Blood Vultures

The interior of the Time Dilation Chamber returned to its initial form, taking the form of a healthy forest with a humid and cool climate that wasn't out to kill them.

The students gathered inside with Professor Heldsworth. Most of them stole sombre glances towards the Squad One students, knowing deep down that they were soon to face a similar challenge.

Squad One had handled their assignment as admirably as they could, putting their enchanted weapons to good use. But in the end, the result had been catastrophic.

It made sense since this was only their first time but it didn't make the situation any less ominous.

The professor had Cade gather with his Squad Mates after using the Chamber's magic to return him to his normal healthy self, "Alright… That was an admirable attempt. The fact that you even got the flag is something to be proud of.

Now then, Cade, I want you to tell me what mistakes you and your squad made."