Chapter 60 - Preliminary Announcements

***** Regular Chapter ***** A/N: Planning out my storylines, and now that I have an overall outline for how I want this to go, my biggest issue is trying to name everything ahaha. *****

The next morning came quickly, with Khan and Flitwick working late into the night, settling any of the last minute logistics.

Khan who had awakened earlier once again, was currently in the Great Hall, sitting alongside Flitwick at the Teacher's table, eating breakfast distractedly, as both himself as well as Flitwick poured over numerous documents spread out in front of them.

They were going over the last minute logistics planned from last night, Khan's OCD-like tendencies kicking in, having him triple check all the details to ensure they did not forget about anything.

The Great Hall itself, was quite busy that morning as well. Many of the students were also in the great hall by that time in the morning, already eating breakfast and eagerly discussing Khan and his upcoming tournament.

Jordan was back!

Their Jr Professor, main Hogwarts Champion, and current triwizard tournament leader had finally returned after going missing for the past few days after the first task. They were all happy and eager to see their newest idol.

Not to mention, the first day of Khan's tournament had arrived!

As a result of Khan's announcement of his tournament and subsequent prizes, the popularity of his invented game was reaching new heights.

Many students were seen constantly playing and practicing numerous games of Summoner's Court in preparation for his upcoming tournament, with even the foreign students from Beauxbatons and Drumstruang being seen playing and enjoying a few games.

As a result of everything combined, Khan's popularity had reached a new all time high.

This was Khan's first real public appearance, with only a few students spotting him yesterday taking down his posters earlier on in the morning. And as such, many of the students were ecstatic that their newest idol had returned, the earlier to wake students, sending for their friends when they realized Khan was back.

As a result, even though it was the weekend, and there were no classes, many of the students were awake early, causing quite the commotion and ruckus in the Great Hall with their excitement.

Khan of course, took no notice of the noise, completely distracted and absorbed by the documents lying on the table in front of him.

'Will we have enough time to throw 256 matches tomorrow?' Khan asked himself, as he went over all the logistics once again. 'Maybe we should start a bit ear-'


Khans thoughts were interrupted from his review, by a distinctly female voice, cleaning her throat from in front of him.

Looking up, he recognized the girl immediately upon viewing her beautiful features.

It was Fleur, looking radiant as ever, smiling happily at Khan finally returning.

"Jordan, you have finally returned!" She greeted him with a warm smile on her face, her French accent missing, just as Hermione and Harry had told him a few nights ago. "Are you feeling better?"

"Fleur! Good morning!" Khan greeted his friend with a small smile on his face, reaching out and kissing her hand, their now traditional greeting. "I am feeling rather settled now that I have had a few days off, thank you for asking."

"That's wonderful!" Fleur smiled wholeheartedly at Khan's response, causing a few of the males watching her to stare at her in shock, as if her allure were affecting them. "I was rather upset with the last task mself, especially with the unnecessary damage to the dragon eggs."

"Ah yes...." Khan scratched his head sheepishly. "Although I don't regret it, I may have overdone it with the Dragon egg remains and slime at the end there."

"Oh not at all! In fact many of the students are very supportive of your actions, and are quite disgusted with the current Ministry." Fleur looked quite proud, as though Khan's actions and achievements were her own. "They have even started a petition to limit the usage of innocent/juvenile magical beasts in the next tasks."

"Wait... really?" Khan looked down at the rest of the students, sitting at the 4 long house tables, all of them watching his discussion with Fleur, staring back at him. "Wow.... I had no idea...."

"Not only that, but I have also contacted my 'Papa' to also raise the issue with him." Fleur continued, her french accent leaking out at the word 'papa', with her news for Khan seemingly making her happier. "You can rest assured that the French Ministry will also be raising that issue with the British Ministry."

"Did you just say the French Ministry?" Khan asked Fleur in slight shock. "Who is your father, and why would they do that on your behalf?"

"My 'Papa' is Louis Delacour, Head of French Auror Department, 'Bureau des Aurors'." Fleur responded proudly. "And You are completely in the right regarding the usage of innocent dragon eggs, not to mention, my 'Papa' dotes on me... of course he will urge the French Minister to raise an issue with the British Ministry in support for us."

Khan grew wide eyed at Fleurs bragging. Although he was aware that the Delacour family was equivalent to the Khan family in terms of noble prestige, he had no idea Fleur's father possessed such a highly respected position of authority in the French Ministry.

Not to mention, he was the head of the French Auror Department and apparently doted on this daughter of his.... Thinking back to his kiss with Fleur, and their budding relationship (mainly due to Fleurs forwardness), Jordan began to grow pale. Needless to say, Khan was more than a little intimidated by the man.

"Now... Do you mind if I join you?" Fleur interrupted Khans anxious thoughts about her doting and protective father, and had moved around the teacher's table to stand beside his chair, learning into Jordan's personal space.

"Not at all!" Khan responded, standing and conjuring a botanical themed chair, pulling it out in the process for Fleur to sit down. "Although I might not be good company at the moment."

He motioned to the numerous papers of logistics for his tournament, laid out on the table in front of both himself and Flitwick, who was seated on the other side of him.

"Thank you!" Fleur already used to Khan's gentlemanly manners and demeanor, nonetheless thanked Jordan, giving him a sultry smile and a heated stare. "And I don't mind.... I simply want to spend time with you."

"Suit yourself." Khan replied, his face a strange mixture of a smirk and wince, rather flattered and very embarrassed at her forwardness, especially with his mentor Flitwick sitting beside him, watching their interactions with a giant grin on his face.

Khan moved back to trying to review his logistic plans for his tournament. This however, was proving more difficult that just a few moments ago, with Fleur now sitting beside him, and Flitwick not making things any easier.

Things got especially worse for Khan, at least in terms of embarrassment, when Fleur decided to fill his plate with breakfast items, acting like a dutiful housewife, ensuring he ate more than a piece of toast with tea.

The grin on Flitwick's face got even wider, if that was possible, watching that.

And while he might not care about all the attention from all the other Hogwarts students, his mentor was a different story.

Similar to if his parents were to see him in that situation, Khan was only truly embarrassed when people he admired and looked up to, were to spot him.

He continued semi-reviewing his various papers, purposely avoiding looking at papers close to Flitwick's side of the table.

"Jordan.... I hate to break up this lovely meal you are having with your pleasant company, but students are starting to leave..." Flitwick called out.

Not making eye-contact with Flitwick, Khan didn't realize he was addressing him at first, and tuned in a bit late.

"Sorry sir.... I was distracted." Khan apologized. "Can you repeat that?"

"Yes, it appears you are quite 'distracted' with Ms. Delacour here..." Flitwick teased. "But perhaps, you ought to make an announcement regarding your Preliminary round for the tournament?"

Khan got embarrassed once again with his Mentor's teasing, before stopping to truly think about it for a moment. While He had asked Zeke to put up a giant sign in the Entrance Hall, describing the Preliminary details previously, perhaps Flitwick was right regarding also giving an announcement.

An announcement is always more preferable to listen to, rather than to simply read about it, after all.

Standing up, he cast a 'Sonorus!" pointing his wand at his throat, before he began to announce loudly.

"Can I have everyone's attention please? I have an announcement regarding the opening round of my new tournament, the Summoner's Cup."

Silence immediately descended upon the Hall, as many of the students were already paying attention to Khan sitting up at the Teacher's table previously.

All of them were eager to hear any details regarding this tournament Khan was throwing.

Who could resist a tournament with a grand prize of 500 Galleons, where anyone of any age can join?

"Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has signed up to participate. Truly, it was a lot more than I originally expected, and from the bottom of my heart, I truly appreciate your interest and support in my new game and tournament. Thank you." Khan bowed to them, thanking them wholeheartedly.

The crowd erupted with cheers and applause at Khan's respectful display.

Khan waited for the cheering to die down before he continued.

"Secondly, due to the fact that the Summoning Spell is a 4th year Charms spell as well as the sheer number of overall participants in this tournament, we will be throwing a Preliminary round for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. This will serve as a way for us to not only ensure that they adequately know the spell well enough to participate in the main tournament, but also give our younger students adequate tournament experience."

The crowd erupted with cheers and applause once again, at Khan's thoughtfulness, the Younger students creating quite the ruckus with their cheering in particular.

The younger students especially looked up to Khan, as a powerful student teacher. Similar to many of the older children looking up to Dumbledore as a powerful wizard, many of the younger students looked up to Khan in the same way.

Not to mention, a lot of them were not too proficient with the summoning spell, having not learned it in school yet, and had simply signed up to support their idol. As a result, they were fully expecting to lose right away to an older student in the first few rounds.

To hear that Jordan Khan was thinking of them, and ensuring they would have adequate tournament experience was truly touching indeed.

Khan once again waited for the cheers and applause to die down, before continuing.

"Thirdly, as a result of the current logistics surrounding the tournament, the Preliminary Round will have a double bracket elimination set up. This essentially means that everyone will have 2 chances to earn a spot in the tournament, with everyone who loses, entering another 2nd backet for a chance to earn the final few spots!"

"Fourthly, to those not participating in the preliminaries, I hope to see you all there to support your younger housemates!

"And Finally, To our younger students participating today, I wish you good luck."

"This Preliminary Round will begin for all 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd year students, at noon today, outside by the summoner's courts located close to the Flying Lawn. Thank you!"

And with that statement, he finished his announcements, to resounding applause, Fleur and Flitwick watching Proudly by his side.