High Speed Beating

This curve… was dangerously close to Gray.

And so was the curve the white phoenix made when it turned sharply to follow the red and orange phoenix. Unlike the struggling red pheonix, the white phoenix shot past Gray with astonishing speed and precision.

The two collided a few moments later, and once again, the white phoenix clawed and bit at the red phoenix viciously before the pair crushed into another part of the castle to Gray's far right.

The red phoenix held the White one far back with its claws, using the castle wall at its back for support while the other went into a snapping frenzy, narrowly missing the other's beak and breast feathers with each skull-shattering snap of its powerful white beak.

The red phoenix was pinned…

Or so Gray thought…

Pinned as the red phoenix was, the white phoenix had abandoned caution and launched an all-out attack at the king.