Chapter 29: The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" Haruhi smiled and waved as a mother and daughter walked out of Pension Misuzu. Turning back to the table she was wiping down, she rubbed at a particularly stubborn syrup spill, "Who'd have thought working at a Bed and Breakfast would be the ideal way to spend summer vacation, Nēchan?"

Jin smirked from her own table, "Dad, apparently." The bell hanging above the door rang again, prompting both girls to greet the newcomers, three best friends it looked like. Jin moved away from the table she'd just finished clearing off, offering it to the new customers.

"Misuzu-chi will be with you in a moment. Would you like some green tea while you wait?"

The three boys nodded and Jin walked away towards the kitchen. As she passed behind Haruhi, she stopped, "Hey, while I'm getting their tea do you want to hang the sheets out to dry? The washer should be done by now."

"Sounds good, Nēchan."

Jin smiled and slipped behind the bar and into the kitchen, "Misuzu-chi! Guests at table 9! I'm grabbing their tea now!"

Their tall employer and pseudo-uncle suddenly appeared out from around a corner, "Perfect! I swear, Jin, you run Pension Misuzu better than I do!"

"Oh, I highly doubt that!"

"Aww! You're too sweet, dear! How is everything else out there?"

"Just fine! Haru's hanging sheets out back right now, and the other three occupants are still eating. But I think we should be prepared to switch to our lunch menu for this group."

"That sounds just fine, dear. You can do that once you finish serving the tea." Jin nodded and grabbed a spare serving tray, quickly piling three clean teacups and saucers and a fresh pot of tea onto it. "Oh… I do wish you would wear the bandana like your sister… you'd look so cute it in! And I can't believe you two won't wear a skirt with your aprons. But I do suppose your skinny jeans accentuate your butt anyways, Jin."

"H-hey!" The two laughed at the banter. Misuzu-chi had always pretended to fuss about Jin and Haruhi's 'lack of femininity', but since the two of them always looked good in whatever they wore he never put any heat behind the words.

Jin paused mid-laugh, ears catching a strange sound that seemed to be coming closer.

"Do you hear that?"

Her employer stopped laughing as well, hearing the sound as it continued to grow. Frowning, Jin walked back out into the café area. The other occupants were looking around in curiosity. Setting the items on the tray down in front of the boys, Jin walked over to the back door and peered outside.

Just then a very loud voice over an intercom system blares out. The words are a little garbled, not to mention it was hard to hear anything over the sound of the helicopter blades, but judging by the look on Haru's face as she stared up into the sky, there was little argument over who was screaming.

Besides, that voice was unmistakable.

Not even two minutes later the noise was gone and Haruhi was walking back into Pension Misuzu with the entire host club trailing behind her. Jin was waiting for them, her arms crossed but her lips curled in an amused smirk.

"Jin-chan!" Honey runs up to her and delivers a big hug around the middle, "We were so worried about you! Tama-chan said you and Haru-chan became indentured servants because your family went bankrupt!"

Amusement gone, Jin stares at the small boy before she looks at her sister, unimpressed, "You told me you'd tell the boys where we were going for summer vacation so they wouldn't flip out."

"I said I'd think about it. Besides, if you were so concerned why didn't you do it?"

"Because I had to tell Aki that I wouldn't be able to come into the Animal Shelter all summer!"

"Oh, yeah."

Haruhi collapses against her sister's shoulder and mutters an apology as Misuzu-chi ran from the kitchen, "Oh my! You must be the dashing boys Jin and Haruhi have told me about! The famous Ouran Highschool Host Club, correct? Just call me Misuzu-chi!"

" Kill me. " Haruhi groaned into Jin's skin.

"He's an old friend of Ranka's. They used to work at the same bar years ago before Misuzu-chi opened his own Bed and Breakfast."

" Kill me. "

Jin turned her flat expression to the bespectacled boy, "Let me guess, you've still been contacting our father?"

"Not at all. I had some time to kill during the ride here and did a little extra research." Kyoya couldn't help but recall how he actually couldn't contact Ranka any longer, given that the man had told him they were no longer friends because of Kyoya's 'interest' in his daughter. He cleared his throat softly, deciding to not think about that at the moment.

"So, are Haru-chan and Jin-chan your indentured servants?"

" Kill me. "

"We're more like summertime employees, we just don't get paid."


" Just kill me. "

"I take it this is your father's way of tracking your actions while he's working over the summer?"

"You got it. It's almost as if he doesn't trust us."

Kyoya smirked at the girl before his eyes trailed downwards, taking in her outfit for the day. It wasn't often that he saw her in anything except the school uniform and whatever cosplay Tamaki had selected for them all, so it was always interesting to see how she dressed herself. Unlike her sister, Jin was only wearing a waist-length apron that covered the front of her legs and had pockets for menus, extra chopsticks, and a notepad and pen combo. Underneath the apron was a pair of black skinny jeans, paired with a bright red tank top, her red and green plaid converse, and what looked to be mismatched colorful ankle socks. She looked good.

" Kill. Me. "

At Haruhi's dark tone, Kyoya quickly averted his gaze. The small girl was already upset with him and the others, no need to make it seem like he was undressing her sister with his eyes. Of course, that spawned a brand new set of thoughts and actually caused his cheeks to flush a light pink. He covered it by adjusting his glasses.

"They're such model employee's, it's a crying shame I can't pay them for the magnificent jobs they do! I swear the only time of year this place runs smoothly is when I have Jin and Haruhi at my side! My only way of showing my appreciation is giving them these cute aprons to wear while they work! What do you think, boys? I made them myself!"

"You are quite the exquisite seamstress! And you made them different so they both feel special and unique!"

"Hm? Oh, you silly boy, that's not the reason their aprons are different at all! See, little Haruhi is so flat chested a full-body apron fits her body perfectly. But with Jin wearing a similar apron would just cause all kinds of problems because of her-"

"HEY! How about we all go out to the back and talk? I think Haru's mouth is about to catch up to her brain and we might not want to be inside when that happens. Misuzu-chi, will you be alright dealing with the guests by yourself?"

The man giggled, "I run this place by myself all year long, I'm sure I can handle fifteen minutes! I'll make you all some tea!"

"Thank you!" Jin quickly pushed her sister out onto the patio, positive the boys were right on her tail.

A few minutes later, they were all sitting down and sipping their green tea.

"So… this is what you meant by your father having plans for you two over the summer?"

"You turned down Bali for this ?"

"Don't forget we invited you to Switzerland!"

Jin rolled her eyes, idly twirling her spoon in her drink and listening to the light tinkling as it hit the sides, "Haru? Passport? Or lack thereof? Remember?"

A throat was cleared behind the brunette, "Resort?"

"My dad was dead set on sending us here. We didn't even get a day off. The morning summer vacation started the two of us were packed up and on a train before 6 in the morning. Besides, it's not as though we could've afforded a summer-long stay at one of your family's resorts."

"I could've offered you two a discount."

"Sell that deal to my father and listen to what he has to say." Kyoya looked over his shoulder to shoot a small smile at the girl. Their banter was always entertaining. However, for a brief moment Kyoya saw something flicker in the girl's eyes. A wavering faith. It was gone as soon as it showed up, and the next instant Jin was drawing her drink up to her lips while Tamaki started shouting about 'loyalty' and 'traitors'.

What was that, I wonder?

"So why were your cell phones turned off?"

"We've been calling you all day!"

"Really? What kind of employee's would we be if we talked on the phone while we worked?"

"Haruhi? You have a cell phone?"

Haruhi didn't comment on the leaves and sticks that were all over Tamaki's head, opting instead to pull her phone out of her pocket, "Yeah, Nēchan liked her iPhone so much that Dad decided I should have one too. It's used and doesn't hold as much storage as Nēchan's, but it gets the job done. It's actually really nice."

"Do… do you want my number? Just so your Daddy can call you when he's worried?"

Haruhi shook her head, "I already have yours, Senpai. Kyoya sent it to Nēchan in a text, just like everyone else's. We just haven't had the time to tell you about it."

The blond's eyes slowly slid to pierce the back of his best friend's head, already constructing a lecture about not telling your best friend that you sent their number to a very important person and then not giving them their numbers in return. But at this particular moment, he had other things to worry about.

"If you had my number then why haven't you ever called me?"

Haruhi shrugged, "I don't really use my phone all that much. Ask anyone. Actually… don't. Why are we even talking about this? I came out here to ask you to leave."

" Leave? "

"I have to see you guys pretty much everyday when school is in session, not to mention the following year. All I want to do for this summer is to spend it with my sister and no one else. You've already stepped in on our car trips, our days off at home, and where Nēchan volunteers. Is one summer too much to ask?"

"No, can't say that it is… however," Kyoya held the Ouran Academy handbook over his left shoulder for all to see, "According to the handbook, students are prohibited to have jobs while enrolled at Ouran. Paid or unpaid."

Haruhi pales, "I, uh, had no idea. N-Nēchan?"


Kyoya eyes Jin over his shoulder again. She didn't sound very concerned…

The other boys caught on and started "hinting" about how much nicer Karuizawa sounded compared to their planned vacations. Haruhi, of course, was screaming. Jin just leaned back in her chair and sipped her tea, lips curved upwards ever so slightly.

A whisper gently tickled Jin's left ear, " Are you not upset? "

"Not at all. Unlike Haru, I don't mind the Host Club's company. Maybe because I'm used to odd behaviour. My friends in America were anything but normal. Still, don't expect any special treatment from me." Jin turned her head and winked, "Haru would never forgive me if I did."

Her friend chuckled and went back to his chair as Misuzu-chi poked his head out the door, "Everything alright out here? I heard screams."

"Yeah, everything's fine."

"Excuse us, Misuzu-chi…"

"...but would there be any empty rooms left at Pension Misuzu?"

"We'd like to spend our vacation with our friends."

"Oh dear… I'm so sorry boys, but I only have one vacant room for the rest of the summer!" Poor Misuzu-chi looked like he was about to cry, and he wasn't the only one. As soon as Tamaki heard of the one room, he announced he'd be the one to use it, prompting a wail from Honey-senpai. Next the twins turned the tall blonds own words against him, wringing out tears from their 'Boss' who "couldn't believe my own men would fight against me". Kyoya watched with vague amusement.

I wonder who will be the one to stay. If you look at it logically, the twins should be automatically ejected, because there's no way one of them would leave the other alone here. Honey-senpai might try to stay, but he'll eventually become fearful of staying someplace he's unfamiliar with. Mori-senpai wouldn't stay even if he wanted to due to Honey-senpai being away. As for Tamaki… I'm sure Haruhi could persuade either Misuzu-chi or Jin to not let him stay. Perhaps I should throw my name into the drawing as well. After all… his eyes trailed over the brunette girl sipping the last of her tea down.

"We've got an idea, Boss…"

"Let's hold a competition to see who gets the last room."

"It's a very simple game, we all just lend a hand around the Pension."

"And whoever impresses Misuzu-chi the most wins."


Kyoya turned back around, taking too big of a gulp from his cup. God damn it. Can't one thing go right today?

"Why are you sulking, Glasses?" He felt his chair list to the right and looked up at the girl now leaning against it.

"No reason, I just find the competition pointless."

"You're not even going to try?"

"I have no chance of winning, so what would be the point? Exactly what about me could be considered refreshing?"

Jin pressed a finger to her cheek, "Hm… Well, you're certainly honest, but that can go both ways. You're nice when you want to be, but I'm not exactly sure what would happen if someone got on your nerves. Not everyone who comes here is exactly in the best mood. You're very intelligent, and lots of girls find that attractive, and it certainly is refreshing with all the idiots people put up with everyday, but you flaunt your intelligence a bit too much. Um… how are you with household chores?"

He stares at her.


He stares some more.

She sighs and spins around, now leaning against the table, "Well… sorry, Kyoya. I wish I could help at least give you a chance. That is… if you even wanted the room in the first place."

"Are you saying you wish I'd stay here?"

Jin shrugs, but eyes him playfully, "Mmm… unclear. I've heard horror stories from Tamaki about you in the mornings."

Kyoya sets his cup down with a sharp click , "Has he now?"

"Yeah, just a few. But I'm sure he over exaggerated a few points."

"...You're too kind."

"Ha! Does that mean I get a refresher point?"

"I don't think that's how the game works. Now, run along before your boss fires you for slacking on the job."

"He's not even paying me!"

The ravenet shook his head as the girl wandered back indoors to man the café. Haru was right behind her, clearly 'hosted' out at the moment. Deciding he wouldn't be needed out here any longer, Kyoya gathered his empty tea cup and saucer. He took a step towards the door before noticing Jin had forgotten her own dishes on the other table. Smirking, he grabbed hers as well and continued on his way.

Kyoya was completely unaware that, while Misuzu-chi continued listing all of the little chores he wanted completed by the end of the day, two 3rd years were staring at him. The way his whole body had relaxed whenever he spoke to their childhood friend. The lingering stares. And how he was very obviously following Jin around like some lost puppy.

Honey-senpai looked up at his cousin to see Takashi looking just as shocked as he felt.

"Takashi… are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

* Time Skip *

Well, that didn't take long.

Kyoya watched as Misuzu-chi started tearing Tamaki a new one over the horribly done fence. At least the old rickety one had been set properly. And Honey's cuteness was quickly rejected too.

Perhaps this is where Jin learned how to withstand 'Puppy-dog eyes'?

He hadn't felt the need to share the information, but Kyoya knew that Misuzu-chi and the girls had a closer bond than they let on. The transvestite was something akin to a relative to them, and they visited each other a few times a year. This wasn't the first time they had worked for him over the summer.

"So, how's the boss doing?"

"Have his charms worked like he thought they would?"

Kyoya smirked and moved away from the window, "You know that they haven't. And you have guests."

The twins skipped off happily to greet the two ladies who had just walked in and Haruhi moved to take their place, "So… I've noticed you're not really… trying to win, Kyoya-senpai."

"I don't need the room, and as I've already told your sister this isn't exactly a game I have the upper hand in, so why bother? On that particular note, where did Jin go? I swear she was out here just a moment ago, but I turned my head for one second and she vanished."

The short brunette pursed her lips, eyes narrowing thoughtfully, "I think… she went to the backroom. Just go through the kitchen doors and take a left. There should be a door there that reads 'Office'."

"Thank you."

He walked away, repeating the girls' directions in his head as Misuzu-chi started gawking over Mori-senpai. Looks like we have a Dark Horse.

Slipping through the swing doors and moving to the office quickly, Kyoya knocked on the door before pushing it open, "Anyone here?"

"Kyoya?" Jin's brown eyes peeked around the monitor of a laptop. Squirming in her seat to sit upright, the girl reached behind her with her right hand to pull a nearby chair to her side, "What are you doing back here?"

"It is possible for me to become bored, you know. Haruhi gave me directions back here, because I assumed you'd be doing something a little more interesting."

The girl rolled her eyes, moving back to the laptop, "Eh, maybe you'll be of some help, but I can't promise entertainment. I'm just putting Misuzu-chi's financial statements online and double checking them with his online banking."

Kyoya cocked an eyebrow, lifting one of the many papers on the desk to read it, "He trusts you with his bank statements?"

"Looks like. I've been asked to handle the financials for the rest of the summer. With all the accounting classes I've taken both here and in America, plus the online class I'm starting in a few days, and all the help I've given to you with the Host Club's budgeting, he figured I'd be able to handle this just fine. And besides… I get to play with an adding machine! " The girl laughed maniacally, happily wiggling in her seat as Kyoya's eyes fell to what looked like an over exaggerated calculator.

He smiled, "Do you always geek out over math related items?"

"Sometimes. Okay, so I left off on last month's shipment of new bed sheets..."

* Time Skip *


"That's it."

Jin felt her neck crick as she finally moved it. Blinking rapidly as her eyes left the bright computer screen, she used her cramping right hand to brush away the tears, "What? We're done already?"

"'Already?' We haven't moved from these chairs in over an hour." The ravenet watched in amusement as the girl blinked owlishly at the clock hanging above the office door. "And you have the gall to call me the workaholic."

She rolled her neck, "Shut up, Glasses. Are we actually done or are you just saying that to make me take a break?"

Kyoya lifted his hands away from the desk, "Look, no papers. Everything else has been shredded already. Now will you please take a break for your own health?"

Jin stuck her lower lip out in a pout, but quickly agreed once her friend stood up and started wheeling her chair towards the door. Haruhi joined them not ten minutes later on the back deck, a bowl of chicken ramen and a single cup of tea cooling in front of them.

"Haru! Over here!"

"Hey, Nēchan. Taking a break?"

"Finished, actually."

Haruhi looked down at the tea, "Jasmine tea? I don't know how you do it, Kyoya-senpai, it's way to hot to be drinking hot tea outside." He shrugged, taking a small sip, so she continued, "Actually I've been wondering; since you're not planning on staying at the Pension, then where? Pension Misuzu is the largest in the area, so if it's booked for the rest of the summer I'm not sure what other available rooms you'll find…"

"I appreciate your concern, Haruhi, but I'll just stay at my family's cottage for the summer."


Jin blew gently on the bowl, "So your family has a place in the area, too? I remember Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai mentioning their family homes here once before. The other three as well?"

Kyoya nodded, "There's really no consequence for any of us to lose. And with that in mind, Haruhi, do you have a favorite to win? You must have someone in mind; care to bet?"

"Not really. I have no clue who Misuzu-chi will pick, he's a little flight-y."

Jin shakes her head, "Well, it's fairly obvious."


"Of course. First off, Honey-senpai may be cute, but Misuzu-chi is looking for the more 'attractive' kind of guy to stay here, so he's out. Which, in turn, pulls Mori-senpai out of the running, despite how many points he may receive; if Honey goes, he goes. Tamaki, while he has the looks Misuzu-chi wants, won't win unless he keeps his mouth shut. And we all know how probable that will be."

"Which means victory-"

"-is ours."

Haruhi jumped at the twins voices, turning around to see them looking very much like the cats who got the cream, "Well, that may be so, but didn't Misuzu-chi mention how the available room only has a single-person bed?"

"We'll work it out."

Not impressed, the brunette walked closer, "How, exactly? We can't take any beds out of the other rooms."

As the twins and Haruhi continued talking about solving the whole single-bed issue, Jin felt her left foot slide a little across the smoothed wood, "Hm?"

"Once again, you have impressed me."

She smirked around her bite of ramen and swallows, "Kyoya, I think we're at the point where you don't have to tell me, I'll just always assume I've impressed you with whatever I've just said."

He smirks and slides her his tea cup, "I noticed you didn't bring out a drink."

She raised an eyebrow, but took the ceramic in her hands anyways. Letting her eyes roam the grassy yard, she hummed lightly as the slightly sweet taste flooded over her tongue. Kyoya accepts both his cup back and the 'thank you' as the girl returned to her food. Both of them blissfully unaware of the shell-shocked expressions on the 1st years' faces.

Indirectly kissing…

"So, Kyoya, do you think the contest is really decided?"

"Not necessarily… there are still any number of ways to make this game a little more interesting."

Kaoru was the first to shake himself out of his shock, "Oh yeah?"

"Thinking about helping the Boss, Kyoya-senpai?"

"Now, I never said that."

Jin chuckled, standing up with her empty ramen bowl in hand, " I wonder if Tamaki's aware that we have a piano? " Shooting a wink at the ravenet, she headed back in, humming softly.

Haruhi swore she could actually hear Kyoya's heart pounding in his chest as he watched her go.

Mozart's Sonata in D Major peacefully drifted through the air, the wind gently pushing it around to reach the ears of those passing by. Jin swayed to the music as she roamed the backyard. Her eyes followed the poorly repaired fence, mentally tallying up all the new boards she'd need to order so she could properly fix it. She smiled, remembering once again that tomorrow she would finally get to take off the stupid cast around her wrist. It didn't hurt anymore, and it would be just in time for a summer with the Host Club!

Her grin falters as another memory pops up, of her hitting a branch and feeling that jolt of pain down her arm. Unknowingly, she rubbed the back of her cast-covered hand, her forefinger tracing the smiley face Honey had drawn there. It was only a dream… so why am I still affected by it?

She'd told Haruhi about her dream, just a little bit, and it was clear her sister wasn't taking it very seriously. To be fair, Jin hadn't taken Haruhi's Wonderland dream all that seriously either, but this one had been different. It had been deeply unsettling to look at some of the people she was closest too and receive nothing in return. Not only that, but her friends had been merely shells of themselves, not close to anyone else or even each other.

It sounded almost narcissistic, but Jin was very glad that she had been born.

"Look out!"


Jin jolted out of her thoughts, not even thinking as she bolted towards the sound of shattering glass. Rounding the corner she saw Kaoru's back, hunched over Haruhi on the porch. A broken vase was only a foot away from them.

She jumped up onto the wood, "Haru! Kaoru! Are you two alright?"

The redhead slowly uncurled himself, sitting back on his heels and smiling calmly, "Yeah, Jin-senpai. We're oka-"

Jin cut him off with a tight hug, pulling Haruhi in as well, "You didn't get cut, right? What happened?"

"Hey, don't worry, Jin-senpai! We're fine!"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know that vase was there!" A guest called down from the second floor. Kaoru smiled up at the girl reassuringly, but Jin's eyes zeroed in on his cheek.

"Kaoru, you're hurt!"

"What?!" Before Jin could do anything about it, Hikaru was pulling his brother from her grasp to take a look himself. Knowing Kaoru was in good hands, she turned to her own sibling.

"And you? That glass sprayed everywhere; you weren't nicked at all?" Jin continued to poke and prod at her sister, inspecting each of her fingers one by one as Haruhi tried to convince her she was completely fine. It wasn't until the younger girl grabbed at Jin's hands herself, forcing them to make eye contact.

"Nēchan! I promise you I'm completely fine. Kaoru pulled me out of the way just in time. I'm not hurt at all."

"Okay… okay, I trust you. Just... don't scare me like that ever again." Haruhi doesn't respond verbally, leaning forward instead to hug her sister tightly.


The two jump apart and stare at their pseudo-uncle. For a split second… they had wondered if he had been talking about them. Only to turn around and see the two redheads kneeling close to each other, smiling broadly with their arms slung over each other's shoulders.

"Huh, well I guess that's fair considering you got hurt and still remained 'refreshing'. Besides, you two really worked hard for that room. Nice work."

"Congratulations, you guys!"

Kaoru and Hikaru continue to look completely innocent for the following three seconds… before regressing into much darker expressions, "Oh… it was nothing…"

Haruhi's jaw dropped.

Jin stood, "You mean to say that you faked that? Really? After all this time, you still- gah!" Spinning around, the girl started marching off the porch, grumbling about stupid 1st years and trash bags. Kaoru felt something pinch in his chest as jumped up to follow her, finally managing to grab onto her shoulder.



"I… thank you. For worrying about me. That meant a lot. For what it's worth, you're like the older sister I never knew I wanted."

Jin's face softened, her hand coming up to gently squeeze the redheads, "I always worry about you boys, but I'm glad that you're okay. I'll grab a bandage for you when I get the garbage bags for the glass. Could you sweep the glass up while you wait?"

"Sure thing, Jin-senpai."

* The Next Morning *

"Come on, I've already said I was sorry, like, a million times! You're the one who said we wouldn't need the bed from the cottage, remember? I didn't mean to kick you out of it last night. These little things called accidents do tend to happen . "

"Accident or not, my back is killing me. Which means you're paying for our breakfast."


The twins threw themselves into an empty table and looked around. Haruhi was currently pouring a young couple a cup of tea and they waved her over, not seeing her sister.

"What's with the long faces?"

"We don't want to talk about it."

"Yeah, can you just take our breakfast orders? Or maybe get Jin to take them so you can go back to… whatever it was you were doing before?"

The brunette rolled her eyes, flipping their tea cups over so she could fill them with tea, "Nēchan's at the hospital right now, getting her cast taken off. She should be back in about twenty minutes or so."

Despite the rough start to the morning, Kaoru found his mood perking, "She's finally getting it taken off? I bet she's happy about that! Why didn't she tell us?"

"I don't know. Maybe she wanted it to be a surprise? I do know she's keeping it, though. She likes looking at the silly pictures you guys drew all over it, especially your dinosaurs with laser beams, Hikaru. If it wasn't so uncomfortable I doubt she'd even want to take it off."

And now, the twins were officially in better moods, waving over the other hosts as they walked through the doors, "Hey, guys! Over here!"

"Guess what? Jin-senpai's getting her cast off today!"


The four boys quickly grabbed a few more chairs to sit around the twin's table, Haruhi filling their tea cups before heading back to the kitchen. While it was great that Jin was getting her cast off, it also meant that Haruhi had double the amount of chores to do this morning, which meant waiting on all of the customers in the café. Even when Tamaki stepped into the kitchen to lend Misuzu-chi a helping hand, there was still a lot to do for one little waitress.

She was still running around when their morning delivery of fresh produce arrived.

"Good morning! Arai produce!"

"Ah, yes! Good morning! I'll be with you in a sec-"

She stopped, eyes going wide as the boy lifted his hat.

"Wait… Haruhi?"

"Hiroshi!" The brunette jogged over to him, "I can't believe it!"

The two smiled brightly at each other, totally missing the devastation going on behind them.

" HUH?! "