Chapter 133

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When Grud finally woke up, he found himself resting on Mita's lap pillow and suckling from one of her teats. 

"Good Afternoon Dear, glad to see you are awake" Mita said as she stroked his hair. 

Grud tried to get up, but Mita gently pushed him back down on her lap to rest and forced her other teat in his mouth. 

Grud did not resist and kept feeding from Mita. After a while, Grud released Mita's teat and asked, "What time is it?"

"It is late afternoon. When we woke up, we took turns nursing you and cleaned up our new sister-wives, they are resting beside us." Mita replied. 

Grud looked to the side, away from Mita's massive jugs that rested on his face and blocked his vision and saw the naked and cumflated forms of his new harem members sleeping and cuddling each other.

Mita turned his head back into her breast and put her teat back into his mouth, "Drink all my milk now, then we will go and get some solid food for you. I have already notified Nita over our bond that you are awake." she said as she ran her fingers through his hair.

Grud released her nipple to give it a kiss and said, "Love you." before sucking again.

"Love you too." Mita replied with a chuckle.


Besides the times that Grud and his wives checked in on their family, duties, and businesses, Grud and his harem were busy putting their bed through its paces. By the second day, they had to change out some of the many mattresses that made up the gigantic bed, due to Grud fucking in a few selected spots, tearing the fabric and knocking the stuffing out of the bed, and by the end of the week-long fuck marathon, more than three-quarters of the mattresses had to be replaced.

As for Grud, his reckless need to sexually push his body beyond its limits over the week actually bore fruit. After the first night of exhausting himself, he tried to do better the next day, but this time with a lot more food and drink prepared to keep his strength up, that is when he discovered that his reproductive system had a point of exhaustion, despite how much he replenish his body, his balls refused to produce any more semen until after he was rested.

The discovery of his physical limit did not sit well with Grud, in all his years of having sex, he had never been brought to the point of shooting clear liquid as he did now, it was always the case that if he tried, there was always some in the tank after a short break. And for Grud to see his own poor performance (by his own warped standards), that could just not stand.

So Grud came up with a plan, it was a simple plan, but it was a plan nonetheless. What he thought was to be just a relaxing week of debauchery with his wives, he now planned to turn into a week of sex endurance training. Grud's logic of things was that if food plus exercise equals strength and endurance, why could the same not apply to his sexual stamina to train his balls to produce more semen at faster rates?

At this stage of medical knowledge where most shamans still believe that infected wounds were the results of bad spirits plaguing the wound, nobody could tell Grud he was wrong, especially when he saw improvements in his performance as the mutating agent in his body took the large amounts of biomatter he was consuming, and used it mutated his dick and balls to adapt to the new and constant stress they were constantly being put under.

The first one to notice the change in his genitals was obviously Nita. On the second last day before their sex marathon was over, Grud came back from his office after half a day of settling disputes, only to find his wives sitting on the bed, and Nita with a plank of wood with a few scratched in markings and measuring scales.

"Nita… what are those for?" Grud asked, thinking his wives somehow thought of including a plank and measuring scales in their lovemaking.

"This, dear husband, is what we use to measure your penis and balls, we suspect that they have grown again." Nita answered.

"You have been measuring me? When?" Grud asked in surprise.

"Sometime after you and I got married, I noticed you got bigger when compared to our first time. But the plank is only your penis, for your balls, we had no way to measure it until shortly after people from the Newlands started migrating here, that where I got this scale to weigh your balls." Said Nita, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Grud wanted to argue that this behavior was kind of weird, but seeing the curious look in the eyes of the rest of his harem, Grud relented and allowed them to do what they wanted.

When the measurements were done, Nita scratched a marking on the plank that noted he was an inch longer than the last measurement, slightly more girth, more viney, and that his balls were slightly bigger and heavier than before, which made sense because after days of "training", he could now give all his women the full service.

This defeated the purpose of bringing in more women to lighten the pressure of Grud's sexual appetite, but after the whole week of getting their pipes cleaned and pumped, none of his women were complaining.


Eventually, the holiday ended and Grud and his household got back to their duties. Grud's new wives were quickly picking up on their Mainland language and were introduced to the rest of the tribe the moment their bodies absorbed the massive amount of cum Grud pumped into them.

As time passed, the new wives found what they wanted to do with their new lives. Most of them joined their sister-wives in their different businesses or even started their own, while the rest of them decided to concentrate on being homemakers, after all, with the amount of children Grud had, there was no shortage of work to be done at home.


Half a year after Grud got back to his tribe, news of the fall of the last three big villages reached Mainland shores, and naturally, since Grud's tribe was the only way to get to the Newlands, he was the first on the Mainland to get the news.

When Grud told the news to his wives, Ida was the first to act and suggested that now that the war was truly over, traders from both continents would be seeking opportunities in new lands. To take advantage of this, they needed to expand the Barterer Market district and build temporary housing to accommodate traveling traders.

Grud agreed and authorized her to do as she saw fit.

Within the month, as news of the war ending spread, Ida's prediction came to pass as traders on horse-drawn carts were the first to arrive. And to the traders' surprise, unlike all the tribes they passed on their way to the Newlands, the Rock Claw tribe was the most trader friendly tribe they had ever seen. There was a lot of space to set up shop for last-minute trading, dedicated accommodations for them, and even a stable to house and care for their horses for the duration of their stay, for a small price of course.

A month later, Newland traders started showing up on Grud's shores to set up shop and get accustomed to the local culture. When the Newland traders discovered that more than half of the local chieftain's wives were Newlanders and were not being used as slaves, but well-respected wives, this further improved the reputation of Grud's tribe.


As trade became more prolific between the two continents, problems started making themselves obvious, the main problem being the worth of goods. Within their own continents and cultures, the worth of services and materials was inconsistent at the best of times, but when a whole different culture with its own sense of worth is added into the mix, it exacerbates the whole situation to the point of giving every Village Chief and Tribe Chieftain a headache with the number of trade disputes they had to now handle on a daily basis.

Almost every day, Grud would get reports from his paroling men that they had to break up a fight between traders and their followers, Grud even had to resort to building small jails to let the traders cool off.

The worst part was that Grud soon learned that his tribe was the main hotspot for this problem, at least for the Mainland continent. Grud sent a messenger to ask if his counterpart at the entrance to the Newland, Chieftain Bodak, of the Sea Coast Tribe, was having the same issues, the reply came back with a yes, and suggested meeting to see if they could find a solution to this problem.

They arranged to meet at one of the bigger islands between them and made arrangements with the inhabitants for it.

During the meeting, the two chieftains shared their grievances and started thinking of solutions to their problem, and the only solution they could come up with was that they needed some form of standardized medium of exchange, in other words, money.

As they discussed this new concept, they knew that it was bigger than either of them could handle. They needed to bring others on board with this, otherwise, this idea would fail.

So they set a date that they would meet in half a year, while they gathered as many tribe and village leaders to come and discuss what would be the future of currency.

When Grud got back to his tribe, he sent some horses to Bodak so he could spread the word faster, and he also sent out riders to spread the word on his side. He did not like that it would take half a year to organize just one meeting, but the word could currently only travel as fast as man's feet ran, or in his case, as fast as a horse's hooves galloped.


On the day of the meeting, the island hosted close to two thousand people, but only a small fraction of them were leaders of tribes or villagers, the rest were bodyguards and the leaders' families who they brought to mingle and make connections with others.

Grud predicted this would happen and partnered up with the Sea Coast Tribe to build up the island to accommodate the meeting.

While all the followers were mingling outside, Grud and Bodak were standing before rows of tables that had close to three hundred tribe and village leaders.

When the meeting started, Grud laid out the problem and possible solution to the gathered leaders.

When Grud was finished, he expected some of the leaders to be rowdy and create a scene for political clout, but instead, he got measured responses and actually good suggestions for the issue, this greatly improved Grud's mood. Little did Grud know that if he were not the one heading the meeting, what he thought would happen, would have really happened. 

The only reason it did not happen was that all the tribe chieftains had great respect for Grud as an excellent chieftain, a great hunter, and a powerful war leader. As for the Newlander village chiefs, Grud's somewhat exaggerated legend of being "The Monster" that singlehandedly destroyed a hundred small villages and butchering half of the Blazebringer's warriors and all their leaders, was fresh in their minds, and after most of them saw Grud's size and rippling muscles, there was little doubt in their minds that such a man was capable of such legendary feats, so they decided to err on the side of caution and keep their speech polite and constructive, who knows, they may get something out of this meeting.

After much debate, they decided to use copper of a certain weight, pressed into coins. When everyone was on board with the general idea, things like the design and exact weight of each copper soon followed.

After two weeks and many prototypes from the local blacksmith, they came to a final decision, got the blacksmith to create samples for everyone to take home to replicate, and called an end to the meeting.