Bitter Taste of Truth

The next lesson flew by more smoothly, easing the prince's earlier stress of Basic Rune Theory… and for a few minutes, managing to enable him to forget the events of the past night.

That aside, Arthur felt as though the subject taught by the deputy headmaster, while 'basic', was built as a weapon against him.

His mind still swirled with ghastly apparitions of the tormenting runes, threatening to destroy the light that was Barthlorn School of the Supernatural.

Fortunately, the prince was able to banish the nightmarish scribbles from his mind through the Beast Anatomy class.

Listening to Professor Nava get lost in her hobby as a researcher on the beasts outside the wall was always a delight.

Her deep insight into the mannerisms of the dark creatures entranced Arthur every time, reminding him of just how much he still had to learn in Barthlorn whilst welcoming him to the sea of knowledge that was Professor Nava's mind.