Dragon Kin

Ensnaring the attention of most of the students within the Control Room, along with the professor… and a few prying eyes that had no business attending this lesson was the battle between a surprisingly fearless human and a hydra.

Human and hydra collided with the force of an earthquake, sending a shockwave in all directions. Unlike any other hunter that would have ran away from a creature as menacing as this, or even chosen a more strategic approach, Shawn Fiore had launched into the battle with nothing but his gloved fist.

The hunter's fist collided against the creature's maw, sending along with it an explosive wave of heat that set the serpent's head ablaze in red-hot flames.

Without slowing down, the fiery-haired hunter vaulted over the serpent's burning head and continued forward, running along its neck with surprisingly perfect balance and a tremendous burst of speed that sent him sailing along the creature's long neck unrestrained.