Chapter 4 - Losing Control

***** A/N - Last one for the day guys. Was gonna save this for after the vote, but didn't want to leave you all on such a bad cliff LOL. Anyways Enjoy!******

"UUUUHHHHHH" Khan gasps deeply, in what feels like his first breath in over 100 years.

Squinting open his eyes, he views the familiar medical wing.

'Hopefully I'm still in time for my O.W.Ls' Khan mused to himself, still trying to get his bearings. 'How long was I out for? Hopefully Matron Blainey hasn't had too hard a time.'

Coming out of a 100-year coma, Khan was still sorting out all his memories, when suddenly he was interrupted of his thoughts by an unfamiliar voice.

"Are you alright child?"

Khan was taken aback. Who the bloody hell was this lady? Where was Matron Blainey?!?

Grabbing a Wiggenweld potion out of his robes, he quickly drained it, activating his ancient magic to increase its potency, like he had done so many times in the past.

Feeling his head finally starting to clear, his most recent memories assaulted him all at once.

Tears began to form in his eyes, as he remember his final moments, and ultimately, his former hypothesis.

Turning towards the unfamiliar lady, he asked politely. "Excuse me madam. Could you please tell me the date today?"

"July 28th" Responded the unfamiliar lady.

"Could I also bother you for the year?" Asked Khan fearfully, bracing himself for the truth. Deep down, he hoped his hypothesis was wrong.



Thunder and lighting crackled directly outside the Medical Wing Tower.

Losing control of his emotions, Khan quickly left towards the Room of Requirements in a flash, intending to check on his vivariums and Deek.

"Did that boy just apparate within the Hogwarts wards?!?" McGonagall asked in shock.

Thinking about it for a minute before shaking her head, Pomfrey answered. "I doubt it. There was no tell-tale 'crack' that accompanies typically apparition. It appeared more like a flame flash, similar to a phoenix or floo-flames."

"He seemed in a panic." McGonagall commented worriedly. "I wonder where he went? He's surely quite shocked to be waking up over 100 years later."

"We must locate him!" Pomfrey exclaimed in a panic. "He's just waking up from a magically induced coma! His magic could be unstable and cause damage to the surround areas! Especially in his increased emotional state!"

McGonagall quickly went into Deputy-Headmistress mode. "Dobby!" she loudly called out.

Appearing with a loud *BANG*, Dobby appears bowing to the Professors.

"How can Dobby help you Professor Kitty?" Dobby asks McGonagall.

"Please gather the house-elves and search for a young man wearing a Blue and Yellow Battle cloak." She asks Dobby fondly.

"Right away Professor Kitty!" Dobby salutes before snapping and disappearing in a loud *BANG*.

"Hopefully they can find him quickly." McGonagall comments to herself. No matter unfamiliar the boy was to her, she still felt a motherly concern for the child. "Poppy, please inform me if the boy returns here. I shall go to find if he has any remaining family."

"Of course. Please take care. And take this Minerva." States Pomfrey handing over a bottle of Pepper-up Potion.

Taking the potion in gratitude, McGonagall heads back to the small floo-flame station by the medical wing. Grabbing another pinch of the powder, she throws it into the small flame before announcing loudly.

"Ministry of Magic!".