Am I that scary to look at?

"YOUUUU... WHO ARE YOUU? Don't try to play any tricks, or else we will kill this guy," threatened the Raven Gang men.

"Ya, go ahead."


"You have been saying that for so long, so go ahead and do it quickly," Xander heard Lord Fate state calmly.

[My grace! What are you talking about? Aren't you scared if he will really do it? I thought you are a person who stands by the innocent. How can you let an innocent person die?] Or that is what Xander wanted to ask Lord Fate aloud, but he swallowed those words before they could spill out of his mouth. He doesn't have a death wish.

"YOUU, I will really do it. Don't think I am… aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" Before that guy could finish his sentence, he shouted out a sudden cry in his high-pitched voice. Only then did we notice Lord Fate standing calmly by his side. His hands were busy wiping the blood off something like a crude knife made of bones.

"What just happened???????"