Optimal and Silver

Mayne could feel his cyber ware about to fail, Ted tried to find a way to stop it but to no success. That was when Mayne and Bolt stopped but they were unable to move, they both breathed sighs of relief and although they were safe, Ted couldn't help but feel anger in himself when he realized what happened, "that wretched car!" Ted found a chip of a different colour, Mayne examined it and realized what the chip was, "it's a cyber ware rebooted chip, meaning that what we experience was a temporary pain gap... And I think I know who caused this." Ted knew who he was referring to and was about to go after him, "No! He's too strong... And he's clever, he'll know what happened and he'll finish the job, all this for a fucking mission... We need to leave the city." Ted was confused by what Mayne was saying, "It's not safe for us, as long as that car is still out there, we're as good as dead... And I'm not taking that chance." Mayne tried to stand but fell on one knee, Ted helped him to the bench, and the bartender and Ivana entered the back door where they found it in a tangle. "It's best if we left, we've caused enough trouble as it is." Ted told Mayne to stay, "can you check if there's anything that went wrong?" the bartender politely refused, "what happened to them was our fault too and I wish to help but I just can't... I'm sorry." Ted understood and carried Mayne and Bolt outside which proved difficult, "Actually... If you want, I am hiring work, you get to sleep here and you have worked behind the counter but it doesn't mean the rents are cheap." Ted looked at Mayne and asked, "should we?" Mayne replies by shaking his head 'no' as he states, "we've already caused trouble as it is... Let's not bring any more burdens into this bar." Having said that, they watched the trio leave the bar and into the streets of Junstrek, "what do we do now?" Bolt asked, 'I mean it's not this Cyber ware is killing us... Looks useless to me now..." A group of vehicles in front of Ted, Mayne and Bolt and Men in Black exited the car and dragged them inside, Mayne and Bolt had trouble fending them off while Ted tried to stop them but they knocked Ted unconscious. Ted slowly opened his eyes and found himself in some kind of surgery, he could hear two surgeons talking until his mind went blank again. He woke up and fell to the ground in a white room, Ted stood up, not knowing what was going on, "you're awake..." a large man entered the room after seeing Ted awake, he tried to approach Ted but he was hostile towards him. "Calm down Ted... On second thought, you have every right to be hostile... If you must know, you're friends are in the same situation as you are... Come, follow me." The large man exits the room, leaving the door open for Ted to leave behind him, he approaches the door and when he looks on the other side, he finds two doors that the large man was standing next to each other, he opened the door on the left which showed Mayne brawling with someone who looked like Stream but when he saw Ted, he focused on buying himself time so that he could talk to Ted. Mayne threw the person to the wall and tried to attack the large man but was unsuccessful, "(sigh) We will leave you two to talk amongst yourselves, come on" The large man waved at the person and she followed behind the large man. "What the hell is this place?" Ted asked, "Dont know but I can tell you one thing, my cyber ware's fixed! Look at me, Ted! It's like I'm brand new." Ted felt somewhat skeptical about what Mayne was saying, "This cyber ware looks like it came from space... I mean look at these materials, I've never seen these things before. Makes me wonder what kind of cyber ware these guys have."