Kylia's Hysteria

Age: 18 years

"NOOOOO!!!!" Kylia woke up from her long slumber, her screams filled with regret and frustration echoing through the room she had lived in for the past seven years.

Cold sweat covered her forehead, her breath erratic, and her face pale. Her wide, tear-filled eyes slowly realized that she was still alive.

Kylia jolted, looking around the room, which felt both unfamiliar and familiar. Inside her mind, a mix of new and old information was being processed.

"Am I still alive?" Kylia pinched her cheeks, reassuring herself that she wasn't dreaming.

Sunlight streaming through the window caught her attention. Kylia fell silent, frozen, as she stared out the window. The light was so bright, an unfamiliar sight for someone who had lived in darkness for so long.

"Where am I?"