Episode 10

The Apology

Just because they can tell us apart, it doesn't mean we're changing. It means they're different. We don't change. There's no need.


"Wait. Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait. Are you telling me that we cosplay?"


"That's awesome!"

Tamaki looked up from adjusting his toga, "You like cosplay?"

"Of course!" Jin pulled her own cosplay out of the box, "It's like Halloween, just on different days! So, who am I?"

Kyoya pulled his black journal out from a hidden pocket in his own costume, "Let's see… you are Demeter today." Jin quickly gathered up the rest of her cosplay into her arms and bounded off to the changing rooms, remaining on the balls of her feet until she was all but prancing.

Haruhi smirked and pulled her own cosplay out of its box, "Greek Gods and Goddesses? You've just made her year. And who am I?"


Instantly, the boys froze.

"Athena!? You're dressing Haruhi up like a girl? Are you crazy? You'll blow her cover!"

Kyoya rolled his eyes and continued to scribble in his journal, "Haruhi won't be the only one. There is a pair of twins in Greek Mythology, and one of them is a girl, so Kaoru will be dressed up as Artemis while Hikaru is Apollo. Additionally, do you not recall how Tamaki asked Haruhi to wear a dress in front of the other clients? They will simply assume that we dressed him up as a girl to play on that. And since Athena rarely appears in anything but battle armor, everything will be hidden easily from the guests."

Haruhi shrugged and walked to the changing rooms in the back, "Works for me."

Just as she pushed the curtain aside, her sister jumped out, completely dressed as Demeter, "This is amazing! I absolutely love this! Can we do this all the time?" As she continued with the praise, Jin spun around in circles making her green dress-like toga fanning out around her legs. Her brown hair was accented with golden strands that caught the light as it cascaded down to her shoulders. Tendrils of golden wheat stalks were wound around her wrists and above her hips, dotted with the occasional green rose. Her black heels had been switched out for golden color sandal heels that gave her another inch and she even had a pair of wheat earrings.

"Nēchan… you look great!"

"Awww… thanks Haru! Go on and get dressed! I can't wait to see what yours looks like!" Jin walked over to where Honey was tugging at his helmet while Haruhi pulled the curtain shut behind her.

"Honey-senpai? You look like you're having some trouble."

Honey looked up at the brunette with tears developing in his eyes, "Jin-chan… my helmet won't stay on right!"

"Oh no! Here, let me see if I can fix it." She knelt down to where the clasp was situated by his left ear and started fiddling with it. The chin strap was hanging way too loose around Honey's chin, but for some reason it wouldn't tighten.

"Wait a minute… oh! I see what the problem is!" Jin nimbly pulled a tiny feather from where it had gotten stuck within the clasp, "It was this little thing! Must've come from one of the wings. Okay, try to tighten it now."

Honey pulled at the strap and it tighten easily, "Thank you, Jin-chan! You're the best!" He gave her one quick hug before running off towards Mori to compare his cadeaus to Mori's hammer.

Jin tilted her head, "How come the Hermes and the Hephaestus costumes come with props but the Demeter one doesn't?"

Kyoya answered from directly behind her, "Actually, it does, but I decided against ordering it. As you'll be carrying around a tray for today's activities, holding a basket of plastic fruits would most likely have not gone over well." The brunette stuck her bottom lip out, but in truth she did see the reasoning behind it. Probably good planning on Kyoya's part.

"Fine, that makes sense. And what about you? Where's your trident?"

"It's over by my table." Jin peered over her shoulder and saw it. Immediately, she sniffed in distaste.

"That thing is supposed to be Poseidon's trident?" At the jab, Kyoya looked his prop over again. It was a very grand looking item, shining in the sunlight coming in through the windows. It wasn't crafted of actual gold, obviously, but it sure looked the part. The prongs on the outside were shorter than the center prong, which was shaped more like an arrow than the other two, and looked wickedly sharp (though they would realistically have a problem with cutting paper). And the final pieces were the rings of sapphire implanted at both the base and below the prongs. There didn't appear to be anything wrong with it...

"Yes, it is. Is there a problem?"

"Well… it's certainly pretty, but not very historically accurate. I mean, in the myths, the trident was described very plainly. Normal iron would've worked just as well." Jin adjusted the fake wheat around her wrists as she continued, "The trident isn't supposed to sparkle, it should look like it radiates power. Something that reflects everything the ocean can be. Cold and unyielding, yet it can be used as a way to provide food or safe passage through dangerous waters."

All at once, Jin flushed a light pink and locked her fingers together, "Sorry. I'm just really into mythology."

Kyoya blinked, "I take it you're very passionate about it, too."

The brunette laughed lightly, "Yeah…"

She peered up at the ravenet with a sheepish smile for a moment before a blond tackled her in the side. The two ended up sprawled out on the ground, Tamaki's arms wrapped tightly around Jin's shoulders.

"Jin! This is perfect!"

"Uh, do you know what would be even more perfect? If you got off of me."

Tamaki jumped up and started pacing back and forth by her feet, "Don't you see? If we're going to channel our characters perfectly, we have to know them with historical accuracy! And Jin, if you have such extensive knowledge, then who else should we turn to for advice! Additionally, during your rounds you can share you mythology knowledge with the guests, your brilliant mind on display for everyone!"

Jin was now propped up on her elbows, "Just when I thought you couldn't be any more flamboyant."

"You have no idea." Kyoya watched as Tamaki continued with his tirade, something about more female friends for the Fujioka girls before looking down at the brunette on the floor, "Are you going to lay there all day?"

Jin flashed him a soft glare and pushed herself into a sitting position, planting her feet flat against the floor. With a huff and a small smirk, Kyoya offered her a hand. No use being rude.

However, it seemed as though Jin had her own plans. She brushed his hand away before pushing herself off the floor, leading with her hips, and rolling her upper body up into a standing position. More than one notable crack could be heard as she did so.

"Wow, haven't done that it a while." The brunette stretched her arms over her head as she rolled her neck, her joints crinkling in protest.

"That's… an abnormal amount of-"

"Joint popping? I know. Part hereditary, part overuse of my limbs." Jin shot a smile at the boy again, "Don't freak out, Ootori, I'm perfectly fine. No reason to rush me off to one of your family's hospitals just yet."

"Well, that's a relief. If that happened we'd have to add a rather large amount of yen to your debt. My family's hospitals aren't exactly cheap, you know."

Jin's smile disappeared, "Perhaps you should've cosplayed as Hades. You sure fit the profile. Black hair, is the reason people fear the dark, god of the underworld and wealth, and he kidnapped Persephone, Demeter's daughter, to be his bride. It would definitely explain why I can't stand you."

And with that final snap, Jin spun around and marched off towards Haruhi.

"Kyoya, you alright?"

The ravenet shrugged, "She said nothing of importance. There would be no reason for me to be upset."

Tamaki tilted his head, "You know what, Kyoya? I have a feeling that if you two would stop trying to find flaws in each other, you would get along just fine."

"Tamaki, finding a flaw in Jin Fujioka is incredibly easy, and no doubt it's just as simple for her to find something that I'm not perfect at, so that's not the issue between us. Unfortunately, Jin and I simply do not work very well with people of equal intelligence."

"And sarcasm."

"What was that, Tamaki?"

"Nothing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go gain some insight on my character." The blond walked after the brunette, who was now straightening out Haruhi's armor (she'd accidentally criss-crossed the straps on the sides), leaving his friend alone with his historically inaccurate trident.


"My my, what do we have here?" The three girls who had just sat down at their host's table looked up in anticipation. And, as usual, Tamaki didn't disappoint.

He reached out to the girl on his right and gently tipped her head back, "A goddess in disguise? Perhaps… the lovely Aphrodite?"

The brunette flushed a very deep red and looked away, "Oh… you're too much!" Despite the denying, the girl looked very pleased. The other two giggled, but trailed off when they noticed a very pretty "goddess" approaching them.

"Hi, Jin! Oh! I mean… Demeter!" The three girls regressed into another fit of giggles. Calling the hosts by the name of their God/Goddess was all a part of the fun today, pretending that actual deities were flirting with them. The hosts just played along, and it worked out very well.

The girl in green smiled broadly at the tables occupants and scooped up the empty teapot, quickly replacing it with a full one, "What's this I'm hearing about Aphrodite? Is it you?" She rounded the table and observed the girl keen interest for a few moments.

"Zeus, I must say your hypothesis may be correct. She certainly is beautiful enough. But then again, all three of them are." She let out a playful sigh, "I suppose we'll just have to wait for her to reveal herself. She's always changing her appearance, that one."

Jin went to walk away, but paused for a moment to pinch Tamaki's cheek, "And you… be on the lookout for Hera. If she saw you here with all these dazzling creatures," she paused to send a conspiring wink at the guests, "she would be quite displeased."

The guests were half curled-in on themselves, their hands trying halfheartedly to cover their blushes. Tamaki nodded approvingly at Jin before she actually left. He felt a swell of pride in his chest. They grow up so fast.

"Ah, Ji-erm… Demeter?"

Jin spun around when a guest tapped on her shoulder, "Yes, Princess?"

The blonde scuffed her shoe on the ground, "I was wondering… are you taking clients today? I heard that you know a lot about mythology, and I was wondering if we could talk about that for a while."

The brunette grinned widely, "But of course. Please wait at the empty table in the corner between the twins and my brother. I have to deposit this in the kitchen and alert Poseidon of my shift." She pouted and leaned in close, "Just because he's the ruler of all water he thinks he can rule all of Japan, too." Another sneaky wink, "I had to remind him that land is my domain."

The guest giggled for a bit and walked away. A few other guests noticed the interaction and started to debate with themselves whether they'd sit with 'Demeter' as well. Despite the obvious fact that Haruhi's sister was… well… a girl, it was just as fun to sit and talk and be low-key flirted with by the pretty second year student.

By the time Jin sat down with her guest, ten other girls had scheduled appointments with her in the next half-hour.

"So, what would you like to talk about?"

"I just have one really big question. How did you all choose your God or Goddess? Was there any big thought that went into it?"

Jin sat back in her seat, "Well, to be honest with you, we didn't exactly sit down and discuss everything in detail. Poseidon over there is the real mastermind behind everyone's specific cosplay, but assuming that he didn't just select the costumes at random, I have to guess that he first pulled out every God that would be easily recognizable.

"Let's start with Tamaki. Clearly, Zeus. Without a question. King of the Gods, king of the Host Club. Besides, Zeus's domain is the sky, kind of the overseer of everything and doles out the punishments, which is what Tamaki does as well. And besides, Zeus's main plot point in all the great myths is that he repeatedly went down to Earth and fell in love with beautiful mortal women.

"Next is Kyoya, himself. Second in command, for both him and Poseidon. And, if you think about it, Kyoya shares a lot of personality similarities with the ocean. They're both mysterious, can look friendly and daunting at the same time, and they're both definitely cool.

"The twins's cosplay was a toss up between Apollo and his sister Artemis, and Hypnos and Thanatos. So... either the gods of the sun and the moon, or the gods of sleep and death. I think you can figure out how that went down. Anyways, there is a bit more to it than that. See, if they had just been playing as any other brother and sister, twin or not, the lack of a homosexual relationship might've damaged the amount of clients they'd receive today. But since the Goddess Artemis swore off ever getting married... well, let's take a look."

The two girls looked around at the table nearest them, where the twins were talking to their guests. Hikaru, who was all decked out in bright golden robes and other accents, slowly reached over to touch Kaoru's thigh. But his "sister" smacked his hand away. The following smugness-vs-pouty lip contest left the guests in a serious conversation about "mixed signals" and how they could help poor "Apollo".

"It's an interesting take on it, for sure."

"Demeter, what about Honey-senpai? Shouldn't he be Cupid?"

Jin gestured to her guest with her palm up, "And that there is exactly why he isn't. See, the Greeks shared their mythology with the Romans. During that transaction, the gods were tweaked in such a way that they upheld more Roman-type views. Additionally, they changed names. Cupid is the Roman name for Eros, the Greek God of Love. There would be too much confusion for the guests, so Kyoya picked Hermes. Besides, he probably wanted to stick with the Big Twelve."

"The Big Twelve?"

"Yes, the twelve Gods and Goddesses that have thrones on Olympus. Seven boys, five girls. There's Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Hermes, Apollo, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Hera, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, and Demeter. The most popular Gods and Goddesses of the myths. Except, of course, for Hades, but that's another story. Anyways, with Honey-senpai, it's actually very interesting how similar he is to Hermes, especially in the myth about Hermes birth. He was born, a son of Zeus by the way, and only a few short hours later he crawled out of his crib, left the cave where he had been born in, stole some cattle that were sacred to Apollo, and cooked them. He also created two musical instruments... all within 24 hours of his birth! If you think about it, Honey-senpai does look very young to be so talented." The hostess and the guests simultaneously glanced at the blond boy on the other side of the room before looking back at each other and laughing.

"Okay, and what about Mori-senpai?"

"Big, strong, very strong moral sense, especially when it comes to faithfulness, how could he not be Hephaestus? Just... not in the physical sense. Then again, both are very strong. Um... not in the physical appearance way? And with Haru, it's no contest. Incredibly intelligent, incredibly beautiful, and a very beloved Goddess who thinks instead of fighting her way out. Haru and Athena are an easy match."

"Well... what about you, Demeter?"

Jin smirked, "Probably because we both have brown hair."


The girls jumped in their seats and Jin scrambled over to where the twins were situated for the day. Kaoru was shouting in his chair, his head thrown back in obvious pain and his right leg stretched straight out.

"Kaoru! KAORU! WHAT'S WRONG?!" Hikaru was trying to hold onto his brother, in near hysterics as Jin finally reached them. The guests they had been attending to were standing a little ways off, crying in fear as more people arrived.

Jin grabbed Hikaru's arm to force him to look at her, "What happened!?"

"I don't know! He was just stretching and suddenly he's like this!" Jin blinked once before looking down to stare at Kaoru's right leg, which was still stretched out in front of him. She pursed her lip and took a step to her right, gently moving Hikaru away. Kaoru was huffing in an attempt to stop screaming, but when Jin pressed her toes against his right foot and bent it backwards he shouted again, clenching hard at his arm rests. Hikaru panicked.

"Jin! What are you doing!?" Hikaru rushed forward, pushing her away so their feet disconnected, "You're hurting him!"

"No! Wait..." Hikaru turned back to see his twin straightening up. A clear sign of relief on his face. "The pain... it's gone!"

Gently, Hikaru knelt down by his twin's side, "Kaoru... what was that? You had me so scared..."

"It was a cramp." A few of the girls gasped as Jin sat up from the floor, rubbing at her left arm. Her green robe was very wrinkled and her hair was mused up as she slowly stood, "An involuntary contraction of the muscles. Probably in your calf, right? You were stretching it too much, making it strain and lock in place. I bent your foot back to stop the muscles from stretching."

"Wow. Thank you, Jin-senpai-"

But Jin was already walking away. Her face was downcast and she was still rubbing at her left arm.

"Uh... Jin?"

Tamaki tried to grab her shoulder, but she just brushed him off, continuing until she disappeared into the kitchen.

The guests were still whispering among themselves as Kyoya situated himself in the center of the commotion, "Ladies, I'm afraid that we'll have to cut our hosting hours short. Please come visit us tomorrow." The girls quickly filtered out of the room, whispering concerns to each other until the doors boomed shut behind them. Instantly, Haruhi was in Hikaru's face.

"What was that all about? Jin was just helping! Why'd you go and push her?"

Hikaru glared and turned away, "It's not my fault! She should've told me what she was doing to Kaoru so I wouldn't be worried! She bent his foot back, he screamed, and I pushed her away. I don't see what's wrong with it, I didn't mean for her to end up on the floor!"

"Hika-chan, just tell Jin you're sorry for hurting her."

"No! Not until she apologizes for trying to act like a hero! If it was just a stupid cramp then why act so secretive about how to fix it? Why not just say, 'Hey, Kaoru has a muscle cramp, so I'm going to fix it.'?"

Tamaki sighed and rubbed at his forehead, "Please, Hikaru, we don't need another fight between two hosts after last week... I'm still trying to heal from that fiasco."

"HA~ hahahaha! Ahahahaha!" The remaining hosts in the room watched as Renge's generator powered up, pushing her pedestal into their music room.

Hikaru spoke first, "Well, Otaku? I assume you have some sort of valuable input on this matter that the rest of us can't wait to hear."

The french girl pouted, "You're still a meanie, Hikaru! I just came to say that this is going to be a completely different kind of fight than what Tamaki was talking about. While the fight between the twins was proved to be faked, this one is going to be the real deal! No script, no excessive throwing of objects, no fangirl moments, just a good old fashioned brawl between two separate parties! Each of them feels wronged by the other and each wants an apology first! And what makes this story even more interesting is that the fight is including our very own waitress! Finally she gets some action around here! Her potential romantic interests are all over the map, with no clear indication of who likes who and how much, and there is just so little of her actual personality that has been discovered! This might be our chance to really dig deep into Jin's dark character!"

Haruhi was the only one who actively ignored Renge's ridiculous speech. Potential romantic interests. Pfft, please. As Renge continued to try and rally the other boys to her "cause", Haruhi had slipped away to the kitchen. Jin was still there, her hair back to normal and her cosplay replaced by her Ouran uniform. She was washing the pile of silverware that had accumulated during hosting hours. She was staring straight into the water, but Haruhi was 100% positive that Jin's mind was anywhere but here.

She clanked over to her sister, mentally cursing at her costume. Stupid, stupid metal cosplay. I hate this thing.

Once she was right next to her, Haruhi lay her head on Jin's shoulder. She could feel her onēchan stiffen beneath her cheek, but Jin didn't pull away. They stood like that for a moment, just breathing in sync as the bubbles popped beneath Jin's hands.

"Nēchan?" Haruhi's voice came out in a whisper as she nuzzled her cheek against Jin's shoulder.


"I think we should go home."

"Yeah. I think so, too."

Haruhi collected her sister's cosplay (that was folded neatly on one of the tables in the kitchen) before venturing back out into the main room. The others hosts had all dispersed, and the twins were already gone. The others were all out of their cosplay, so Haruhi had the changing room to herself again. In less than 10 minutes, she was all changed, the cosplays were put away, and she met up with Jin at the doors with their school bags.

"Let's go home, Nēchan."


As they walked out into the hallway, Haruhi had a very unsettling thought. If the host club keeps breaking out into fights like this, how long are they expecting it to last?

*The Next Day*

"Hey, did you hear? Hikaru Hitachiin and Jin Fujioka are fighting!"

"Woah, really? What happened?"

"I heard that it was Kaoru's fault!"

"No, it happened during the host club! Jin hurt Kaoru. I saw it!"

"Something about a cramp, I thought."

"Do you think that the host club will be closed today?"

"Ohh... I hope they make up fast!"

It seems like every single person in the school is talking about the fight! Haruhi couldn't take three steps without hearing another student's opinion about it. Some were even questioning whether it was because the twins had a crush on Jin! Still, despite how absurd some of the rumors were, Haruhi was doing her best to keep them out of Jin's ears. She was acting like everything was fine, but Haruhi could tell that she was still somewhat upset about yesterday's events. She could see it in her eyes. It's hard work when you can see someone's soul.

Okay, sure, some people doubt that it's possible to know a person that well, but Haruhi and Jin could read each other like a book. It had been this way almost since the day Haruhi had been born. Sure, it cut the time down during arguments and other types of conversation, but it was a little heartbreaking knowing all the times your sister was sad. It was almost impossible for the two of them to hide anything from each other; even surprise birthday parties were a bust if the other knew about it!

"Hey, Haruhi!"

"Mm?" Haruhi looked up as a boy walked up to her. He was in her class but, for the life of her, she could not remember his name.

"I was wondering if you could set the record straight. What happened between Hitachiin and your sister? I heard it was messy."

Haruhi frowned and started walking again, "It really isn't any of your business. What's going on between Hikaru and-"

"So it is Hikaru! Someone was talking about Kaoru!"

"Well, glad to clarify for you. Good day."

"Wait, Fujioka-"

"Good day."

The short haired brunette stalked away, seething internally. It's none of their business! Why do they need to gossip anyways?

She came to a stop outside of the classroom for Class 2-A and peeked inside. The room was empty save for three people. Three guesses who.

"Jin, come on, let's head to the music room now. School is over for today."

"I'm well aware of that, Tamaki. But Haru and I walk to the host club together every day. On Wednesdays she and I meet here instead of at one of the libraries. You two don't have to wait for me, you know." Jin was sitting tightly in her chair as Tamaki attempted to move her along. And Kyoya, surprisingly, was calmly waiting for the two of them.

Haruhi sighed internally before entering the room herself, "Nēchan?"

At her sister's voice, Jin stood up and started walking out of the room, causing Tamaki to fall over her chair and face-plant the floor, "Hey, Haru. About time you got here. I was worried that any longer and Tamaki would've carried me to the club himself."

"It's because of what happened yesterday! I thought you were going to try to avoid the club to stay away from Hikaru!"

Jin calmly pressed her hand onto the top of Tamaki's head, "Hey... slow down there, Assumption Man. I'm not avoiding Hikaru. He had a very valid point yesterday. I should've warned both him and Kaoru that what I was about to do was going to hurt a bit. If something like that had happened to Haru I probably would've done the same thing."

"You wouldn't have shoved anyone to the ground, Nēchan."

Jin switched her school bag from her right hand to her left so she could swing an arm around her sister's shoulders, "And you know that how? I can be very strong when I want to be, Haru. Especially when it involves you. Really, I don't blame Hikaru at all."

The two sisters stared at each other for about ten seconds before Haruhi looked away in a huff. Jin just hummed, "So, we're in agreement then."

"Wait, what?"

"Oh, Haru just thought that, even though I've forgiven Hikaru he should still apologize. I agree with that wholeheartedly, but I'm also not going to try to force an apology out of him either. Haru, on the other hand, wanted to see if she could talk to him about giving an apology. I shot it down. She agreed, though not happily." Jin scratched at the back of her head, "Sorry, sometimes I forget that Haru and I do that."

Tamaki's jaw dropped as the group made it to the club room. Jin and Haruhi pushed through and separated, Haruhi taking both of their school bags over to the far corner while her sister dashed off to the kitchen to start preparing everyone's tables.

"Kyoya? Did we just witness mind-reading?"

"Don't be such an idiot."


Hikaru was going insane.

"So, Hikaru! I heard that you and Jin aren't fighting anymore, I'm so happy!"

"I'm glad that you guys are friends again! I love it when a guy apologizes, it's so manly!"

He did his best impression of a sheepish smile, "Thanks lad-"

"He didn't apologize." The girls jumped as Renge stuck her face in between their heads. And there in lies the reason for Hikaru's approaching headache. Renge must've been expecting some month-long wrestling match with the way she's behaving.

See, as soon as Hikaru and Kaoru had entered the music room that day, Jin had been quick to apologize for how things went down yesterday. Hikaru had been impressed with how quickly he had received the apology and how fast she seemed to forget about his accidental over-surge of strength. She hadn't even asked for an apology in return.

And he thought that would've been the end of it. The girls would spread out the rumor that the fight was over and everyone would forget about it by the weekend. But no... Renge was not satisfied. She still thought that Hikaru should apologize as well, even though it was none of her business. And now, she was telling every client that came in how the fight actually ended, even though some would say it hadn't even begun in the first place.

"Jin apologized, but Hikaru did not. I don't understand why Jin is behaving so calmly! It's almost like she doesn't want an apology!"

The girls were listening with rapt attention as Renge went on and on about Hikaru's lack of an apology while Kaoru stared his twin down. Hikaru didn't understand it. The only person in the room who should be upset about not getting an apology is also the only one who isn't asking for one. Even Kaoru suggested doing it just to calm everyone down! What is going on?

And the truth was that the guilt was eating him alive.

But why didn't she ask for an apology? I mean, she didn't even want one despite being pushed to the floor? Does she understand I didn't mean for that to happen? Or does she think it was completely in my rights? I mean, it... kind of was, but still. And Haruhi hasn't talked to me much today. Does Jin have any bruises? Ah, what am I thinking about this for?

"Hikaru? Hikaru!"

"Ah, what?" The older twin jolted in his seat to see a certain Fujioka standing beside his table.

"I asked if you were done with your tea cup."

Hikaru looked down to see an empty cup in his grip. When did I pick this up?

"Oh, yes. Thanks, Jin."

The brunette smiled and nodded before taking the cup and going to walk away. He looked back towards the table he was sharing with his brother, trying his best to avoid how his guests were now whispering with each other. Renge was long gone, probably standing outside the club doors handing out flyers that read 'Hikaru Hitachiin is a horrible human being'. Okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. Perhaps I should stop hanging around the Boss for a while...

"So, ladies. Would you like some more tea?"


The girls were very quiet as Kaoru filled their cups, but Hikaru was still grateful that they didn't just up and leave after Renge's interruption. No use making him feel any worse. I'm not wrong though. I thought she was hurting Kaoru, so I pushed her away. She ended up on the floor, but I didn't mean for that to happen. So... I am sorry that I pushed her onto the floor but- Hikaru squeezed his eyes shut, Oh man... But I wasn't wrong! So... damn it. What now?

"Hey, Hikaru?"


Kaoru was watching him still, but his gaze had softened just a tad from earlier, "Maybe you should apologize. Jin just went into the kitchen. You can talk to her by yourself in there."

"But I wasn't wrong. I thought she was hurting you."

"And you don't have to apologize for that. Just for what you're sorry for. I'm sure that would make her feel a lot better." Kaoru smiled, "Don't you think she deserves at least that?"

It took him a few seconds, but Hikaru did stand up, "I'll be right back."

He was well aware that all eyes were on him as he snaked his way across the room. By the time he reached the kitchen, that was an odd vibe in the air. They know what I'm going to do. He screwed up his courage and pushed the door open. At least the girls think that a guy apologizing is manly, or whatever.

"Hey, Jin?"

"Hm? Oh, hi, Hikaru! Is there something you need?"

"Um, no. Just... can I talk to you for a second?" Jin slowed in the middle of opening one of the cake cupboards. She gave him an extended glance to the side before carrying on.


The redhead nodded and slipped fully into the room. He had no idea how to start, so instead he started looking around. He'd never really been in the kitchen for extended periods of time. More often than not he'd run in, grab some more tea, and head back out. Now, however, he actually looked. The tea sets were far more organized than they'd ever been. The dishes weren't piled high for the night maids to take care of. And Jin was currently slicing up two cakes so they'd be ready by the time the next guests came through. She had truly systematized the room, which was pretty impressive.

Jin was plating the pieces of chocolate cake, calmly waiting for him to say something. For this, Hikaru was thankful, though he shouldn't be surprised. After all, he was an older sibling, too.

That's the thought that caused him to open his mouth, "So, I know you said that I don't need to apologize."

Jin froze in place, "Yeah. I know."

"And... I know that everyone else in the world would disagree with you."

Jin sighed and straightened up, "Hikaru, just because-"

"Wait, let me finish. I'm not doing this because of everyone else. Or, at least that not the main reason. I wanted to say... I'm sorry for pushing you onto the floor. From one older sibling to another. You helped Kaoru... and I should've been more grateful." Hikaru waited. Was that enough of an apology? And why is my chest pounding so hard? This wasn't exactly a common occurrence for the twin.

Jin slowly smiled and walked over to him, "Thank you. It means a lot to me that you still apologized. I know that it can be hard to do that." She crossed her arms across her chest, "And just so you know, I did have reason to not ask you for an apology. It's because I didn't want to make you feel forced to give me one. If you were going to apologize, I wanted you to mean it."

Hikaru thought about that for a moment, before he shook his head is disbelief, "So, in other words, you played me?" At that, the two started to laugh. Not super hard, but enough to release the serious tension that had been hovering over their heads.

"Eh... I wouldn't use the word played. More like... shaped." She patted the top of his head lightly, "You're a cool kid, Hikaru. I think we'll get along just fine. Now, get back to work."

The first year playfully batted her hand away with another laugh, "Fine. See you later." And Hikaru turned to leave, a very important thought struck him.

When was the last time I ever even considered apologizing to anyone? He gave Jin a glance over his shoulder. What is it about Haruhi and Jin that makes us... act like everyone else? And if this is how we're acting now... what are they going to change us into in the future?