Odd Coloured Hatchling

The reasoning for this made no sense to Arthur. He'd never really thought about what would happen if he didn't return to the Phoenix Castle to power the Trident of Fire.

If his contribution to the Trident of Fire was that powerful, then Arthur figured they would treat him differently… but that wasn't the case.

Something didn't add up.

"That's some dark story you have there. I would offer you shelter here… but you have responsibilities that need your attention," Mr Claw shrugged while standing up, "Now, come on! There is someone you need to meet before you leave."

Arthur raised his brow in confusion, then followed without asking more questions.

The conversation they'd just had was a dark one… and Arthur hadn't known what to expect from the shifter. Perhaps he preferred it if the feline shifter let out a string of profanities against the royals of the Phoenix kingdom.