luffy standing there, missing the entire right side of his chest, including his right arm, along with a small portion of the right side of his face.

"What creature are you?" Mr. 5 asked with a slight fright while taking a step back.

"I'm a lightning man," said Luffy before the missing parts of his body started to form again in the form of lightning. When the lightning disappeared, they both saw Luffy standing there as if he had never been shot. "Now then, I think it's time to get serious," said Luffy before he suddenly disappeared from the agents' view, causing their eyes to widen.

Before Ms. Valentine was able to react, Luffy appeared behind her and placed his palm on her back before he spoke.

"Binds!" said Luffy, causing five ropes made of lightning to shoot out of his palms and bind Ms. Valentine in place.

"AHH!" Ms. Valentine screamed in surprise before falling to the ground.

"Sorry, but I don't like irritating girls," said Luffy before he turned his attention to Mr. 5 and spoke. "Now for your punishment," said Luffy before disappearing and reappearing in front of Mr. 5 and punching his haki-coated fist into his stomach.

Once again, Mr. 5 found himself slumped on the ground, coughing up blood. Luffy then lifted Mr. 5 from behind his neck and, with great force, threw him into the air.

"Mr. 5!" shouted Ms. Valentine, who was lying on the ground. Her partner fell from a height of about thirty feet in the air. Luffy ignored the screaming woman and stood directly below the fallen man.

Luffy then coated his fist with his haki and raised it to the sky. Mr. 5 landed on his back, hitting Luffy's hand, which was pointing up, causing him to scream in pain.

Luffy held Mr. 5 in the air for a few seconds before he threw it beside his partner.

"Please... I beg... of you... please... stop," begged Mr. 5, who fell. Luffy walked up to him and put his foot on his back before he spoke.

"Binds!" he said before five lightning ropes came out and tied Mr. 5 to a place like Ms. Valentine.

"Don't bother trying to use your devil fruit while you two are in a bind," said Luffy, looking at Ms. Valentine. "That won't work," Luffy said, surprising him. He ignored Luffy and tried to use his devil fruit power, but found he couldn't do anything about it.

"What have you done to my devil fruit?" Ms. Valentine shouted

"That lightning is infused with something special that neutralizes all devil fruit powers," Luffy replied before he summoned a thundercloud and sat on top of it. "Now you two will tell me why you planted the bomb," said Luffy while looking at both of them.

"We'll tell you whatever you want—no more fighting," Mr. 5 choked.

"It wasn't our idea," said Ms. Valentine, causing Luffy to look at her."That was Mr. 3's idea. He wanted the giant Bounty, and he's an higher ranking agent," she said, trying to get Luffy to spare them.

She had just seen how easily Luffy fought Mr. 5, and she knew Luffy could easily kill them both without breaking a sweat. All Ms. Valentine wants is to survive on this island.

"And who is this, Mr. 3?" Luffy asked in a bored tone.

"We don't know his real name, but he is stronger than Mr. 5 and very cunning," said Ms. Valentine. He's doing all this talking because he knows Mr. 5 is too hurt and wants him to live.

"He ate the Wax-Wax fruit and can control and produce wax from his body," she said, causing Luffy to nod his head.

"And his partner?" Luffy asked, even though he already knew very well that Mr. 3 has a female partner.

"Her partner is Ms. Goldenweek; she is 16 years old and uses paint to control anyone's emotions," she said, causing Luffy to look at her with a raised eyebrow while waiting for her to continue.

"This ability of her's is called Colour Trap; she can change a person's personality through the use of certain colors, changing their behavior as she sees fit," she said, causing Luffy's eyes to widen slightly in surprise.