A Race of Leaders

"Are you dumb or something, Silver?! This is where our squad's drill will take place… obviously," Casper scoffed loudly at the slender pretty boy, "…for a smart-ass, you're pretty dumb."

"Anyone would know that, you brainless brute. And your lack of critical thinking only proves my point… you really have no brains," Silver replied with a derisive shrug.

"What was that, pretty boy? Say it again to my face!" Casper took a step from the centre of his group of squad mates towards the blonde noble.

The purple-clad warriors around him tensed and turned their attention to Silver's group, drawing a variety of weapons from their Accessories.

The fiery-haired boy chuckled lightly, "Oh, don't get your feathers in a twist over this, Casper. He merely meant the landscape is too plain compared to what the rest of the squads had to go through," the boy intervened.

Casper tore his gaze away from the blonde hunter and looked up at the camouflaged Control Room.