The End of Kodim 0214 Battle

Like an arrow released from a bow, Arya charged with all his might. His body felt heavy due to the clumps of soil covering him, yet it felt light because of the adrenaline coursing through him.

He had realized from the start that these goblins had senses far more acute than humans. His movements were still undetected because of his weakened state.

With smoke billowing and explosions nearby, a feeble human drawing close wasn't easy to detect. It was like a twig falling amidst fallen trees.

However, this wouldn't last long, and eventually, he would become a target to be eradicated. Arya didn't dare to believe he could evade even one arrow attack from the goblin crossbow unit.

Hence, this was his one chance. If this opportunity failed, all would be lost. The entire Kodim 0214 would be slaughtered, and these monsters would surge out, wrecking their city.