For a moment there were shouts of alarm, screams and almost at the same time all the people who had been flying fell inexplicably out of the air.
"Miss Great, are you all right? Yenny pulled out the Yiner Coler, who had fallen near her and was half buried in the sand.
"I'm fine." Yiner Coler was pulled to her feet by Yenny, patting the sand off her body and looking around warily, ready for an emergency.
Not only the six of them, but also the great rush of other disciples that followed them, all of a sudden fell through the air.
"More, I don't seem to have any mana left in me, and I can no longer attract or use the reiki of the outside world."
Tenny quickly realized the problem and asked More Elrent in disbelief, "What about you, More?"
"Me too!" More Elrent tried again, his face grimaced. "It's supposed to be temporary. This place has some kind of natural prohibition for mana."
"What then, shall we back out of here and go in another direction?" Others saw the problem too, one of them asked.
"Which way? Didn't that group of people behind us fall so far away at the same time as us? Once the ban is on, it is not up to us to lift it." More Elrent analysed, after all,he was well-informed.
Fortunately, it was only unable to use mana, and it did not seem to have any other bad effects on the body for the time being.
But in the desert, where they couldn't use mana, they couldn't fly, and their cultivation rank was all becoming a show.
"But if we can't use mana, we then can't use crafts. Are we going to walk out of this desert on two legs?" Seven from Lemoutain school complained to Yiner Coler, "How long will we have to walk? If we are still wandering in the desert when the deadline is up, how will we find the god artifact?"
"Without mana, isn't safety the most important thing to worry about? Yenny suddenly said, "We're like Muggles now. We even can't protect ourselves from a little danger."
"Yenny's right. Watch out, y 'all!" Yiner Coler's expression changed abruptly, and now she solemnly reminded her companions to focus and not put the cart before the horse.
All day long they had not encountered any danger along the road, which was not normal in the treacherous terrain of the Fallen River.
"Damn it, what's that?" Seven's face suddenly turned white and pointed to the distance and muttered.
They looked in the direction of his finger and saw a storm of mutant gerbils, larger than cats, rushing toward them.
The screams were soon repeated, and the two nearest disciples were the first to be attacked by the mutated gerbils in a horrific attack.
The cultivatos, who had always had a high opinion of themselves, had barely had time to adjust to being Muggles again when they were attacked by mutated gerbils, causing serious casualties in a flurry of panic.
"Which way? Can you outrun them? If you don't want to die, come with me. It's only a monster of the first order!"
Someone suddenly let out a loud snort, picked up his weapon, and slashed straight at a mutant gerbil that lunged at him.
Before the mutant gerbil could avoid it, a gash opened up on its body, bleeding and squeaking with pain.
At that moment, the panicked crowd came back to their wits and, without thinking much about life and death, quickly picked up their weapons and followed to hit one mutant gerbil after another pounced on them.
Although they were not able to use mana at the moment, they were almost like Muggles, but after all, they were not real Muggles. They were much stronger in body and skill than Muggles, and they also had the strength to fight against mutant gerbils after adjusting their mind.
Yenny and his friends were soon surrounded by mutated gerbils, which were nimble, fast, and have teeth and claws so sharp that they could tear chunks of flesh off you without being careful.
And most importantly, there weren't just dozens of them, but hundreds of them. It felt like there was no end to kill. Yenny looked with goose bumps.
"Yenny, come closer to me and be careful!" Yiner Coler slayed a mutant gerbil that was about to bite Yenny, leaving the only unarmed girl behind.
"Sister, don't be distracted by me. I can take care of myself." Yenny said, punching a mutant gerbil to the ground as it tried to sneak up on Yiner Coler from behind.
The gerbil grazed the neck of Yiner Coler and flew through the air, falling the sand and unable to move or breathe.
"Then look out for yourself." "Yiner Coler said, stunned.
As the number of mutant gerbils increased, Yenny and the others went crazy, killing the mutant gerbils in such a way that they didn't have enough energy to care about anyone else other than fighting for their lives.
The last of the mutant gerbils fell dead when they were almost exhausted, turning the desert almost to blood.
Nearly 500 mutated gerbils were dead, the smell of blood was sickening, and mangled corpses lay strewn about in a scene of carnage.