Chapter 135

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Ayla's marriage was not the only happy union that took place, not exactly. Grud's firstborn from his other wives who were going to come of age next year, found their fiancés as well, but had to wait until next year to wed, no point waiting for another meet-up when there were so many choices here now.

By the end of the meetup, Reta's daughter, Elka, Oso's daughter, Ursa, and Uchi's son, Vorg, were engaged to people from outside the tribe, while Ida's son, Drum, Slime's son, Groth, and Sonu's daughter had engaged locally.

It was a happy day for Grud's house, not only had their family grown, but some of the families that were now engaged to his children ran businesses in their respective tribes, and Ida jumped at the chance to do business with the soon-to-be in-laws, making them more wealthy.


Another year passed and things were as eventful as ever, the tribe kept expanding, Ayla gave birth to a baby boy and the whole family celebrated a new generation being added to the family tree.

When spring came around, Grud's previously engaged children were married in a huge combined wedding.

But that was not the most important thing that happened, the most important thing that happened that year was a trader from the western frontier reaching Grud's chiefdom with a particular product that got Grud's wives extremely excited.

That product was tea leaves, but not just any tea leaves, from what the traders said, over the years their tribe discovered that besides being tasty, the tea brewed from these tea leaves worked as a contraceptive for women.

At the first mention of this, Grud's wives emptied the trader's stock of the tea leaves, promising that they would order another batch if it worked, and it was a most opportune time to test the product due to half of his wives having just given birth less than two weeks ago, and would most likely not ovulate for another week or two.

Three months later, the women who had recently given birth were still getting their period despite being creampied daily, confirming the effectiveness of the tea, and when the traders carrying the tea came again, they were once again cleared out of their stock, and along with that purchase, there was another offer.

Ida requested saplings of the plant from which the tea leaves came from. But not wanting to lose their monopoly on the tea leaves, they immediately refused to sell the source of their income, that was until Ida, who was more or less in charge of the family's finances, started offering to pay in gold coins.

This made the traders hesitate and excused themselves to have a furious discussion. After almost half an hour of whisper-shouting at each other, they came to an agreement and came back to Ida to hammer out a deal.

In the end, they agreed to one gold and twenty silvers for every healthy sapling they delivered and even got an upfront five gold bonus, apparently they had some bribing to do if they wanted to get access to the saplings without getting in trouble.

Four months later, the traders came back with another batch of tea and sixteen viable saplings that were immediately handed off to Reta and Oso to plant and nurse back to health from the long journey, and the traders left with more gold than they would have made trading for four years.


Years passed, and now Grud and his wives were in their forties, but thanks to the mutating agent in Grud's body making him biologically immortal (not that he knew it), he did not look a day over thirty. As for his wives, all of them aged very gracefully, not looking a day over thirty, due to all the mutating agent laced cum injected into them on a daily basis, but even with that, they aged nonetheless. 

The only exceptions to this were Nita and Mita who were unknowingly linked to Grud's life force, sharing his biological immortal, and did not look a day over twenty-five. 

In this time of peace and prosperity, Grud's had all but cemented his power in the south of the Mainland and some parts of the northern tip of the Newlands through trade and political marriage of his children to tribes and villages in both continents. Well, the political marriage side of things was more of a happy coincidence as the marrying couple was in love with each other… or more accurately, the marriage partner would be smitten with Grud's children and fall head over heels for them. 

It did help that all of Grud's children were drop-dead gorgeous. Even before his sons came of age, they would be borderline mobbed by young women, and his daughters had young men challenging each other and even Grud for their hand in marriage. Grud even had to kill some of them when they tried to kidnap his daughter, this caused a big headache because the idiot that carried out the kidnapping turned out to be the chieftain of another tribe.

This caused the chieftain of that tribe to declare a blood feud against Grud, but not wanting the situation to get further out of hand, Grud graciously offered compensation for the dead son. Unfortunately, the chieftain was blinded by grief and took a swing at Grud with a sword, needless to say, things did not end well for the chieftain, and the head of the second most powerful family in that tribe came to power that day.

By now, most things in Grud's life were delegated, all he did on a daily basis was check in on news brought in from traveling traders, settle major disputes if there were any, watch his children grow up, and blow massive loads into his wives throughout the day.

Over the years, his wives hired workers to take over their positions, leaving them to have a more managerial role. This meant that besides overseeing some projects and quality control, all his wives had a lot of time on their hands, which they used to be with their children, their friends, each other, and a lot of the time, with Grud.

All of Grud's wives knew of Grud's schedule, which they got from his assistant, Zuka, who married one of Grud's daughters, and the wives got the schedule that their daughter squeezed out of Zuka thru his dick.

With the schedule in hand, his wives would take turns coming into his office between meetings to 'surprise' Grud with quickies throughout the day. Eventually, Grud caught wind of what was going on and told Zuka to just let his wives know his schedule if they asked.

This course of action turned out to greatly help Grud's and his wives' sleep schedule because, by the end of the day, after having the cum milked out of him throughout the day, it did not take as many rounds of hard fucking to empty Grud's balls at night, letting all of them sleep earlier.

But despite the increased amount of sex throughout the day, the number of children born from Grud's house was nowhere as high as it was in previous years, all thanks to the contraceptive tea, of which they now had a small plantation of, but that did not mean there were no pregnancies, every now and then one of Grud's wives would get pregnant despite drinking the tea, or one of his wives wanted a child and stopped drinking the tea.

Either way, Grud was happy with the arrangement, he had sown his seed and much fruit had been born from it, in Grud's opinion, the best part of his wives not being constantly pregnant was that he had more opportunity to have womb-invading sex with his women, the feeling of pushing through their cervix into that special room and having his gland caught on the cervix ring when pulling out, there was no better feeling than knowing he was in the deepest and most intimate part of his women and pumping it full of his love.


One afternoon, just as Mita was walking home from Grud's office with a womb full of cum and a wooden dildo plugging the cum leaking from her pussy, a passing wisp that she recognized to be far older than she was, floated into the tribe.

As it was only polite to greet such an ancient wisp, Mita emanated her mana to it in greeting, this caught the attention of the ancient wisp and it floated over to her, and as wisps do, they exchanged stories of what they have seen and experienced.

The ancient wisp saw that Mita, a being like itself, yet was of the flesh and had offspring. The wisp was old and experienced enough to know how much the fleshy beings cared for their offspring. So it dredged up and shared a particularly old memory that it had, it was a memory of an endless blanket of ice that had claimed the land, making every creature, weak and strong, perish in winter's frozen grasp, the memory shifted focus to a group of humans, huddling in a cave nursing a fire, barely keeping it alive, when Mita looked around in the memory, she saw that the entrance to the cave that was tall enough for a man to walk through upright was walled off with snow.

As she looked back at the humans, they were all ragged and malnourished, their old and weak were dead and frozen in a corner of the cave and the children were lying in their mother's arms, they were so malnourished that all of their bones were showing through their skin, and their mothers were in no better state and could do nothing for their children.

Eventually, one of the men, with a steeled look on his face, walked over to the dead with a stone knife and began cutting into the dead's flesh. Mita knew what they were about to do in a bid to survive, but her time living as a person in society imbued her with distaste for the concept of cannibalism, even though she had witnessed many creatures do the same thing in the centuries of being a wisp, she could not bear to watch and turned away.

The memory zoomed out to show the frozen landscape and the night sky, from the rapid shifting of the stars, she knew that the ancient wisp was showing her the passage of time, which she counted no less than ten years of the seasons passing, but the landscape still remained covered in snow before the snow started to melt.

The ancient wisp then showed Mita the signs of the change in the weather prior to the long winter millennia ago, and then shared with her the memories it had recently gotten from other younger wisps that did not think much of the changes.

This was a warning to Mita who it saw as kin, to help preserve her children, for that was the least it could do for its kin who were afflicted by being bound to flesh.

Winter and darkness was coming, and many would die in its wake.

The moment Mita disconnected from the ancient wisp, she ran as fast as she could to Grud's office and shouted a bickering pair of traders out of his office. She had to warn her husband, they had to prepare, there was much to do and not enough time to do it in.