Orders of Execution 2

Edana attempted to pierce her claws into Ted but it failed as she realized that her arm had been shredded into pieces, she dashed away and didn't show signs of pain but amazement "This..." Ted could see she was drooling "... Is what I'm talking about!" she laughed like a maniacal lunatic as she used her other claw to cut her lips "You better be fucking ready kid!" she activated her cyber ware and charged towards Ted but her claws were grabbed by Klaus "You didn't think I would forget you." Edana's eyes went red in a flash and tried to bring Klaus to her "Oh Edana, poor defenceless Edana! Even with this 'super enhanced' cyber ware, you're still no match for a low-life mercenary like me." Klaus noticed that Ted was badly injured and threw Edana near a crate "I'll deal with you another time..." Klaus ran to Ted and saw multiple scars and that he was covered in blood "Shit, even you can't handle your drinks..." Klaus carried Ted away from the battle zone and fled but Edana had other plans "No way are you taking my prey!" she laughed at Klaus with him using an EMP modulator onto Edana which didn't have any effect on her "Hah! Do you think this little shitty thing could kill me?! You're a fucking joke you know that Klaus?" Klaus smiled and responded, "I wasn't even trying that." Edana was puzzled about what he was talking about before she noticed the EMP Modulator looked more like an MSC (Material Structure Corrupter; something that allows the materials on an object to be tampered with in any way) suddenly, Edana felt her mind going numb and she couldn't move nor talk "See ya Edana." Klaus ran off with Ted on his back while Edana lay on the floor like a deceased corpse.

Ted's mind was weak as he was losing a substantial amount of blood, Ted's mind soon became blank until he found himself in an ominous circuit-like lair and there he saw someone leaning on the ledge of a building, Ted noticed how he looked like Ted but he didn't at the same time. Ted approached the person but someone grabbed Ted's shoulder and turned the opposite way, revealing it to be the person from the ledge "Just who the hell do you think you are?" Ted looked at the person and noticed that he looked like a legend named Enigma "Well? I asked you a question." Ted was unable to speak as he noticed his tongue had been cut apart "So it's like that?" Ted tried to mumble to the stranger but he didn't understand what he was saying "Okay, how about you shut your mouth and walk with me?" Ted nod his head to agree and there he followed the stranger to a run-down house, the stranger entered inside "honey I'm home!" Ted entered behind him and noticed how there was a brunette woman in a gorgeous white dress sitting on a rocking chair "Whose this stranger?" Ted also noticed how she had features similar to Ted as well, he had a theory in his mind that he must be somehow related to these people.

"Someone I found outside, somehow lost his tongue and is annoying the..." the man was about to swear but the woman jumped from her rocking chair and put her index finger on his lips and told him "Shhh... My lovely Weaving, It's been years since you've given up profanities and I want you to know how proud I am that you haven't given in." She slowly placed her hands on the man's chin and placed her lips on his. "I know how much you have supported me in recovering from my past and ever since your... maybe later, right now, I need to talk to this guy alone." She understood and sat back on her rocking chair and began knitting "Of course my sweet, now you, I hope you don't do anything that my husband will not like."

"Ignore her, come follow me." Ted followed the man upstairs where he came across newspapers relating to incidents occurring from 2038 to 2050 they were incidents relating to two topics with one being mostly about the Muncler Empire and some about the U.N.D.E.R.D.O.G.S "You don't get news like that around here anymore you know." The world around Ted became realistic.