
Zeke smiled and replied, "you can start the minute, your friend has finished his repairs." Zeke nods to the cyber doctor and they understand too so they get to work implanting new cyber ware into Ted. Mayne and Bolt wait outside while Zeke smokes his cigarette and Hound works on his muscles. After a couple of minutes, the doctor was complete and came out with a newly improved Ted with new cyber ware that could help him. "Yo! You look amazing kid!" Mayne couldn't help but admire the cyber ware Ted had from Zeke's money, which made him somewhat jealous. "Yeah... He does look good... Now about my request..."

"What do you want us to do exactly?" Zeke hands Mayne a mission chip, "everything you need to know is in there, and I want this gig performed in three days so that gives you enough time to train your little rookie over here." Mayne and Bolt look at the brief and see that doesn't look anything special but when they see the targets, they're shocked to see who it is. "The Metal Crows leader Jan Bayes? (whistles) man, she's a tough one to find... I love a challenge." Zeke leaves them to discuss what to do while Mayne and Bolt decide to test Ted's upgrades and see what he could do in the gig. In their headquarters, Mayne is having difficulty trying to make a plan while Bolt is helping Ted by testing the new upgrades. "Looking at these tendons, it looks like a Mark.2 Ankle hoover, meaning that you can hover in midair and move anywhere for a limited time... This looks like a scam to me, Hey Mayne, do you think..." Mayne tells Bolt to shut up, "Can't you see I'm trying to make up a plan here? I don't even know what to do! (groans annoyed)."

"Aw come on Mayne! On the bright side, if we try to find Jan, we might, with luck, find her and BANG!! As most gangs do, we killed the girl and let the Metal Crow fall." Mayne avoided Bolt's gaze and went to get a beer. Ted takes a look at the information that Mayne has gathered and found something that could be a possible lead, "Mayne what's the OptCopShop WM?" Mayne returns to his desk to find that Ted found an anagram from plain sight "If I'm correct then... That's right, it's an old cyber ware shop that shut down after it was revealed, they were doing illegal human trafficking. What's so special about that place?"

"I think we've found Jan Bayes but we have to move quickly, she made a transaction not long ago, and the day the plane leaves tomorrow." Mayne got his gun, Bolt got some pistols and Ted was told to stay behind, "we can't risk it, kid, it's too dangerous and you don't even know how to use a weapon!" having said that, Mayne and Bolt left to neutralize Jan Bayes. Ted looked at the pistol Bolt accidentally left behind and wanted to ignore it but he couldn't let Mayne and Bolt get hurt in any way so he took the pistol and left HQ. It wasn't long before Bolt and Mayne got themselves into a heated conflict. Jan Bayes was in OptCopShop, "surrender now and submit to your doom!" said Jan Bayes, "Us? Hah! Don't make me laugh!" Mayne and Bolt dealt with most of the Metal Crows while the remaining four were to protect Jan Bayes as she made her escape but she would fall to the ground after a gunshot wound to the face killed her. The remaining Metal Crows watched in fear as their leader had been killed by a rookie who couldn't hold a weapon properly. Mayne shot the remaining four and they dropped like birds.

"What the fuck is wrong with you kid?! Do you realize what would have happened if they were to find you?! (sighs) at least you did one thing well, come on, let's inform Zeke and get the fuck out of here..." Mayne takes his phone and calls Zeke. After the job was done, Mayne, Bolt and Ted fled the scene and returned to their HQ which turned out to be a bunker. Mayne sat down on the couch while Bolt was cleaning his pistols, Ted was unsure what to do and sat next to Mayne, "you know one thing I realize about you kid? I honestly thought you would have left by now, given the shit you've seen and you came here by mistake."

"Is that a problem?" Mayne looks at Ted and replies, "Nah you're good, this makes you one of us..." and then something came into Mayne's mind. "Hey, imagine that, you're stuck with two moron mercs like us and... wait..."