The Opening 2

"Judging by your behaviour, your lack of knowledge and your appearance, something tells me that you're not Ted Mogwai." Ted is confused by why he is called 'Ted Mogwai'. "Well, I don't have much time to explain the whole thing... Here, this chip here, is where you'll get your information but be warned that they'll have quite the shock to see your face so enter with caution." What the doctor said sounded skeptical and confusing to Ted but he took the chip. "Have a nice day..." Having said that, the doctor went to the next patient waiting for treatment.

Ted left the doctor's clinic and made his way to where the chip told him to go. Ted made it to the location thanks to the map in the chip but before he could enter inside, he was stopped by a group of hoodlums called the Hye Ryp (pronunciation: Hi Rip) gang. "Hey, Ted! Dude, it's been a while, we thought you got a bullet to your head... Looks like we were right... Hey, why don't you lay back with us, and smoke some of this good shit?" Ted didn't like smoking and kindly denied the offer. They looked surprised and watch as Ted entered the building they were hanging outside of.

Ted looked around the building and couldn't help but admire the prestigious appearance of the building. "May I help you?" Ted bumped into the front desk and met the secretary, he looked nervous and tried to avoid eye contact with the secretary. "I... Uh... Got this... Chip from..." before he could say anything else, the secretary snatched the chip and placed it into the computer system. She looked through Ted's request and asked, "So you would like to know more about a certain 'Ted Mogwai', is that not correct?"

"That's... Correct... It's nothing serious, I just want to know what type of person he was and..." Ted put himself in an awkward situation but the secretary smiled and gave in to his request. She typed onto the computer and something caught her attention, Ted tried to see what it was but she handed the chip back in an instant. He took the chip and he could feel a deep spark as of taking it, she smiled and winked at him as he left the building.

As he left the building, the Hye Rip gang was waiting for him outside. "Well, Well! If it isn't the non-smoker himself..." Ted was confused about what they wanted with him. "You know, I've been around the block and I have known you since forever, but never and I mean never, have I seen you never turn down a cigarette, well the other time you were around a little kid and shit but today, somethings fishy... You're not even Ted Mogwai are you?"

"Okay that's enough, break it up!" the Hye Ryp had their guns ready and were about to shoot but the second they turned their backs, Ted had fled the scene. "Motherfucker!"