Chapter 004: How The World Works

I would quickly run to my phone and swipe through my contacts.

I'd click on Mr. Tudors contact, calling him. "Come on...PICK UP!" I yelled. I would hit cancel and put my phone in my back pocket.

From inside my desk, I would grab my gun and attach it to my waistband. I'd then run out the door and hop into my car.Arriving at this abandoned warehouse, I would find it in a state of disrepair. "Come on out!" I exclaimed. The warehouse doors would be opened by a tall man in a suit. He had my siblings with him.I screamed at the man, "Let them go!". "Oh, Mr. have no idea how the world works, do you?" He replied.

"I don't care about any of that. Just let them go!" I replied. Bullets flew past my ears and my suit began to get wet. Rain started pouring down on us.

The man would throw my siblings to the ground. He then proceeded to pull out his gun and point it at their heads. "Having taken something from me, I will take something from you as well."

"NOO!.." *POW* *POW*..

4 hours before...

"Ha... At this rate we'll be making $400,000 a month," I said. "Mr. Moreno, your car is here," she said.

"Yes, thank you very much," I said. Things have changed dramatically since I began managing this drug business. I purchased a larger building, hired a secretary, and even employed some gangsters to work for me.

Things worked out well. I also found and bought my mother a spacious, modern house in a pleasant neighborhood. She loved it.

I even bought myself a house; it was a gorgeous, modern, two-story house. It was already furnished, so I didn't have to worry about that.


It was a lonely night. It's weird to live by yourself. No one is around, just you.

While trying to fall asleep, I heard a notification go off. I'd look at my phone and see the message that reads 'I have your siblings. If you want them come and get them'. It also had an image attached to it.

I would jolt up quickly, I'd put on a suit I recently had on, it was a mess, but I did not have time to get dressed.

I would quickly run to my phone and swipe through my contacts.

I'd click on Mr. Tudors contact, calling him. "Come on...PICK UP!" I yelled. I would hit cancel and put my phone in my back pocket. From inside my desk, I would grab my gun and attach it to my waistband. I'd then run out the door and hop into my car.



*POW* "NOO!"...."N-no." I was unmoved.

I didn't feel sadness, fear, or anger, actually I felt nothing. The only thing I could do was sit there and watch them slowly bleed out. Eventually I would get up and run over to them. "J-Jenna, Bailey... are you guys okay?! can you hear me?" I began to weep as a tear rolled down my cheek, until I started bawling my eyes out on the spot.

As time passed, the rain became heavier, and my yelling and crying became less audible.

I blamed myself just as everyone else would.

The funeral came. I paid for everything. It was unbearable for my mother to see her children in this condition, so she sat in the corner and cried. My voice was practically lost after yelling for so long, so I couldn't really talk.

I stood there staring at their caskets. The moment would replay over and over in my head. A tear would come down my face for every second I stood there. Is this how people feel when I kill someone they love? No, those people were murderers as well.

I returned home and stayed with my mother for a few weeks. Even after all that we were still drained. We lost a piece of our soul. Which we couldn't get back.

Well, time didn't stop for us. Money continued to come in, and drugs kept being distributed.

Money. The things money makes us do. I killed people for money, yet I still wanted more. Why?

A month later.

It's been a month since my siblings lost their lives. I've learned to move on...but my mother can't.

My greed for money has brought me to where I am, but there is no turning back. There is only the thought of moving forward. I will locate the man who did this and kill him.

My birthday has come. I am 18 now. I tried to enjoy myself and have fun. I even met a couple of women and had a good time. Later that night I even slept with them, but that brought me no joy.

My greed for money has returned once again.

"Where is my money?" I asked him. "I-I promise I don't know! Please let me go!" He would start to sob as he prayed for me to let him go. "You stole money from the business, why?" I asked. "I'm sorry!..I won't let it happen again!" He pleaded. Looking down at the man, I would shoot him twice. "Get someone to clean this up, Alina." I told her. "Yes, sir." She replied.

I'd sit down on the office chair and let out a loud sigh. My soft voice echoed, "There is still a lot of work to be done.".

I would arrive at Mr. Tutor's office with at least 100 men following after me. However, what he didn't know was that I'd been using his connections and status to earn more money. As I made more money than him, I started to hire people that were under him to back stab him.

"Mr. Tudor," I called out to him. "He'd quickly turn around to see all of the people I brought with me, as well as his own men. "W-What is this?.." he asked. "Your demise." I answered.

"W-Wait...You can't do me like this Ken, NOT AFTER EVERYTHING I'VE DONE FOR YOU!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, Mr. Tudor you have no idea how the world truly works, do you?" I said to him. "B-but..Linda?" He said while looking at his back-stabbing subordinate.

"No hard feelings?" I said.

*POW* Shooting and killing him.



*Thats the end of this story, goodbye*