Errand Boys 3

Ted couldn't let Mr. Baxter get killed. He ran and pinned Robery Baxter to the ground. "Hey! Get off me! What do you think you're..." bullets were starting to fly outside the building, Baxter and Ted moved downstairs and away from the bullets. The Bullets eventually stopped, leaving both Ted and Robery in fear. "What the hell was that?" Ted responded sarcastically, "your security system!" Ted stood up and went in Mayne's direction, leaving Baxter bewildered by what happened. Mayne muttered angrily. "Listen, Mayne, I'm sorry if I messed up the..." Mayne told Ted to be quiet, "if there's anyone that should be fucking sorry, it's that fucking acid car." Mayne and Ted made it to the location but Ted realized that he had a date with Melanie and tried to call Melanie but she didn't pick up her phone so he left her a message, "oh no!" ACI-D was calling on Mayne's phone, Mayne didn't want to answer the call but the phone answered automatically.

"You fucking crack addicts! you had one job! ONE job! And you couldn't do it!" Mayne grumbled angrily, "Oh yeah, fucking don't pay us! All we want you to do is get the fuck out of our faces!" ACI-D hung up the call with a disgusted look. Mayne and Ted arrived at the location where they were told to be. Ted received a message from Melanie saying that she would be getting off work a bit late. Ted messaged back saying 'I will be at the cafe as soon as possible. I promise.' Melanie responded quickly saying 'awesome, see you here.'

"They should be here!"Ted and Mayne look around where they found Bolt who was in a cage. Mayne tries to help Bolt escape the cage, "you might as well give up! It ain't opening." Mayne turned around to find themselves surrounded, "these bots are equipped with the best accuracy moderators money can buy, so I suggest that you hear me out." Mayne looked at the situation and asked, "What do you want from us?" asked Mayne, "It's not what I want from you two, it's something that I want from HIM," She pointed at Ted, "Me? What do I have that you?" She walked up to Ted and examined his cyber ware. "There's a certain crafting spec that I require but unfortunately, I was late to purchase the Optimal Mirage, cyber doctor told me that he sold it to you... I may look intimidating but I assure you I would like to consider you an ally... so what do you say?" Ted was skeptical about what she was asking, "few questions, who are you? What's the gig? And why do you oddly look familiar?"

"Name's Mechsmith, and like I said, I want you to find me a crafting spec, the location is near where we are and I don't think we've met before, don't even know your name." Mechsmith hands the key to Ted and lets him open the cage. Ted opens the cage and sets Bolt free, "thank's Ted, It was getting cramped in there..." Mechsmith was waiting on Ted's answer, will he help her or not? "I'll do it." Mechsmith smiled and said, "Great, as for your friends, I don't need them yet, you'll be accompanied by my right-hand woman 'Stream'." Stream flew in next to Mechsmith, "right on time, Stream, this is..." She looked at Ted, hoping he would introduce himself. "Oh! I'm Ted."

"Uhm, Ted... quick word!" Ted ran up to Mayne and they huddled, "what are you doing?!" Mayne said, "you realize that Mechsmith is not a legit person, I've worked with her a few times and she always has that snarky attitude toward me!" Ted didn't see how this was relevant. "This is about a job, not your fucking feeling Mayne, Ted, do the job and we'll meet you back in the bunker." Ted responds, "but I can't, I have a date with Melanie, remember?" Bolt volunteered to be a substitute for Ted's date but Mayne hits him in the head. "No, you will not! (sighs) as much as I am against this, I'm willing to let this slide but only once! We'll catch you later."