Chapter 3

Marie Logan raced through an obstacle course. From afar, Caitlin, Karen, and Harry monitored her vital signs. Megan also hung back, watching, biting down on her lip nervously.

"So far, Marie's doing remarkable," Caitlin said.

In the weeks following her transfusion, Marie Logan had been rather remarkable indeed. She moved not like a woman who had a near fatal stabbing, but someone who had a renewed purpose in life. Dressed in a pair of yoga pants that fit her nicely and a white tank which flattered her upper body, Marie moved through the Olympic level training course. She made good progress, better than over.

"Yes, she really is an inspiration," Megan said. "I thought the blood would have consequences…."

Caitlin gently placed a hand on Megan's shoulder.

"We did everything we could to ensure it would go without complications," Caitlin said.

"But, it still wouldn't hurt to run her through some tests," Karen said.

Harry said nothing, just observing Marie. Marie had been rather full of energy, in the nights following the transfusion. Something Harry learned rather quickly, as did Megan. Harry just smiled at the thought, watching Marie move over. She beat the time from the previous day, as she did the day before that.

Looks like whoever sent Marie's attacker after her would be disappointed she not only recovered, but was better than ever.

Still, there had been no news about who had stabbed Marie. The girl did not pop up on the radar. She might as well have been a ghost, a shadow, which made Harry wonder if there had been some kind of connection towards the League of Shadows. Of course, what was missing was the motive.

Or at least a connection to someone who had a motive to do Marie harm.

"So, how did I do?" Marie asked.

Karen smiled at the excited woman. "You beat your personal best."

To be honest, Marie could not help and glisten with excitement.

"Seriously?" Marie asked. "Wow."

Everyone laughed. One word, simply put really described everything she was feeling.

"So, how are you feeling?" Megan asked.

"I feel great, I feel really great," Marie said. "Thanks to you guys, I could have died. But I bounced back….this is really great. I have so much more energy than I used to."

"Yes, we noticed."

Marie flashed Harry a knowing smile which he returned. Given the number of women he had in his collective, Harry could keep up for them.

Marie had the same energy of her former television character, Megan, and the young Martian girl could not help and smile fondly. For a short time, Megan thought, perhaps feared, Marie could be in a serious amount of trouble. But, she bounced back and better than ever.

"Great," Harry said. "Still no sign of the attacker."

Marie put a hand on Harry's shoulder, smiling fondly at him.

"Hope you find her," Marie said. "Not because I want justice, but I saw the look in her eyes. She's in trouble. Why? Don't know? But, really hope you find her. Because, you can find the person who ordered the attack."

Harry got a sense Marie had her own theory of who ordered the attack. Queen Bee was Marie's thought. Harry did not have to be able to read minds to get that.

"But, after that, I'm still full of energy," Marie said. "Do you want to put me through the workout again, or maybe something else?"

Caitlin, Megan, Karen, and Harry all exchanged a knowing expression. They had their ideas.

After wrapping up with Starrwave, Harry joined Lena, and Samantha Arias followed in closery. Sam had brought over a clipboard with Lena to look over.

They had been working to complete a project which was almost finished before Lena had her accident. Sam did her part in hiding the project from Lex's notice and given Lena's sources, Lex did not have any idea about how far they were along on the project.

"Finally, the surgery will be ready to go," Sam said. "And Ms. Crock has volunteered to be the first."

"Paula will be happy about this one," Harry said.

Lena knew and smiled at it. She had heard of the woman's story, and Paula Crock deserved a second chance, to make something out of her life. Lena and Harry walked down the hallway, with Sam following close behind.

"I still think you would have a lot to offer this company," Lena said. "But, I won't pressure you. And Karen's staked her claim and fighting with her is not advisable. I would rather work with someone like her, than work against her. Because, she's a lot easier to have on your side."

Harry just smiled.

"I know," Harry said.

"So, how is Marie doing?" Lena asked.

"She's doing pretty well," Harry said. "There have been no adverse side effects from the blood transfusion."

The business minded part of Lena wondered just how useful Megan's blood would be, especially with its ability to shift to some of the rarer blood types. Could it have the ability to cure blood blood diseases which are incurable due to her Martian immunity? Something to consider, although Lena realized it might be more prudent to think about the long term effects of the blood transfusion.

It might be prudent to see how Marie reacted to the blood in the long term, weeks, even months or maybe a year or so from now.

"Good to hear," Lena said. "Oh, and Karen and I might be working together as well….."

Lena stopped to be handed the latest reports. She had been keeping a close eye on Queen Industries. There had been questions about Oliver, and why he was spending an extraordinary amount of money, draining assets which could be used for the company. And going on exotic trips to all parts of the world. The Board at Queen Industries had grown very concerned.

To an outsider, it looked like a flight of fancy from another playboy billionaire, who had decided to live through some near midlife crisis. But, Lena knew better. And she had been buying up a fair bit of stock as Oliver had been selling it off, to fund his search for his sister, as did Karen.

"So, how is she holding up?" Lena asked.

Harry noticed the report of the falling investor confidence in Queen Industries. None of them had any idea why Oliver sold off so much or why he invested so much money. To them, it seemed like he was making outlandish trips to random parts in the world.

"She's keeping a low profile for now," Harry said. "I visit her a couple of times a week. But, it's hard, coming to terms that everything you knew was a lie."

Lena nodded grimly. She could understand. Cadmus had far more operations than even Lena's sources could tell her. She did not know about the clone of Thea Queen. Or the Supergirl clone who had showed up on Thanksgiving. Lena wondered just how many other secrets Cadmus held.

And how many more was going to come back to haunt them.

The elevator opened up and Lois Lane and Claire Kent exited it.

"Ms. Luthor, we're here for the interview," Lois said.

The look on Claire's face indicated Lois insisted she came along. Relationship had been a bit frosty between Lena and Claire.

"Oh, Harry, if we're interrupting something, then perhaps we should come back at another time," Claire said.

"No, actually, I was on my way out," Harry said. "Talk to you later."

Harry left down the hallway, leaving Lois to steer Claire into a conference room, where they were going to be meeting with Lena. Harry stopped and came across Sam who had been waiting for him.

"Your personal assistant is waiting for you downstairs," Sam said. "She says it's urgent."

This caused Harry great pause and raised his eyebrow. He was not even aware of having a personal assistant. Brushing past Sam, Harry made his way to the parking garage, wondering what it was.

Seriously though, he did not have a personal assistant.

A curvy redhead woman with hair draped down one side of her face sat. She wore an all too tight black blouse with a couple of the buttons undone, a mini-skirt, and thigh high stockings, along with high heels. She crossed her legs, and leaned over, with an expression her pouty very plump lips curled into a smile.

"Hello, sir," she said. "My name is Giselle. And I'm going to be your new personal assistant. And I'm here to personally assist you with every need you have."

The woman's tongue dragged down her mouth. Gorgeous, almost to the point where it hurt. But, Harry was not about to be tripped up by something like that. He figured out something, the energy around her just kept pulsing. Harry recognized her a little bit.

"You're Ms. Gsptlsnz," Harry said. "You're the wife of that impotent little pest Mister Mxyzptlk."

Giselle just giggled at the description of her woefully inadequate husband. Despite having fifth-dimensional powers, he did not have the tools to get it done.

"What are you doing here?"

"I told you," Giselle said. "I'm here to personally assist your needs. How about I give you an oral presentation to demonstrate all of my skills?"

Giselle's fingers traced lightly down Harry's chest and moved to swirl around his abs. An impressive heat spilled over his body. Giselle puckered her lips and smiled while leaning a little bit closer towards him.

"I'm not bad, not really," Giselle said. "Just drawn that way."

Giselle undid his pants, only for an explosion to come outside. She paused and rebuckled Harry's pants.

"Well, keep this nice and safe for later."

She patted Harry's crotch with a smile on her face.

"This looks like a job for Superman."

Harry could hear the screams outside and he moved out. Running past the hallway, Harry was in his civilian clothes for one minute, and in his superhero uniform the next minute.

If that was the weirdest thing which happened to Harry today, today might be a quiet day.

Superman arrived, with Superwoman circling around from the other side. Lois had been left with Lena, safe and secure. Power Girl joined them seconds later and she winced.

"Oh boy," Power Girl murmured.

Several toy robots appeared on the ground. Soldiers in fact, and one of them made their way through a group of civilians and caused them scattering to their lives. Before the super powered trio could react, Supergirl swooped down from the sky and scooped up the civilians, lifting them high up above the ground.

"Alright people, just keep calm, the situation is under control!"

Harry listened for any explosive charges. He noticed the label on one of the soldiers. Copyright to Schott Toys. Because, of course a nutcase like the Toyman would put his name on evidence. He teamed up with Superwoman and dropped down onto one of the toy soldiers to shatter it into bits.

Supergirl got the people out of harm's way. One of the soldiers moved towards her and shot a laser beam from its eyes. Supergirl fired back with her own heat vision until she exploded the head of the army men.

A swoop of air knocked down, with Power Girl and Superman toppling the soldiers one by one with each other. More of them stamped towards the street.

Superwoman moved like a corkscrew and took two of the giant toy soldiers up in the air! She came back down and caused them to explode. Superman caused the debris to shrink into dust particles to not become a hazard to the people around them.

Supergirl had been flipped into the air by Superman and she flew through three of the toy soldiers and sliced them in half completely. She came back down, to cheers from the adoring fans.

"Nice one!"

Superman flipped down onto the ground and slammed hard into the back of the soldier, crumbling it into dust particles. Harry and Kara met each other's eyes and grinned.

One of the soldiers charged Superwoman and scratched her across the cheek with the sharp end of his gun. Superwoman bled for a second, black particles of dust spilling out along with her blood. She moved in and took the soldier in half.


Supergirl, Superman, and Power Girl looked at her in concern. Superwoman wiped the trickle of blood from her cheek. For a second her eyes looked bloodshot and the normal.

"It's fine, just a scratch," Superwoman said. "There's a transmitter."

"Right," Power Girl said. "We can track it although I should really get you back to Starrwave, because if you got cut…."

"I'm fine," Superwoman persisted.

Oh, perhaps Claire thought she was fine, but Karen could not help and be worried. After catching Harry and Kara's eyes, they thought more of the same. But, they could deal with that later. Right now, they had to track down the mastermind.

Harry did safely take a part of the blade, just in case. Would not hurt to take a look at it. Karen caught Harry's eye and nodded approvingly before the super quartet tooko to the sky towards Toyman's lab.

Creepy, like a demented child's playroom. Or some kind of child predator, depending on what angle one wanted to look at the situation. With Toyman, he had a mind of a child, and had some very uncomfortable interactions with children. He should have been in Arkham for some of the things he did.

Superwoman, Supergirl, Superman, and Power Girl walked up behind the lab. Something unsettling could be heard. They came across the room, with several creepy looking toys which lined shelves for all of the world to see.

"They come from the island of unwanted toys, unwanted by good girls and boys," a detached and robotic voice sang. "Their sorrow runs too deep until they get you in your sleep."

A jack in the box which resembled Joker too much for anyone's liking popped out. Superwoman walked forward and saw Schott in the chair, facing away from them.

"Okay, Toyman, you have until the count of three, or you'll be sorry," Superwoman said.

"Rain, rain, go away, come again another day," Toyman said. "Little Johnny will make you pay."

Superwoman spun the chair around, only to see it be a wind up toy which resembled a giant bomb. Superman dove in quickly, putting a magical seal over the bomb, which blocked the radius. The explosion rattled his ribs and caused several minor burns to come over him. Things could have been a whole lot worse, all things considered.

Harry spent the next few seconds shaking before he calmed down.

"Harry!" Karen yelled.

"Fine, but he could have blown up half of the city," Harry said. "He's not here."

"We should really get you checked out," Claire said.

She brushed the dust off of Harry's face.

"Make sure everything works as it should."

Claire pressed her body up against Harry, which had been surprising. A light finger traced down Harry's body and ended up just inches away from his crotch. She leaned in and lightly planted a kiss on Harry's forehead, then on his cheek, and then on the side of his neck.


"Just making sure Mommy gives you all of the attention you should have," Claire said. "No wonder you like Lena more. She's always been a bit friendly."

Claire had been inches away from slipping a hand down Harry's pants right then and there.

"Mom!" Harry yelled. "You're…."

He wanted this, but at the same time, Claire was acting so out of character and so brazen, that it was concerning.

"Oh, Harry!" Claire cooed, not able to keep her voice from being anything other than seductive. "Sorry, I was just worried you threw yourself on the bomb."

Something pounded in her head. Something inside of Claire told her to go and fuck Harry. Rip his pants off and ride him right here, in front of Kara and Karen. Hell, fuck them as well, fuck them hard. Make them kneel before her and eat Harry's gift from her pussy, oh that was so hot, Claire almost started touching herself.

"I need to go," Claire murmured, the more sensible part of herself hitting her.

She hit the skies, leaving the trio in her dust. They had no idea what to make of this.

"I'll tail her," Kara said. "Don't worry about Toyman, study that blade which Claire was cut with.."

Normally, Kara would be all for Claire adopting a looser and less uptight personality. But this, this just seemed so very off, in ways which Kara could not figure out.

Something was mentally wrong with her.

The piece of the blade Karen found had been taken back to Starrwave. She analyzed it, with a fine tooth comb. Harry stood beside her, in touch with Kara.

"She's with Lois right now," Kara said. "I gave Lois the heads up, but told her to just keep an extra set of eyes. Not do anything or tell her anything at least not yet."

"Right, stand by," Harry said.

"It's just as I thought it would be."

Karen finished her study of the mysterious black rock. She took a moment to compose a few notes and recalculate something. However, there was no mistaking what it was.

"It's a crudely made form of Kryptonite," Karen said. "As in, it was not created naturally, being a piece of Krypton's radioactive core, but rather, it had been synthetically created."

Harry had a feeling there might be a little bit more. Karen was right there with the bad news.

"It has properties of Black Kryptonite."

"Which can cause a person to develop an alternate personality," Harry said. "And eventually split them off into two copes that look identical, are completely different."

"Precisely," Karen said. "I'm working on a counteragent. It's going to take a little bit of time, and I'm going to need you and Kara to give me a hand."

Harry did not even need to be asked. He also thought there was more than one piece of puzzle missing. Oh, Toyman, Toyman was brilliant in some ways, but he was no chemist. Something was missing and Harry would figure out what it was.

When Kara gave Lois the heads up something was up with Claire, she had no idea. Claire Kent, straight laced girl scout, had been drinking at the bar for the better part of the last hour. Lois knew for a fact no alcohol on Earth could get Claire honestly drunk, not even the specially made Star Labs brand which could give a speedster a buzz. But, still, seeing Claire drinking like a fish was surreal.

To the point where Lois wondered if she had been trapped in one of the Mad Hatter's acid trip worlds, and just had not figured it out yet.

Claire walked up, like she had been downing nothing other than water for the past half hour and moved to the slot machine.

"I'm feeling a bit lucky tonight," Claire said.

"Those machines are rigged as fuck, Smallville," Lois said.

Claire broke out into a grin and scanned the machine with her X-Ray vision.

"No, you just know how to apply the pressure and how," Claire said. "Gambling isn't luck, it's a science. Jor-El taught me a lot, even though I didn't appreciate how it could be used at the time."

Claire pulled the lever and it hit the jackpot. All of the money in the machine poured out on the floor, to the shock and awe of everyone involved. Claire scooped up the money and smiled.

"Drinks on me!" Claire yelled "I can afford it, with my winnings."

Lois gave Claire one of those looks. The security guard disappeared into the back room, having given them the evil eye.

"So, how about it?" Claire asked. "One more time."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Smallville," Lois said.

She never thought it would be her talking straight laced Claire Kent off of the edge of doing something completely reckless. It had been Bizarro Day indeed and Lois braced herself.

"Come on, I'm all in," Claire said. "It belongs to Morgan Edge. Asshole deserves to get a few zeroes knocked off his bank account. We know how he's a dirty, scummy bastard. If he says anything, I'll just smack him around. He can't stop me."

"Claire, seriously, we need to go," Lois said. "You're not acting…."

Claire grabbed Lois closer towards her. Lois had been surprised how forceful Claire was with her grip. She acted more like Harry, which had caught Lois completely off guard.

In normal circumstances, this act of force would turn Lois on. However, for the first time in a very long time, Lois Lane was extremely terrified.

"Remember, the safeword is Argo."

Claire stepped back and collapsed on the ground. She screamed and had been going into a seizure.

From the outside, Kara swooped in. Everyone had been taken aback by Supergirl's sudden arrival.

"Alright, clear out right now!" Supergirl snapped.

No one wanted to argue with the ill-tempered girl with the heat vision. Kara and Lois sat down next to Claire, only something happened. Kara grabbed Lois and pulled her away as Claire's body started to vibrate.

A very different person, a very different Superwoman, rose from Claire's body. She dressed in a black choker, a barely there black top with a red "S" plastered on it, thigh highs, and a skirt which classified then a belt.

"Free from her," Superwoman said. "Pathetic little girl scout held me back with all of her morals and her sensibilities...but now….I can have some fun."

Superwoman blasted high into the air. Claire woke up on the ground, dazed, and confused.

"Oh, what happened?" Claire moaned.

"Black Kryptonite happened," Kara told her cousin.

Claire groaned at this. She just found her head throbbing like an oil drum, repeatedly beating on and on through this entire time she tried to focus. She had no powers, so she felt the full brunt of all of the alcohol. What did not help Claire's desire to barf all over the bar, was the fact her super powered evil side was out there.

When Superwoman left, she left with Claire's tolerance to alcohol. But, left her with the alcohol in her system and Claire felt every single drink.

"Come up, Smallville, easy does it," Lois said.

"It's not ready is it?" Kara asked.

"No, it will be even trickier now that she's split in two," Karen said.

Kara had been afraid of that one. Life never had been easy, had it? Especially now with a super powered woman with no inhibitions out there. And one who intended to take advantage of years with of regression.