Sullivan's Limit

As soon as Sullivan's feet had hit the ground, the Leader's body kicked into overdrive, shooting off at a tangent to the drakon's slithering motions, not allowing him to rest in sight of the carnage that was about to take place.

With his mana core sending gluttonous waves of mana into the starry obsidian blade, his body had reached a state of hyperawareness that allowed him to grasp the depth of the danger they were in.

However, even with his enhanced abilities, agility and speed, he was only barely as fast as the serpentine devil.

In a way, time seemed to slow, announcing just how close he was to death.

After clamping down on the first student on its blind side, the serpent slithered onto the next and clamped three more in one fluid serpentine motion.

It was like the creature was gliding across the ground, its feet carrying it at dizzying speeds.

As it brought its maw down on the fourth student, an obsidian blur blew past it.