Viper Reaper

Arthur's mind kicked into high gear the moment he picked on the first growl. His flame core flared and his senses went into overdrive.

He immediately detected the direction in which the creatures were coming from and he alerted David to start running in the opposite direction.

Fortunately for him, the phoenix didn't need to be told twice.

Now, Arthur was more than capable of simply holding his ground and bashing heads with the deadly serpents. But that was not all.

Arthur was entirely aware of the pitfalls of fighting while in high-speed motion. For as long as he remained faster than the person he was trying to protect, he could manage.

However, he also had a vivid memory of his defeat in the Time Dilation Chamber. Arthur was not about to underestimate his enemies again.

He immediately summoned the power of his flame core and started dashing beside the retainer…

'Not enough…' the prince directed his thoughts inward.